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Everything posted by DROT

  1. A rather simple concept primarily based on existent VIP and warehouse bag delivery scripts. Bags can be picked up from a Police Station and need to be transported to a destination. Bag carriers (players) appear on the map and can be killed. Bags, similar to VIP are dropped upon death and can be picked up by criminals. Cops receive reward upon delivery to drop-off point. Criminals receive reward upon picking the bag up (or alternatively, deliver it to a different drop-off point). Key difference from VIP: Several bags, one per each cop participant. Initiated from the Police Station by the Police team. As with all scripts, success depends primarily on whether someone will be willing to script it. However I believe that since we already have quite similar scripts, it might be possible to adjust them to fit this concept.
  2. Well keep in mind that these days on average only 10-15% of players online are cops. That means 10 criminals per every cop, ability to arrest and slow using shotgun shouldn't come as much of an advantage. On the other hand if it was strictly between the invading squad and the defending gang with no helpers involved, arresting may as well be removed. You gotta remember that in first scenario cops don't stand a chance whatsoever without the ability to arrest.
  3. Reward gangs and squads that have reached level 5 with a skin mod. I believe that this is one of key things that every players looks at, how does their character look like? Shaders are certainly helpful but at the same time quite limiting, look at the amount of squads using the same tactical skin base for their shaders. At the end of the day we all look almost the same. Currently skin mods are granted to groups only, I am certain that there was a good reason for implementing this standard but whether it's still valid today or which reason it was specifically, I do not know. Hopefully there's someone who can further elaborate it here. Regardless, let's hear opinions from the community!
  4. Ability for squads to trigger "turf war" in areas not currently affected by ongoing turf wars between gangs. If cops win and control the area, it is neutralized and is no longer under control by anyone until some gang takes control over it again. Cops are currently largely excluded from turf mechanics except for when they come to ongoing turf war between gangs and ruin everyone's fun. Furthermore this would increase the turf activity on daily basis with more players having the ability to participate as well as faster rotation between turf owners. Needless to say it would bring a fresh twist and a new third side to an old system which is turfing.
  5. An ingame scoreboard which counts arrests depending on the spawn used. To simplify it: SWAT member makes an arrest while spawned SWAT Officer, 1 point is added to SWAT on the scoreboard. This is likely to encourage competition between squads as well as increase activity in general. You wouldn't want to see that your squad as a whole made 5 arrests in a month time! Additionally the scoreboard can be made visible only to players using a police spawn. Naturally something similar could be done for gangs, however this specific suggestion targets squads.
  6. I think that I speak on behalf of most cop players when I say that we don't want more money, we don't want it to be easier to arrest criminals, we don't want a faster car or change of rules to make our gameplay easier. Will some people be happy if those things happened? Sure. Would cops become more active? No. Something that becomes clear after only a few days of playing as a cop is that your experience is very limited. Some people tend to say that cops can attend all the criminal activities and that both sides have access to same variety of choices. This is absolutely untrue, let us take BR for example; yes it is true that both criminals and cops get to take part of BR, however criminals decide where and when, they choose their team before the start, they assign crackers, they organize defenses, they collect money and deliver it somewhere. What do cops do at BR in comparison? They show up and arrest people. When there's a jailbreak, criminal has to operate the gates and organize defense as well as a way to get out. Cops on the other hand do the same what they did in BR, they show up and arrest people. A turf war is happening between two gangs, they're spraying grafitti and taking control of the area, they take multiple areas of the map and compete for map domination. Meanwhile, cops once again show up and arrest people. This pattern happens everywhere else, whatever the situation might be the cop player will always do the same thing, no matter where he goes. For as long as cop gameplay is so limited and repetitive, people will get bored of it and go inactive. You won't get them active by giving them more money, weapons or cars, bringing new content to criminals then saying "cops can come to arrest at this new place too" doesn't make it new content for cops. Cops are treated as NPCs which are there only to respond to whatever criminals do. Until there are some serious changes made to cop gameplay rather than changes to cop/crim balance, people will find the experience boring because it really is boring.
  7. October 2019 PC Rules Update Modern times require modern measures and in order to further encourage activity of PC personnel based on preferences of today, some changes were made to existent rules. PC members are no longer required to offer roleplay during car chases before attempting arrest. Instead they're required to issue two warnings before engaging, describing clear intention of arrest as well as command to surrender (/sur). If the suspect stops, they must be given time to surrender before the arrest, to get 75% off prison time for cooperation. Roleplay is encouraged but is not mandatory. Dog handler role may now be executed by any police member on police or squad team. Player using the dog spawn is responsible for following the PC rules related to dog spawn and is held responsible for any errors. Handler is no longer required to have PC diploma. Changes made will be reviewed after a period of observation and based on gathered information may remain, be adjusted or fully reverted. - SAPD HQ
  8. This topic is made with intention of covering and publicizing all important updates and announcements related to San Andreas Police Department and its employees as well as their duties, ranging from changes made to rules and regulations to changes concerning equipment and daily tasks of law enforcement personnel. Posting rights are reserved by SAPD HQ or individuals authorized by aforementioned institution.
