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Everything posted by Cappo

  1. Cops must get stars if they buy drugs. (I agree that the criminals should also get wanted once they sell / buy drugs.) As for the current suggestion, I don't really care, I mean, you can always get a bribe so it doesn't really matter.
  3. This will be actually such a great final. Good luck to the both sides.
  4. hbd
  5. Well, I started off playing as a cop, almost 2 years ago, as any other trainee, I got impressed from SWAT. I had no idea how everything works, so I started asking here and there, as @Hesha noticed me and got me in SAT. He somewhat brought me to the overall gameplay of SAES, as I was failing each one of the SAT tests :topkek:. HESHA AMIGO
  6. Well, I had so many difficulties in the mission with the landing on the plane with the dodo, the mission related with the Caligula. Also the driving school in San Fierro was just awful
  7. Hi everyone, well, first of all, I'd like to apologize if a topic like this one is already excisting, it's my fault for not seeing it. Now, back to the point. I've been spending some time in playing GTA:SA, going back through all of the missions, as the last time I did that was back than when I was 11-12 years old. It seriously felt awesome to remind myself how fun the game is. Well, to be honest, all that great memories within the game stimulated me to do this topic. In this topic you can share the most difficult mission for you (you can just explain it, I think everyone will get the idea), how old were you when you went through all of the missions, have you ever tried going through all of the missions as fast as possible, feel free to share any story of yours related to playing GTA:SA.
  8. :worriedpepe:
  9. Well, as any other player, after reading the word "DM", I get excited. At first, I liked the idea, but after thinking about it, I started having some good amount of doubts about it. First of all, to increase the "legal" DM, the wars between DE and CLO & SAP could be more frequent, as in this way, the criminals and the cops can decide which side they'd like to support, thus, they'll be able to DM. As for what has been suggested, well, in my opinion, it could be abused in a really easy way. For example, I'm getting chased by cops, I manage to somewhat escape, but a sI perfectly know that they will come again, I can teleport in the GT for example, as there, a few buddies could wait for me there, so they can easily help me taking down the cops. So, without the need of some additional scripting, we can work on more efrequent war conflicts where, as I stated, the players can choose a side, wear some tags and fight. There are a lot places to fight in, that are far away from the big cities, so the partipicants in the wars won't disturb the players that wouldn't like to get involved. Whestone & MC, Bone County, Tierra Robada, Red County... once again, there are some great places to fight in.
  11. @GirlyPrimis said in Bringing balance to SAES and improving some RP elements: @Cappo said in Bringing balance to SAES and improving some RP elements: I have no idea why, but my post was deleted. :thinking_face: Nah, -1. It doesn't make sense for a taser to slow you down, instead of actually getting you down. As for the kill-arrest, it's definitly broken when 1/2 of the cops actually abuse the marker whenever they enter the jail and play it like rambo, staying there and spamming as much as possible, as they're under marker protection. And also, to be honest, before the kill-arrest got added, jailbreaks weren't difficult to be stopped as a cop, as long as you have some good amount of experienced buddies with you, but I don't mind it anyways. As for the criminals or gang members that manage to sell drugs in front of the bank, well, in my opinion, the gang that BRs (or their allies) must be able to DM that person, as it's just a cuntish move to sell drugs to the incoming cops. The second part applies to crims too, a few days ago kept going into the marker, threw a nade and went back inside. Rinse and repeat. The problem is the interior of the Prison. I often had the problem that I get pushed back into the marker by spawning cops, or warp myself out by accident while trying to move and aim. if the interior changes and doesn't make it so that crims have a clear PoV towards the marker, it would also stop Marker Abusing on both sides. Eh, I can't really compare the criminal "marker abusing", as I highly doubt that it could be considered as an abuse, as we're not arresting anyone. I mean, it takes less than 5 seconds for a cop to respawn and get back to spamming bullets or their nightstick in the corridor, as for the crims, it takes minimum 200 seconds, which is.. meh.
  12. I have no idea why, but my post was deleted. :thinking_face: Nah, -1. It doesn't make sense for a taser to slow you down, instead of actually getting you down. As for the kill-arrest, it's definitly broken when 1/2 of the cops actually abuse the marker whenever they enter the jail and play it like rambo, staying there and spamming as much as possible, as they're under marker protection. And also, to be honest, before the kill-arrest got added, jailbreaks weren't difficult to be stopped as a cop, as long as you have some good amount of experienced buddies with you, but I don't mind it anyways. As for the criminals or gang members that manage to sell drugs in front of the bank, well, in my opinion, the gang that BRs (or their allies) must be able to DM that person, as it's just a cuntish move to sell drugs to the incoming cops.
  13. HBD
  14. General Information Nickname: Cappo Account name: milan6969 Age: 16 Country of residence: Bulgaria. Time spent in Cuban Cars(~): Almost 10 months. Current role (Mechanic, Impounder, Mentor): Impounder. Roleplay Name (If used, else leave blank): Dwayne Sawyer. Current Journy in Cuban Cars (min. 100 words): Well, I started showing interest within the group back in June 2018, after a great amount of time spent in hanging, roleplaying and learning more for every car, I got added on 5th December. Once I got added, I started working my way to become an Impounder and I actually became on on May 2019 (I think, I'm not sure).
  15. lmao, although this is a joke, I feel like 1/3 of the cops might take at least 2 of the suggestions seriously.
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