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Everything posted by Cappo

  1. Cappo


    Now, that's a topic I was planning to do before, but right now, I'm sure I want to state my opinion and actually at least try making the others have respect for the trainees... well, at least some of them. So, I'll start with that happened to me today. The Server was pretty empty, there was none around, it was like 6:30 and pretty much everyone that was awake was in LVx. There were a couple of trainees, as well as some Official Squad members like me, and some gang members. So, I was chilling and listening to music, looking at the others, as a trainee got his obviously brand new jeep around LVx, so he was asking in the mainchat how to upgrade it, which is the best car to buy and many other things that a guy that uses his brain would ask. So, some nice players kept answering him and suggesting him what to buy, as he was just a trainee with 6 hours of gameplay. I was so surpised and happy that there are still new people joining the server and looking for some fun, I was even happier, seeing the others not being assholes and suggesting him stuff. So, while he was typing stuff, he parked his jeep in LVx, while he was in it. a CDC Member (Wolfy) clearly got near him and stole his vehicle, as he obviously left it unlocked. Now, I'll continue and then I'll clear everything regarding that Gang Member. So, the trainee got his M4 and started shooting at his own jeep, because it's being stolen. Now, if we need to check this out, this is clear DM towards from the Trainee's side, but... what was he supposed to do? He is having 6 hours on, he has no idea what does DM mean and also I'm sure he has never, never read the rules, which is pretty normal, none reads the rules within his first 10 hours of gameplay. So, I'd like to mention that the same thing happened to me, but with another Trainee back then when I had like 15 hours gameplay. A trainee got my car and I started shooting towards it, obviously an admin was spectating me, because Nicus warped to me immediately, which is normal. Now, the first thing that Nicus asked was "Do you speak Engllish" and such on, which is a great example how it should be proceeded, instead of adminjailing right away. So, I expressed myself, told him that shouldn't be acceptable and stealing cars like that shouldn't be allowed, Nicus did understand me and didn't adminjail me, as I pretty much deserved it. He saw that I'm new, so he just made me read the rules, and that's the time I did it. That's how it should be proceeded. As I went off-topic, I want to clear off the stuff happened with him. There were no admins online at this time. So, the trainee kept shooting as then, Wofly stopped and like every other 10 yrs old kid, typed in mainchat "reported for dm cry now :", with some more gramatic mistakes, that I can't remember. Now, do you think that's how we should welcome a new player in the server? If that's the way, we won't get any new players for the next fucking years and more and more people will be going inactive. So, the trainee defended himself with the normal excuses "But you stole my car" etc. Of course, Wofly kept being salty as hell saying stuff like "yes, keep crying :, I took ss", of course with even more gramatic mistakes, I mean, some players around don't even know what "Past Simple" is. So, I got in the situation and defended the Trainee, telling Wolfy that I'll talk with some CDC HQ about his totally immature, disrespectful and what more. Of course, he kept being salty with me saying stuff like "yes, go in discord and contact killer and cry more :*". Wow. I had nothing else to do, so I actually got in CDC Discord and already contacted Julio. Even more, that's not Wofly's first some kind of rule-break, like 1 week before he was in an unclimbable roof near LVX and he sniped all the cops and cops' vehicles that were crossing, of course, no cop was chasing him, they were going to their duty tasks, but he was just sniping them there. As I can't prove this, I don't demand any adminjails or anything, just saying the truth. If any CDC members wants proof, I can get to the person that we were patrolling, he will say the truth. As for the Trainee, he's not a friend of mine, that was my first time seeing him. So, this is enough for Wolfy, I hope CDC HQ will take action for him, as for doing that much shit, most likely the best thing to do is a kick from the gang, that behavior towards me and some other officers, towards the new players in the server is totally unacceptable for any gang. As I didn't take screenshots in the game, I'd to show you his reaction right after I joineded the CDC Server. http://prntscr.com/klic8l Nothing more to talk about this dude, I'll talk with some CDC HQ about him via PM. Now, about the Trainees. I'm totally sure that like 80% of the trainees are retarded and they're here to troll, or their braincells aren't enough to actually pay attention what they should do. I mean, like, there are usually ~2 and even more Trainees in LVX that are arresting people with 1-2 stars, officers with 1-2 stars and when you tell them something, they either ignore, or do like every other 10 yrs old "go cry someone else, kid". But think about the other trainees that are actually using their brains, like the example I've given in the beggining. We need to support and help that kind of new players, that are actually interested in the Server, but didn't know a thing, I mean, when there are no admins on, the players can take action and help them out with answering their questions, driving them around SA and teaching them new staff that will help them improve and enjoy their gameplay experience. Also, here, I'm not talking only about the Trainees, I'm talking about the new Criminals as well as the new Civilians etc., whenevr you're free and someone is curious, teach them some stuff, help them out, show them some badass bases of any Official Squads or Gangs and help them improve. Now, thank you for reading, I'd like to read down your comments about the topic!
