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~[Section I : General things.]~(red,red,red)

~[Ingame name :]~(red,red,red) SpeeD

~[Account name :]~(red,red)mahdimokni123456

~[Nationality :]~(red,red)Tunisia

Spoken Languages : Arabic, English and French a bit

How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? :2 Years

How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? :1 Year

Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) : No

Previous organisations ( G/S ) : N/A

Current groups : CLUCKIN' BELL

Section II : Specific things.

Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ) :
at the Morning i was sleeping but i get up and i thought to make a tripe around SA with my BMX and i thought too to call my friend to make it with me and i called him in phone and he was happy for it and we started to make it , after we finshed the tripe we was very tired and we was very hungry so we went to Shop to eat some things. and we started to give our order to the worker and we started to eat after that i talked to my friend and we said it was very nice tripe and We decided to make this tripe again in anthore day and i went to my home again.

Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) :** Because i want to help them and I want new friends new experiance with new people

Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) : Because i am active player and i can help the members and I'm really experienced player and I know how to roleplay very good

Describe The Pirus in your own words :

The pirus she is good gang and active gang and is the best gang at server



~[Section I : General things.]~(red)

Ingame name : 910|Timmy

Account name :dagaga

Nationality :Algeria

Spoken Languages :Arabic,English

How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? :4-5 Years

How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? :2 years

Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) :N/A

Previous organisations ( G/S ) :
Current groups :N/A

~[Section II : Specific things.]~(red)

Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ) :at the Morning i was sleeping but i get up and i thought to make a tripe around SA with my BMX and i thought too to call my friend to make it with me and i called him in phone and he was happy for it and we started to make it , after we finshed the tripe we was very tired and we was very hungry so we went to Shop to eat some things. and we started to give our order to the worker and we started to eat after that i talked to my friend and we said it was very nice tripe and We decided to make this tripe again in anthore day and i went to my home again.

Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) :**Bcz its a active gang and i like him so much so i desined to join to The_Pirus Gang

Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) :ou must guys give me the chance to be one of you cause i'll be polite and cool with members and it will be like family and i'll so my best to be The Pirus The Best in Saes in the future and trust me guys cause i will never give up for you ?

Describe The Pirus in your own words :
The_Pirus its a good and a nice gang on SAES:RPG and it have a nice membres and have a nice skills .


Ingame name : 910|Romiro
Account name :minou04
Nationality :Algeria
Spoken Languages :Arabic,English.french
How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? :3-4 Years
How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? :2 years
Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) :N/A
Previous organisations ( G/S ) :
The Pirus:Left
Current groups :N/A
Section II : Specific things.
Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ) In the morning I was asleep, I woke up and thought about taking a tour around SA with BMX and I also thought of contacting my companion to make it with me and I called him over the phone and he was so happy and we started to make it, after we finished the cushion, we were very tired and we were very hungry so we went to a shop to eat some things . We started to give our request to the worker, and then we ate food and then I talked to my friend and we said it was very nice, and we decided to make this pouch again one day later and went home again.
Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) :** Bcz its a active gang and i like him so much so i desined to join to The_Pirus Gang
Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) :ou must guys give me the chance to be one of you cause i'll be polite and cool with members and it will be like family and i'll so my best to be The Pirus The Best in Saes in the future and trust me guys cause i will never give up for you ?
Describe The Pirus in your own words :
The_Pirus its a good gang and on SAES:RPG and it have a nice membres and have a nice skills .


Section I : General things.
Ingame name : Ragnar
Account name : RagnarTN
Nationality : TUNISIA
Spoken Languages : English , Frensh , Arabic
How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? : i have 3 years but i lost my old Account
How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? :
Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) : 2 week
Previous organisations ( G/S ) : No One
Current groups : N/A
Section II : Specific things.
Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ) :at the Morning i was sleeping but i get up and i thought to make a tripe around SA with my BMX and i thought too to call my friend to make it with me and i called him in phone and he was happy for it and we started to make it , after we finshed the tripe we was very tired and we was very hungry so we went to Shop to eat some things. and we started to give our order to the worker and we started to eat after that i talked to my friend and we said it was very nice tripe and We decided to make this tripe again in anthore day and i went to my home again.
Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very im portant in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) :** i wanna join that gang because I See that the Pirus is the best gang and they are always united and never let a brothers die
Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) : i want from you to give a chance to be one of you and I will try to give more positive things to this gang
Describe The Pirus in your own words : The Pirus is a good gang on SAES and It is an honor for me to become one of you . Trust me


Section I : General things.

Ingame name : haassan

Account name : Hassan

Nationality : egyptian

Spoken Languages : english and arabic

How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? : 2 years

How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? : 2 years

Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) : no

Previous organisations ( G/S ) : Cipz,pirus,BBMC,

Current groups : Cluckin bell

Section II : Specific things.

Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) :** its a family gang and it have a nice and loyal members and they all are respected and i will give and show my loyal and i trusted them and they trusted me

Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) : i am good player and i had a good and specail skills and i know all rules server and loyal player and i liked members Pirus

Describe The Pirus in your own words : it mean Pirus Family not only any gang it mean if u want be a good crminal u must join Pirus and it mean best gang.


Section I : General things.

Ingame name :Vinicius

Account name : alptentee

Nationality :Turk

Spoken Languages :My main language is Turkish but I can speak English too.

How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? :3 or 4 years.

How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? :Recently started to play saes becauuse my friend @Roarke called me.

Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) : N-A

Previous organisations ( G/S ) :N-A

Current groups :n-a

Section II : Specific things.

Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ) :Vinicius has born in 1992 in Brasil- Rio De Janerio. Vinicius's dreams was about becoming a professional football player but he couldnt achivie it. He was living in a Rio ghetto with Luis Gustavo. They both wanted to be a football player but the ghetto didnt allow them to become a player. So they forced to sell drugs in Rio. They became a good drug dealer but they knew that cops were tailing them and wanted to arrest them. After some years Vinicius and Gustavo went to San Andreas, Los Santos city. They were chilling around the LS. Gustavo was chillin more actively in the city and he became a Pirus member. Gustavo kept selling drugs and he talked with Gustavo and he wanted to become another Pirus.

Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) : Well I'd like to join because Pirus members are very good players. If I join Pirus will be the first organisation that I join. I liked the role of the Pirus. Also my best friend @Roarke suggested me to join Pirus.

Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) : You should accept me because I am an active player.I can do what my higher ranked members say to me. My english skill isnt good enough but its enough to communicate and roleplay with people.So I'll be loyal to the gang that is the most important thing.

Describe The Pirus in your own words : Pirus owns the Los Santos streets with their criminal activities. They sell drugs,smuggling,kidnapping and more criminal activities like that.


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Dear applicant;
First of all, thank you for applying, and we hope that you are aware that you want to join a good family. Please join our discord server and tell us about yourself, your application request has been considered and voting started.



~[Section I :]~(red,red,red,red,red,red) General things.
Ingame name :910|Romiro
Account name : minou04
Nationality :Algerian
Spoken Languages :My main language is Arabic but I can speak English too.
How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? :2 or3 Years
How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? :Recently started to play saes becauuse my friend @Wisker called me.
Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) : N-A
Previous organisations ( G/S ) :N-A
Current groups :N/A
~[Section II]~(red,red,red,red,red,red,red) : Specific things.
Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ) :Romero was born in 1999 in Algeria. Dreams were about becoming a professional footballer but he couldn't. He lived in the ghetto in Rio with Luis Gustavo. Both wanted to be a football player, but the neighborhood to become players. So they had to sell drugs in Rio. They became a good drug dealer, but they knew the police were tailoring them and wanted to arrest them. A few years later he went to the city of Los Santos. They were chilling about LS. He was more active in the city and became a member of the virus. He continued selling drugs and talked to and wanted to become another virus.

~[> >]~(blue,magenta,magenta,magenta,magenta) Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) : Well I'd like to join because Pirus members are very good players. If I join Pirus will be the first organisation that I join. I liked the role of the Pirus. Also my best friend @Wisker suggested me to join Pirus.

Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) : You should accept me because I am an active player And Im Good player.I can do what my higher ranked members say to me. My english skill isnt good enough but its enough to communicate and roleplay with people.So I'll be loyal to the gang that is the most important thing.
Describe The Pirus in your own words : Pirus owns the Los Santos streets with their criminal activities. They sell drugs,smuggling,kidnapping and more criminal activities like that.


Ingame name : Homie

Account name : bgminecrafter

Nationality : Bulgarian

Spoken Languages : Bulgarian, English

How long have you been playing Multi Theft Auto ? : Overall, about six years.

How long have you been playing SAES RPG ? : About 2-3 years on/off.

Any bans before? ( if yes state the reason ) : No previous bans.

Previous organisations ( G/S ) : FoX, SAPA

Current groups : No current groups.

Section II : Specific things.

Describe your roleplay character history within 150 words ( less or more but we want to see 150 words ) :
Homie is a nickname given to Ivaylo - a Bulgarian male living in San Francisco. Homie was born in the late 01s in Bulgaria, which is where his parents were from. One day, he was moved to San Francisco, because of his dad's work. He didn't enjoy it at the beginning... still doesn't.
On a rainy day, Homie got a Uber to meet his girlfriend. Whilst driving, the Uber crashed into what looked like a "ghetto" car, which was full of gangsters. The Uber driver died during the crash, whilst Homie and the gangsters survived. Homie was then threatened by them, because he damaged a car, in which, there were kilograms of cocaine that splashed everywhere during the crash. Homie is now a criminal working as a transporter to pay his debt, even though he knows that once you get in that business, you cannot get out.

Why do you want to join us? ( Your words are very important in this question, we want to see your words specific. ) :
The main reason for my application is that I want to have a TEAM whilst playing in the server. Having a team is really important, since you can help and enjoy each other's company whilst doing whatever you want on the server. There is no fear when you are having fun.

Why should we accept you ? ( You words are very important in this question too, we want to see same as above. ) :
I believe that I should be accepted because I have the qualities needed to be in the gang. Examples of some qualities that come with me: loyalty, friendliness, respect and the rest you can find out ingame ;)
Describe The Pirus in your own words :
The Pirus ARE the lords of the criminal business - controlling everything on the streets, but most importantly, a big family of supposedly friendly criminals (quite unusual huh).


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Dear applicants;
@Vinicius We tried to give you a right but you are not an active person, please apply again after 1 week. ~[DENIED]~(red)

@Romiro02 It was clear that you were willing enough to return to Pirus. Welcome to again. ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime)

@homiexd You've received other offers and you're free to do what you want. ~[DENIED]~(red)


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We ended the war with VeC at the request of their leader Henry. Strange that they see this as a victory, because they withdrew from this war. Anyway, they could be making a pink show of love. They realize that we have achieved the dominance of Los Santos. They may have thrown a fart smell, long live happy victory.
''Live Free or Die Hard'' this is our philosophy.

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