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Everything posted by Spetnazz

  1. @ugabuga said in Arms Assassins: thank you very much my spetsnaz friend I appreciate your invitation but right now I am holding into joining AAs because I like this clan and I have lots of friends in it and would like to be in the same clan as them so we can be close to eachother a little bit more and hang out in the same clan as much as possible. again thanks, I would like to join ur discord like why not? its good making new friends for everyone. Regards, Ugabugabuga! :) Aight, our link is https://discord.gg/RdQR53REFT Feel free to join whenever. Sorry for spamming your topic, AA
  2. @ugabuga said in Arms Assassins: Username: GrimmJawX Age: 21 Country: Greek/Romanian Languages spoken: English, a little German, Greek, Romanian Hi, My name is Spetnazz. I'm a HQ of the gang called 'Tuga Thugs'. I would just like to inform you, that I very much like your username Ugabuga, and that you're welcome on our Discord at anytime. We could always use another Ugabuga monkey. Best of luck with your AA application, friend, may the Ugabuga be with you
  3. how to become a locked car
  4. @burako said in [SUGGESTION] "Ignore" button for posts.: @tut-greco Oh i didn't know that, you can archive this xd Nice IQ
  5. @hatchet said in New member of HQ: @spetnazz Hehehe due to all of you crybaby pigs Yea uhm.. About that. I've been on the crimside for more than a decade. I'm just being objective here. But yes, all of you crybaby pigs including me are ruining the crimlife on the server!! Anyway, let's not de-rail the topic
  6. Hi new HQ, please make the minimum cops required to start a BR 15 or 20 now, I know you want to. The crims pissed me off, so now you have to help me prove my point. Ok thx
  7. I'm revoking my suggestion. There are too my retards on this server. Have fun with the next BR-regulations! @Daryl How about min. 15 or 20 cops online? Do you think the low IQs would understand that?
  8. @durby said in Auto-move afk cops to spectator (or wtf it's called) class: Why something like this is even suggested? If you have to go afk for a long time period, leave the game. If you're so worried about being a + one for a gangs bankrob you're the solution to the problem, not a server-side script. Use your brain. It's not for the individual player, it's for the entire copside. What the fuck are the cops supposed to do? Call an admin to kick a player for being afk? If it was that easy, do you think it would've been an issue by now? People don't leave the game when they go afk, that's the problem. And it's an issue for the cops since those afk-cops who leave their computer running 24 hours a day will fuck them over in the copcount.
  9. @kipt said in Auto-move afk cops to spectator (or wtf it's called) class: Inactive people suggesting stuff LIXO NEGRO MACACO, YO ACTIVE, TU INACTIVE
  10. @kingsmoke said in Auto-move afk cops to spectator (or wtf it's called) class: E L E V A T E E L E V A T E
  11. discount genk, revive Rogue 21
  12. Hi, First of all I would like to apologize to my fellow crims for being a traitor. I know we all like easy BRs. Please don't hate me, and if you do; Fuck you, go suck a dick Aight, next up; There seems to be a tendency for cops to go AFK for 10 or 12 hours at a time, which results in AFK-cops being a part of the count for min. amount of cops required for BRs. This results in the other cops being pissed off, not wanting to attend the BR because they know it's going to be 3 vs 100 since the cops that are supposed to help them are afk in their base, farming hours while mining Dogecoins or whatever the fuck they're doing. So, would it be possible to move those (SW)AFK cops to a place where they don't count in the BR requirement?
  14. Wouldn't it be possible to add more spawn-locations, hence making it less cluttered? As of now, there only seem to be 1 location/coordinate pr. disk, no? Would it be possible to make each disk have 3, 4 or 5 locations, all in close proximity to each other of course, and then make it pick one of them at random when someone spawns a vehicle
  15. @daryl said in Monthly Playtime Giveaway - Results!: @spetnazz said in Monthly Playtime Giveaway - Results!: "In our Nitro Booster giveaway, the lucky winner chosen at random by the discord bot was @sushii who is now the proud owner of Jizzy's Club in SF." In North Korea's random presidential election giveaway, the lucky winner chosen at random by the North Korean bot was @Kim Jong-Un who is now the proud leader of The Democratic people's republic of Korea Damn! I thought my ability to rig a bot which is on 983,987 servers would go unnoticed! Too smart for me Spetnazz, as always! Can't outsmart me, I've got the brainpower of a thousand Tunisians doing the mathematic calculations for me
  16. "In our Nitro Booster giveaway, the lucky winner chosen at random by the discord bot was @sushii who is now the proud owner of Jizzy's Club in SF." In North Korea's random presidential election giveaway, the lucky winner chosen at random by the North Korean bot was @Kim Jong-Un who is now the proud leader of The Democratic people's republic of Korea
  18. @howlze said in [SUGGESTION] Adding goggles to the ammunation shop: Do you want a taser and a nightstick as well? Yes
  19. Sounds boring. If your BR gets stopped because it got leaked, then you didnt have enough helpers to begin with. I like the excitement of not knowing if the bank is going to be empty, or if there'll be 13 cops hiding inside. I dont mind it tbh, as long as it isnt some butthurt Tunisian official gang member who leaks it because someone accidentally killed him 3 weeks ago
  20. @AngrySandvich good luck
  21. https://streamable.com/p6318y
  22. @velona said in Disable fireworks in vehicles: They are already gone re-add them
  23. Merry Christmas from the church of elevate
  24. They dont have time, they're busy muting people for saying 2 words in tunisian in mainchat, or playing as undercover cops trying to bait people into dming them. Please try again later.
  25. i agree
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