  2. As Niceez stated, the Application Format is stolen. Also, there are no banners, logos and such. Also, I'm pretty sure you were tying to join like, every squad and gang 2 days ago.
  3. An awesome idea that is also fresh and cool, will also revive the Lawyer role. Also, a bit of an addition to your idea, why not making it available for the jailed Criminals once per 30 minutes. I mean, twice in 15 minutes is a bit too much and some easy too easy money would be gotten. Like, you can get 200k+, if the same criminal can use a Lawyer and if the Lawyer offers 100k. Thats too much money within 15 minutes, fo making it once in 30 mins for everyone seems more fair. As I stated, the idea is very fresh and will make the players actually play that role. Though, there should be added a "Minimum Offer Count", as we make sure none gets out of jail for 1$. And as stated, I support the idea of only approved people to actually be Lawyera, this role shouldn't be allowed ro everyone. Thanks for having such a great idea!
  4. https://youtu.be/BEei9maHeIM Some Bulgarian rap right there. Hue
  5. Thanks to Combine for pretty much clearing everything. I was about to say that RPG and RP are also pretty much the same thing, they are RP based, though RPG is for "extreme" and not that strict of a RP. Now, I'd like to say that i'm not that much of roleplayer myself, but everyday I see people that actually want to roleplay, but they don't have the oportunity. Now, the term of roleplaying for the other Squads that actually roleplay won't be changed, they'll offer roleplay and if the suspect is running, they'll start chasing him and if neeeded, they'd call the NON - RP squads by either using the radio or doing /911. Though, there's not a "must" in roleplaying, none will get warned and this shouldn't be added as a role, but this will make the server look more realistic. I don't want to get the action out of the server and make everyone roleplay, thats impossible and pretty much boring, though bringing some fresh roleplays should be nice. Also, already 3 people said stuff like "Go play in RP Server", now imagine 50 active players of those 150 people in the server leave, because they can't get the ooportunity to RolePlay. As I said, if we don't roleplay at least a bit, the Server will change into "Red vs Blue" or "Criminals vs Police" as those are the only 2 roles that are interesting.
  6. @barry-allen said in An idea for the Police Team.: Like Niceez said , this is SAES:RPG not SAES:RP , hence RP is a feature but isnt forced , and like u said trainees wont be able to do anything and that will get them bored and we will lose potential community members. If SAES starts to force RP then we will lose many players think about it, even if u force RP not all are going to stop and everytime they get wanted do you think they will be willing to RP and if they dont follow the rule of force RP then they will get punished? Also its RP itself what happens in SAES right now like in real life when a COP tries to pull over someone not always do they comply and hence get chased down by the cop and arrested. In JB and BR u see earlier it was a bit unfair for cops as the main objective of cops are to arrest and in JB and BR they used to try arrested more 10+ crims who camp corridors with m4 and combat shotguns and now the kill arrest is actually good , not to mention the criminal who got kill arrested gets lower jail sentence and cops get paid less and if u look at it the number of cops in server is lower than criminals almost at given time of the day . And if you are going to give your opinion then there will be people who will agree or disagree to your opinion and u need to handle the responses because you decided to state your opinion so please dont write things like (im feeling the salt in the posts down the topic already). You obviously haven't read all of my post. I stated that the Trainees will be still learning and in the end, I said that that topic is probably regarding the Official Squads and the PC, but not the Trainees, as we all know they're not capable of roleplaying. Well, at least most of them. I really can't understand what you meant to say with that. "italicised text Also its RP itself what happens in SAES right now like in real life when a COP tries to pull over someone not always do they comply and hence get chased down by the cop and arrested." Of course 90% of the cops will defend the new update about the killing-arrest. Though, as I said, this lets the cops "farm" money, kills and arrests count which isn't realistic or fair. Though, thanks for your opinion.
