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Everything posted by Cappo

  1. I've always wanted this to get added and I was planning to suggest it. So in the car, any of the passangers (including the driver himself) can set a waypoint in f11, the way point route could also be able to be seen from the minimap. I'm definitly supporting this!
  2. hbd n00b
  3. communism ftw
  4. @James said in Ability to get your skin back from a clothes shelf in jail: You all @Licano @Cappo @AntiRug @NubBob must be daydreaming for down voting. NOW @Skerdi @Jim where in the world, You have ever seen one prisoner to escape from jail and in side of the jail to have one dressing room for criminal to change clothes,when they decide to escape what kind fabric made from wool, cotton, or a similar fiber,you forgot to mention to have one cop inside the jail and bribe as well?? So your arguments is that this isn't realistic? Okay, let me start it off. "Where in the world" you have seen a cop spamming his nightstick on a criminal and by doing that, teleporting him in jail? "How in the world" you don't die from 1 CS or M4 shot in the head for example? "What in the world" is kill-arresting, I personally have never seen something like that in real life, hmmmm. Should I keep going to prove you that the game itself isn't realistic anyways? No? As it's been stated, as the criminal isn't in his cell anymore, he can freely get inside any room in the jail, which means that it's the cop side's fault for letting that criminal jail break happen.
  5. That seem to be completely useless
  6. @Tut-Greco said in Just wanted to say hi: @GirlyPrimis said in Just wanted to say hi: @xDarkMan Sending... Connetion interrupted Germany and Denmark are neighbour countries.... shouldn't interrupt for this one ;) tutti is on fire, hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  7. Great work!
  8. Lmfao, this is hilarious. First of all, saying that being a criminal is easy is just dumb. Once we get arrested, we gotta wait 7 minutes (as it's known, you just click one button when you're killed), you are tasing us with a taser that is not a heavy weapon (gonna slightly mention about the range of it, its disgusting), you also get automatically the nighstick out once you succesfully tase down someone, you run with your nighstick and if you have some boxsing skills on for example, you'd arrest the target in no time. "tactics", yeah, throwing a flash on us is a sick tactic, goddamn! Also the spray through the wall in the jail is also a tactic that requires some more profit for the cops, as it's really difficult to be done! (this is a joke, if you didn't take it). The kill-arrest is also disgusting, getting this new feature would make all that worst. "but the cooldown to change it would be 5 seconds", 5 seconds is nothing. Moreover, it's useless as hell, as every squad's second spawn as CS.
  9. Lmfao, I legit just mentioned that the group would be possibly made by me. I am not asking stuff, I am just stating down ideas, gonna repeat myself once again, to see as if it would be liked by the community, moreover, a SAES member suggested me to do that. Next time read every word and try your best assuming it. Thanks!
  10. Could you please read what I wrote, @Bangas . I never said that I expect to have a spawn or whatever. I just wanted to see how the community was going to react, I also contacted a SAES member to make sure that this thing could be scripted, I got a yes, I also got advised to do a suggestion in here so I can see your opinions. I suggest you to read carefully what its written, before trying your best to act big.
  11. "I'm not going to argue" > Points out some meaningless arguments. First of all, I'm not expecting anything, I'd just like to see if the community actually supports that. Second of all, how is it useless? Yeah, as you're going to say something like "yOu cAn alReAdY fIll rEfineries wItH thE pUbLic spAwN", well, the perfect example is the Fuel Trucker. There is a Fuel Trucker spawn, yet there's ALT. (nothing against you guys, just giving an example lul)
  12. @Crash I guess we can keep it public, that's really not the case.
  13. Well, as far as I know, none requested ALT or the Camioneros to be able to refill the rafineries, so I assume that's why it never happened. Furthermore, it wouldn't make sense allowing ALT, as they're filling stations and also having the ability to fix vehicle to fill the rafineries. As for the Camionero's spawn, I doubt that it's being used that much.
  14. Hi everyone! Lately, I was thinking of an idea that would definitly get some people interested and also excited, so here it is. As it's well known, after the Fuel Trucker showed up, the rafineries are getting empty a lot easier than before. So, my idea is to add a spawn (probably a group that will be made by me) that would fill the rafineries. The point of it would be to assist ALT and the Fuel Truckers. Now, let's get into the details. I suggest adding 2 more rafineries, in Whestone and also in Red County which will mean that there will be 3 rafineries in the whole map (BC, RC and Whestone). What's the point of those new rafineries? Well, as it's known, whenever you're filling your vehicle, it says that you're filling it with either diesel, gas or gasoline. So, adding those 3 fuels in the 3 different rafineries, from there. The new group's task will be to fill the BC rafinery with gasoline for example, RC's with gas and Whestone's with diesel. ALT and the Fuel Truckers can start transporting them, filling all of the stations with the 3 different fuels. Now, how would the new group extract the oil in order to deliver it to the rafineries? Well, the base of the group could be an island in the sea, so, there would be 3 different places in the base for the 3 different fuels. For example, the BC rafinery is empty, so gasoline is needed. The members of the new group will need to trigger a timer, so their transporting vehicles start getting filled with the needed fuel, the fuel will be getting extracted from the ground for example. How they would transport the needed fuel to the rafinery? Could be with boats, planes and with DFTs, also for smaller amount of fuel, could be done with the Picador. So, that's my idea, I feel like this is something fresh. Feel free to share your opinion and please, read the whole idea before voting.
  15. I fully agree with Rasta. Okay, lets consider that I'm getting chased. I get off my vehicle and manage to fight in 1v1. The cop rams me, thats okay, but the thing is that I don't have enough time to move. I mean, like, right after you get up (even before getting the chance to get up), he tases me down so I'm not even able to fight.
  16. gz to both of you!
  17. Nope, -1, that makes no sense. First of all, it makes no sense at all. Criminal, that has membership in an official gang to be part of SAPA or SAPD. Second of all, the criminals that are interested in experiencing the cop side can join SAI, moreover, currently, SAI is more oftenly used to roleplay than PC spawns. (even though SAI isn't that active). I mean, the PC spawn isn't used for roleplaying at all, spawns like the Police Dog (even though it got a nice buff) and the detective are not used. As Ardron said, the PC spawn is used only from the unofficial squads and also from the cops during a JB. So yeah, there's no roleplay at all, I also have a nice feeling that as if criminals are able to join it, we'd do the same exact thing to simply farm money, instead of roleplaying, as the roleplaying could be done as SAI anyways. If you're a criminal and you want to have some roleplaying fun as a cop, simply apply for SAI, joining PC wouldn't make any sense as in roleplays, both of the groups are familiar.
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. Welcome back!
  20. Honestly, even if I get paid, I won't do something that I don't want to do. If I'm in a mood to do some SRs for example, I'd prefer doing that instead of RPing for money. I won't even discuss that I can spam /me and /do and abuse the hell out of the idea
  21. i'd help you out just to dm huehue whenever i see dm, i'm definitly in it
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