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Everything posted by Spetnazz

  1. Munkyfish @Brophy If anyone knows about Munky's whereabouts, it must be you. Admin way back in 2012-13 - can't imagine who else would have a chance of knowing him. @kenny maybe as well? Anyhow; If anyone knows of Munky's whereabouts, tell him I said hi
  2. his name reminds me of mohd
  3. @VayraN said in Decrease Jail Time: I don't think it's really needed to be decreased, Why? Irl people stays by years in jail and they are not getting jbed, Can't you wait 7 minutes ? And as @LAPD_Spanish_VEN Said, There will be many criminals outside and that will be hard to cops, And don't forget that there's something called Jailbreak, When a CLO get arrested another CLO jailbreaks him, Same for gangs and criminals, So it will be unfair to cops if the time got decreased, Also if you will do a crime and you will wait 7 minutes inside a small room because of this crime, Then don't even do it lol "Don't do the crime, You wont wait the time" I've read a lot of stupid posts in my lifetime. But this... This is some next-level shit. You do realize, that all criminals are normal people behind the screens? Sitting afk for 7 minutes is not all that fun. Everything we do gives us stars - and a lot of them. Cops can respawn instantly. But hey, let's do a social experiment; Everytime a cop gets killed, they get adminjailed for 7 minutes. When they complain, we'll just say "Don't die if you can't do the time", and see what they think about it after a week. Deal?
  4. @Patrol said in SWAT's "paramedic" class: @Spetnazz still 5/8 , whats the success rate on BRs ? 90 % of the times gang successfully finnish BRs ? You gonna debate me that too ? Yes. Yes I am. And to that, I'm going to say; Why does a paramedic class need the power to kill-arrest, even if the succesrate is 90 %? It's not a secret that criminals, in a well-planned BR, are the most likely team to succeed in some way or another. But that still doesn't allow me to wrap my head around, why a paramedic class should be able to kill people.
  5. @Patrol said in SWAT's "paramedic" class: Hey a gang just did a BR in RC, and there was some SWAT paramedics, guess what ! we did stop the BR , perfect score with a 8/8 from criminals ! please make it more unfair for cops man, they are too op!! * wink * * wink* Hey TT did a BR last night and there were none SWAT paramedics guess what ! they stopped the br , perfect score with 5/8 from criminals please make it more unfair for criminals man, they are too nerfed!! wink wink
  6. @doom said in SWAT's "paramedic" class: @Spetnazz said in SWAT's "paramedic" class: @Patrol said in SWAT's "paramedic" class: So criminals do have access to constant drugs , and we cops cannot even have a paramedic class ? we might be able to heal each other but all your points are still invalid over the fact that BRs most of the times end up successfully 6/7 - 7/8 - 8/8 for criminals. God i cannot wait for Kain to post these months statistics again. Again, criminals numbers are way higher than cops. So it is quite fair for us to be able to heal ourselves, and still criminals most of the times end up BRs successfully. Gangs being able to BR with only 10 cops or even fucking less, thats a real loophole and not SWAT paramedic spawn. Why should a paramedic be able to do damage, though? Fine, keep your paramedic class, but it needs to be restricted to not being able to carry any firearms then. It should only be able to heal you - not kill criminals. That's not what paramedics do. What will be the difference between SWAT medic and normal one if they remove firearms? Guys please talk a little bit sensible Why does there need to be anything between them? Does it make you feel special, or better than the non-SWAT paramedic? It's you, not us, who asked for a paramedic spawn. If you don't want it if you can't kill-arrest with it, then I think you should re-consider why you have it.
  7. @Patrol said in SWAT's "paramedic" class: So criminals do have access to constant drugs , and we cops cannot even have a paramedic class ? we might be able to heal each other but all your points are still invalid over the fact that BRs most of the times end up successfully 6/7 - 7/8 - 8/8 for criminals. God i cannot wait for Kain to post these months statistics again. Again, criminals numbers are way higher than cops. So it is quite fair for us to be able to heal ourselves, and still criminals most of the times end up BRs successfully. Gangs being able to BR with only 10 cops or even fucking less, thats a real loophole and not SWAT paramedic spawn. Why should a paramedic be able to do damage, though? Fine, keep your paramedic class, but it needs to be restricted to not being able to carry any firearms then. It should only be able to heal you - not kill criminals. That's not what paramedics do.
  8. @Bunny said in Decrease Jail Time: @Daryl I have no clue on statistic of our new player, but making the price of 20k as example is pretty easy for anyone to afford, only the newest cannot. I'll have to agree with Bunny on his 20k statement. How much does a crim receive per succesful SR? Isn't it a good bit more than 20k? Truckers gets paid quite good as well. Same with drugs- and arms dealers. 20k should be pretty straight forward for any new players to obtain.
  9. Cops are really using every loophole they can find.. Why does SWAT even need a paramedic class? When are we getting a TT paramedic class then? When have you ever seen a paramedic pull out a sniper and kill someone? Paramedics shouldn't even be allowed to carry anything besides their healing-kit
  10. @Bunny said in Type the name of the best player left the game: Rato the god: ust think the q traisao seginte and fuck and will prove it by taking me TT n know who was more dizen q was Odorian So everyone knows what you do to put me in the | and then I Tirao already Perceiving q q ngm me more in the game then q I pose to you guys and say goodbye and it was good while had fun with the guys especially (TBDs, Spetnazz, Shaun, Jasem, Shaun, Brazz, Nuno, Pitoco, Under, Sam, Thomas and greedy) Galera Then the day came and the Mouse was betrayed and stabbed in the back !! One day he will be back Believe it or not, but Rato is now in the Brazilian military. If World War 3 breaks out, you might meet him
  11. @Howlze said in BR Rules Should Include Squads: Cops can't bribe inside a bank. Then the real question is; How does he have 0 stars? I'm pretty sure I automatically receive x amount of stars, whenever I enter a certain point during BRs
  12. @RAMPAGE said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: @tamo Because currently (nowdays) it's so stupid, nonsense and unrealistic how a player INSTA RESPAWNS at his property... Wait... Are you focused on realism on SAES now? Alright. I got kill-arrested yesterday during a bankrobbery, where's the realism in that?
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