  7. @niceez said in An idea for the Police Team.: Thats RPG server as you mentioned, not RP. I fully disagree with your idea. If you even try to RP with people ( Ive been trying when I was SAFP and now as SAI ), they dont really stop to RP in 80% of cases. So why shall I drive and try to RP with them if they dont give a single fuck? If someone wants to RP that much, he should go and play SAMP RP servers. And there is special section for suggestions where you were supposed to post it Yes, it is a RPG Server, that's right, though does that mean everyone should be a Criminal or a Police and simply get in and kill, arrest and shoot everywhere? Thinking like that, the Server should be renamed to "Cops vs Criminals". Well, if not giving opportunity to the people that actually want to RP in that Server, well most likely that's what they will do, they'll move in some other servers. Also, sorry for posting the topic in a wrong section, I hope an admin will move it in the right one.
  8. Well, it's one of my first times doing a topic by myself, it's also my first time actually requesting an idea that I think it'll be useful. Well, before I start, I'd like to give my opinion about the new thing added, probably talking about "Killing-Arrest" in BRs' and JBs'. As I'm in an Official Squad, also been in the Police Team for 340 hours and more (I'm having 345 hours), I'm totally against that. Goddamn it, who thought that this is actually a good idea and a thing that would make the game more realistic? I know that the crims are actually a lot, and when a jail is full and a jb happens, they can be unstoppable, but still, if the Police team is good enough, they'd figure out something to actually shut down the JB or the BR. Even with the -50% of their jail time, which is okay, the Police Officers can "farm" money just like that, without even being that good. I've read a post (I think it was from ThC Member, but I might not be remembering right), the guy there stated, that it's not inappropriate and the reward per arrest for the cops should be 25% or even lower than the actual reward. Well, to that, I'd add -80% for the jailed criminals during JB and BR, if none gets the idea how unrealistic and unskillful is that new update with the killing-arrest. As I stated, people that aren't even good enough can farm kills, arrests and money just from a simple JB. Also, in a massive JB, which happens a lot, a lot of times in one day, per one JB, you can get like 500k if you're a cop. God, what the hell, it can be even more in a BR, after the Criminals get their bags with money. Now, as I stated multiple times, thats unrealistic and dumb. Though, if you'd like to keep it like that, please get to read the idea I've written up there with the changes of the time spent in the prison and the reward for the cops. Now, I'd like to begin with the idea, which I feel like none will actually support. So, as it's known, the number of the Criminals and Cops that actually Roleplay is low, and it's getting even lower. Isn't that a RPG Server? A Server that the players should act like it's real life (RP)? That's dying, none is roleplaying nowadays, which will ruin the fun of the people that are actually here to have some fun and roleplay, instead of going in and just shooting, killing, arresting and doing nothing else, I agree, that's fun, but there must be a roleplaying part, instead of the whole server being a total chaos, everyone chasing each other, and doing the 3 actions I stated. My idea is to actually change that. So, I'll talk only about the Police Team and the Squads. My idea is to add a rule, or that kind of stuff, that will not allow the Squads, Police Groups (partys) and so on to NOT RP. Now, that's where it gets messy. No, I don't want to make every Squad roleplay, of course not, there are people that love the action and want nothing else, but arresting, which is okay, as long as the "idea" of mine is being followed. So, all squads that don't RP shouldn't patrol. (im feeling the salt in the posts down the topic already). Why they shouldn't patrol? Because it's not realistic and fair 20 officers to go in and arrest 1 criminal without any reason, or just because he is wanted. Now, let me clear up everything though with examples. Those NON - RPing squads will only be allowed to answer to BR calls, SR calls, Emergency calls, (user that did /911 and is in need of police units) and of course JBs. Also, NON - RPing squads are allowed to chase criminals if they see a criminal sneaking out of the jail and running towards a car. Now, what if the Criminal successfully ran away, without a Police unit seeing him? Now, that's all up to 1 simple thing, if someone bothered using the radio, stating the name of the Criminal that ran away, so the