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Everything posted by Spetnazz

  1. sniff sniff... Is that a shadowban I smell coming?
  2. @FoxZilla said in Lets bring old taser back: @Henry said in Lets bring old taser back: Don't you notice that if you make arresting that ridiculously easy cop side will be even more boring than it already is? I'm not trying to make it easy. I'm trying to make equal the cop side and crim side. Is it equal now? Do cops go to jail when they get killed? No? Will it ever be equal then? Ah, yes that's what I thought.
  3. Is there a rule that states that cops are allowed to do so? - Or even kill every criminal if he is wanted? I'm not up-to-date on the rules, but it seems like the cops have a nice free-for-all playbook if that's the case
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SfkmfWi5ms
  5. give me my money
  6. @Yoko_Kurama said in [BUILDING CONTEST] Congratulations, Garcia!: Well deserved!! Congratulations Garcia :D traitor ladrao fdp mamaguevo, if you won that contest you could finally give back some of the money you owe us!!!
  7. No, the jjkfh property is not available for grabs. Smack your keyboard with a bigger rock and see if you get a better result next time. Kind regards, Spetnazz from Tunisian Thugs
  8. What's 1.980.000 + 20.000?
  9. Better suggestion; Make sure every admin is on the same page in regards to rules. I'm pretty sure I've been told that it's allowed to defend outside during PBRs by multiple admins. Turns out it isn't (???). The admins have 2343232 interpretations of the rules, and it's honestly making the server unbearable.
  10. you have to find SAES>Nanobob in-game and kill him in order to qualify for an invitation
  11. @Jay said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: @Patrol said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: @Brophy said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: https://saesrpg.uk/post/85925 yes that was few months ago.... i wasnt a fan of it until i did shave for the first time , and it felt pretty dam good, so now i shave every single month ! And I suppose you smelt awful the entire time you didn't shave? No you didn't. Those who shave and say they do it so they don't smell are probably the dirty people. Or people who, for some reason, havent heard of antiperspirant in 2020... Which I dont know if I find more or less concerning than them being dirty
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gseIfQTYWLs
  13. @Daryl I feel like this post forum @Terry in the old forum describe HRs quite well;
  14. @SheraP said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: Level 3 member had permission to take out money. Check the squad panel Not my fault if you let me take money out. "I did not give access to sherap,there was a bug which he abused" The well-known "I forgot to check which levels I set in the gang-panel, and now I got outsmarted by a brazilian"-bug :flag-br:
  16. @Yoko_Kurama said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @XpookS I did it smoothly along Teller, CSGO skins was worth it at the time, no regrets! TRAITOR LADRAO FDP MAMAGUEVO
  17. I've voted no, simply because you suggested that it'd be for both sides. It makes sense for criminals from the perspective of avoiding people intentionally abusing it, but for cops? No thank you. Bad luck if they kill each other, press respawn.
  18. Happy brfdag
  19. @FoxZilla said in Cargrab to criminals: @Ikzelf said in Cargrab to criminals: @VayraN said in Cargrab to criminals: Nah its good that it got removed anyway, It was like that It never got removed, it was always restricted since the introduction @Lightning said in Cargrab to criminals: Maybe for patriot or some sort of vehicles, I don't want to see 8 criminals on one car. It is already limited to certain vehicles. Like the patriot or the rancher. @FoxZilla said in Cargrab to criminals: its role play server and its un realistic you cant see a lots of criminals in one car (near doors) but you can see a lots of cop in a one car (near doors) so -1 no. GTAV Also has the ability: So why not just allow it for everyone? I didnt say you cant do that. i have said its unrealistic. It's SAES. Could you please give me one example as to what's 'realistic' on the server? The only thing remotely realistic would be the civilian classes. But let me instead think of unrealistic things that people seem fine with; Kill-arrest Magic sprays that paralyzes you 15 criminals glued vertically on the hood, roof and back of a Picador Energy drinks from vending machines which make you run faster. Cookies that heal bullet wounds Hanging on to a SWAT tank going full speed (Wow, strong arms, huh) Arms- and drug dealers carrying unlimited amounts of goods Please don't use realism as a tipping point to why it shouldn't be added. It's not a real-life simulator.
  21. hahaha Ur mother looks like she eated Couscous and animals shits before she gave birth to you
  22. @Teddy RIP panel, RIP cpu cooler
  23. #1lyk1pryer4pierceslizard
  24. @Manny said in Gang Level requirements: @SpeedLife so you are suggesting stealing members and getting a bad reputation for the gang itself??? Please steal Rivals
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