NON - RPing squads can quickly take action and chase him, in that case, they are fully allowed to chase and use force on the running suspect without roleplaying. All NON - RPing squads are also allowed to take action in pursuits and to help out the Police Officers that are being unable to chase a criminal on their own. For the NON - RPing squad to actually take action and get in that pursuit and use force, the radio should be used, or /911 should be done, so the NON - RPing officers can get there and use force on the needed criminal. Now, why the NON - RPing officers shouldn't patrol? It isn't realistic. The idea of the Server is Roleplay. Even more, how is 1 wanted criminal supposed to do a thing against 4-5 police officers in a car, as all of them don't rp? He can't do shit, simple as that. To support my idea, I'll give a real life example. Have you ever seen Spec. Police Forces (In every country they're under different name) to patrol around the streets, as they're fully armored? Nope, you haven't. Those Spec. Forces are answering to special cases, which in SAES are BRs, JBs and SRs and as I stated up there, some other actions. I know my idea won't get that much of a support, but I think that'll be awesome to actually revive the roleplay in the Server. As an end, I know it'll come to the point that all of the Trainees won't be able to do shit, because they're new to the server, but that's okay, isn't it? They're still learning. The topic is regarding probably PCs' and Official Squads. As for the gangs, I'm pretty sure almost all of them are able to roleplay, so that idea should be accepted by them, even more, it will allow the Server to get more and more realistic. I hope you all read everything I wrote, thanks if so. Please state your opinions about it.
  9. Very nice, good luck!
  10. Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: Cappo. Real Name: Milan. Age: 16. Country: Bulgaria Languages: Bulgarian, English and a bit of French. Gender: Male. Nationality: Bulgarian. Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why?: I've never been banned or kicked from the server. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why?: Well, I practically left SAFP, but it can be counted as being kicked as well. So, first of all, I did write a leaving message in the SAFP Forums, there I stated that I'd like to fully leave the Squad after 7 days, but 1 hour after that, I declined to take action in SAFP activity, so the HQ kicked me withou any warnings. As I said, I practically left, but this could be counted as being kicked. I can provide screenshots of my leaving message in SAFP Forums in Discord, there I was so detailed in why I've left and everything. Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA?: For 4 months and even more. How long have you been playing on SAES?: For 4 months and even more. How many hours do you play in a day? It all depends on the day. Right now I'm on a summer holiday, and if the weather is bad, I can be online for like 10 hours a day. How many times do you visit the forums in a day?: At keast 5. I love being up-to-date with everything. Previous gangs/squads?: SAT and SAFP. Are you in any groups?: No. Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: No. Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: Driving, shooting and sniping. I'm also good with flying with a "dodo". Weaknesses: Flying with a helicopter. God, I'm bad at that lol. Describe Deathmatch: Deathmatch (DM) means to attack or/and kill other player/s without any reason. Describe RolePlay: Roleplay (RP) is doing something like I'd do in real life. That's a thing that should make the game look more realistic and funnier for everyone. Describe TeamWork: Teamwork is to probably do something with your squad during a mission (SR, BR, JB or a chase). There are different positions that everyone would take, during a BR or even a JB, so the whole squad can shut down the Criminals action. Teamwork should happen only with teamplayers, I love teamplayers and badass teamplays. Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: Sadly, I somehow can't take screenshots in-game. But I can freely tell you my stats in here, if you'd like to make sure that I'm saying the truth, you can also check out with "/stats milan6969". Amount of arrests: 727. Amount of kills: 129. Amount of stopped SRs.: 161 Amount of SRs: 22 Amount of Truck Deliveries: 30 Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest?: I'll wait for them to come back, then I'll PM them, asking if they understand what they done, if I get ignored, or I simply get some kind of insulted, I'll jsut report him. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?: I'll decline. I'll always roleplay, as I first step. Someone DMs you: I'll report him. I won't even try PMing him, because most likely, he won't understand me. An admin asks you something: I'll always try helping the Admins as much as possible. If an admin asks me something, I must answer only the truth. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you?: I'll respond as soon as possible. I'll use the radio, to state that I'm going back to base. Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who?: I'd say it was Dian. Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who?: With Dian. Where is our private forums?: I don't think a Non-Member has access to them. Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: I think John is the leader of TST, Arma is the Vice Leader. Why do you want to join TST?: Well, as it's maybe known, I've been trying to find a community that I fit in and actually enjoy myself. When I started playing, like every other new player, I wanted to join SWAT, so I pretty much just went in SAT without even thinking about it, without even thinking if I'd fit in that community there. So, I realized that maybe, maybe it's a bit too early for me to go there (back then I had like 80 hours or even less), so I left SAT Academy. I went in SAFP, and there, I didn't really find the community I was looking for. I applied for FOX after, I patrolled with them a bit and realized that I don't fit there too, so I kept thinking of what I should do next. Well, I was patrolling with Dian and we've had some real fun when it comes it gameplay. I'll take also Arma for example, Arma is really helpful Admin, never patrolled with him, but I'm pretty sure that's because there's a lot of stuff to do as an Admin, that's normal. So, I find myself to fit really well in TST community. Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: I'm a teamplayer. As I stated, I love teamplays and teamplayers. Also, I'd love to help TST improve, because I'm really, really active and I always take action in pretty much every action. I also like partipication in Squad activities and stuff. Overall, I'd like to offer TST my honor, my skill and everything I can for the good of the Squad. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): Well, I'm just a normal boy. I'm 16 years old, I love going to the gym and hanging out with my friends, pretty much like every other guy in my age. Normally I don't stay that long in front of the monitor, but right now, the weather isn't good so I can't really hang out and I'm so lazy to hit the gym, but If I do so, the best thing to do after a long day is to play in the SAES server and chill out with some cool people and a good community which obviously is TST's. Additional information: I don't really have anything more to add. (Sorry if I did any typos, it's like 11 PM and I'm a bit sleepy xd)
  11. SECTION 1 Name: Milan. In-game name: Cappo. Age: 16 Sex: Male. English proficiency:8/10 Native language: Bulgarian. Other language(s): English, I also speak French, but still learning it. Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No, but I'm an applicant for having one. When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: Before 4 months or so. I can't remember the exact date. Total gameplay (hours): 270 hours. Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): Well, it all depends, right now I'm having a holiday, so I'll be able to be in game for at least 7 hours daily. Average FPS: 60. Average ping: 45. Previous organizations: SAT and SAFP. Are you active user of Discord?: Yes, I am, I can spend even more hours in Discord and the forums, then in-game. SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX): First of all, FOX stands for FOX Operations X, fighting against the highly wanted criminals and trying it's best to jail them and secureeveryone's lifes. B. Define marker arrest: Marker arresting is jailing a wanted criminal right after he left or got inside a building (shop, bank, jail etc.), without giving him time to react and move a bit off the marker/door. C. Minimum arresting level: 10. D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: It's prohibited to kill other players without a reason. (DM). Respect the other players, do not insult them and don't be rude with anyone. It's not allowed to have more then one account. It's prohibited to talk in any languages other then English in the main chat. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: Well, that's for what the SAES Server stands for. I feel like everyone should at leat try roleplaying, in order to make the game fair and let the others have a chance to not be arrested. Roleplaying also allows everyone to play more realistic gameplay. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: Well, I'm a 16 yeared old boy, living in Bulgaria. I don't have any specific hobbies, but I'm working out, I'm going to the gym, I also love hanging out with my friends and doing sport with them too. I love having fun and enjoying every second I have. After a long day, working out or simply hanging around my friends, the best thing to do is just chill around in SAES. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths in-game are probably shooting, sniping and driving. I'm also a good roleplayer, which lets me improve my gameplay. My weaknesses are draving a helicopter, it just seems slow, I usually feel like I can do much better driving a car. I also have some FPS Drops which doesn't let me play properly, but it isn't that big of a deal. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: Well, when I left SAFP I didn't have idea where I should join next. I applied for PC Diploma and that's all, I clearly didn't have idea of what to do next. I contacted some people I knew from before, and they suggested me to apply or at least take a look at FOX. That's what I did, I read everything and checked out every little detail. I loved the squad, it's a roleplaying squad, which is important, because SAES is based on roleplaying. I also paid attention to some FOX Members patrolling all together, which seemed like great team-play game. I'd love to join the squad, because I feel like I'll have the chance to learn a lot, and have much experience. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I'm a good roleplayer, as I stated, I think I'll be able to help out the clan with another Member, that will take action in pretty much every squad activity and help out as much as possible to be useful to the squad in any way. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: No, not really, but I'd like to say sorry, for being unable to patrol with any FOX members, except working with some FOX Members to secure a Store Robbery. I'll try my best to get to know the FOX members more and try getting in the team, that's why I joined your Discord Server too. By posting this application, I'm aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by me, and states nothing but the truth.
  12. I - BASIC INFORMATION Real Name: Milan. In-game Name: Cappo Account: milan6969 Age: 16 Primary Language: Bulgarian. Other Languages: English, French (still studying it.) II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you being playing MTA? ~3-4 months How long have you being playing SAES? ~2-3 months. Are you PC (ProCop)? No, I'm not. Past squad/gang/companies (State if you left or were kicked and why): SAT. Left them. Didn't feel ready for that. Current and past groups (State the reason if left or kicked): I'm in no groups right now. What is RP? (Explain using 15 words or more): RP means roleplay. It's basicly follow a role like Police or Criminal in-game, doing everything like in real life. What is DM? (Explain using 15 words or more): That means DeathMatch, killing a person, without being wanted ot needed. Breaking the rules. What is Park-Killing? (Explain using 15 words or more): Killing someone with a car, not by an accident. And that's a rule break. III - RULES KNOWLEDGE Did you read and agree with all F1 rules? Yes. Did you read and agree with all SAFP rules? Yes. What is the minimum wanted level for arrest? 5, but in my opinion, should be 10+. Are you allowed to arrest or kill other police officers? No. That's prohibited. Are you allowed to arrest/kill in hospitals? No. Prohibited as well. Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events? No. Is marker-arresting allowed? Of course not. Explain SAFP's rule 3: I must RP before arresting someone. Giving them some time to read and think what I've written. Explain SAFP's rule 4: The minimum wanted level to arrest a criminal is 5. If arresting someone lower would break the rule. Explain SAFP's rule 8: I mustn't arrest ALT members, as long as they're SAFP allies. IV - MISC. INFORMATION Your strengths: Driving and sniping. Your weaknesses: Getting in a near combats with too much Criminals. Driving a plane or helicopter. Have you received any bans from the server? If yes, why? No, I've never been adminjailed or banned. Why did you decide to join our squad? (Use 15 words or more): SAFP is a great choice to improve myself and to learn new stuff. Also, I feel like i can get to help the whole squad, offering my loyalness and my skills. Explain why we should accept you (Use 15 words or more): I feel like my skills will be appreciated in SAFP, also, I can learn and get to see new stuff, improving myself. Also, SAFP seems like a 'teamplay' squad. Who recommended you applying for SAFP? None, I've seen a good activity from SAFP squad, so I felt like I should apply.
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