  9. November S.W.A.T. Recruitment! ~[S.A.T.]~(#385dc2) recruitment is ~[CLOSED]~(red)! ~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) application recruitment is ~[OPEN]~(green) If you want to join ~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) without going through S.A.T., you will have to fill out the following application format. Failing to meet the requirements will instantly get you denied so put some thought into it. Expressing interest via application will immediately put you into voting phase, without offering flexibility of S.A.T. to prove your skills and get to know members. If you weren't around for a while or/and aren't known by S.W.A.T. members then you should likely head to S.A.T. instead. Should S.A.T. recruitment be closed, refer to paragraph below: S.W.A.T. HQ reserves rights of offering S.A.T. membership to applicants who were not ready to join S.W.A.T. at the time of application. ::: I. Personal Info In-game Name: Username / Account-name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Languages Spoken: Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): Average Ping: Average FPS: Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): II. In-game experience When did you join the server: How much do you play each day: Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: Name the reason(s) for leaving: Current group memberships: If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?: Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): Name the reasons why you received these punishments: III. Personal skills and knowledge (*= this question has to be answered in full sentences) Your strengths*: Your weaknesses*: Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.*: Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.*: Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): :::
  10. Whether you're roleplaying, trying to run a successful event, communicate with your teammates during a bank robbery or just trying to have a normal conversation; your chatbox is guaranteed to be overflowing with random spam from global chat. Be it walls of GZ's, random knowledge quiz or just random Tunisians arguing using number-letter languages, chat that you're trying to keep track of is constantly disappearing under neverending mass of global chat messages. I suggest implementing a command to toggle visibility of global chat, if that's even possible.
  11. August S.W.A.T. Academy Recruitment! ~[S.A.T.]~(#385dc2) recruitment is ~[OPEN]~(green) until ~[01.09.2019]~(red) ~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) application recruitment is ~[CLOSED]~(red) until ~[01.09.2019]~(green) Reminder that all you have to do to become part of SAT is join SWAT discord and express your interest in "swat-academy-recruitment" channel. More information concerning Swat Academy can be found on post one. SWAT Discord: https://discord.gg/w6RsS4D
  12. @Jerome-Valeska said in [SUGGESTION]Cargrab: @DROT This is a RPG server and criminals know how to hold a bar so this script should added to criminals... Surely those same criminals also know how to use a taser and rubber bullets shotgun. They know how to drive cars too, police vehicles are cars. Certainly they know how to press a button to speak on the radio too. Pretty sure they'd know how to pull a bulletproof vest on too. I could go on forever, listing what every person with two living brain cells could realistically do. Yes this is an RPG server, which means that you are playing a role. It doesn't mean that the experience is similar to real life. At some point you need to draw a line and focus on gameplay balance rather than realism.
  13. @Nico said in [SUGGESTION]Cargrab: Having cops teleport through Walls, as U mentioned above to enter a base? Having them entering SR through walls? Have u seen any cops abuse this? And if so, they get punished for it. No I haven't seen it. You don't seem to understand how cargrab works. You can't teleport away from your car, you can teleport to it only. Which means that to teleport into a SR you'd need to fit a patriot for example, inside the store itself which is plain impossible. This goes for bases too, the cop would need to place his vehicle into the base to be able to cargrab to it from outside, which means that he is already inside the base without ever using the cargrab. The way cargrab functions does not allow cops to get into some place easier, it can be used in a way that lets you get out of those places, which serves no purpose from cops perspective. The way cargrab can be abused is to escape faster, which is the exact opposite of what cops do. Do you see cops trying to escape from criminals, or are criminals trying to escape from cops? Cops gain barely any advantage if they use cargrab during a chase, while many effects of cargrab (some of which I listed in my previous post) are useless to cops, they'd offer great advantage to criminals trying to escape. This is merely because the script allows for a large selection of escape based uses, which only criminals would have benefit of.
  14. Given how easy it is to escape arrest using cargrab, no. You can keep spamming it to switch sides of the vehicle, always staying on the opposite side of the cop. You can use it to teleport through walls, for example getting into SR, shooting some cops, then instantly teleporting outside and away from nightstick arresting range. If you're being chased by cops and a random criminal drives by, you can instantly latch onto the vehicle at full speed and disappear in an instant. It voids effects of bullet stun as well as teargas. I suspect it can be used while tased too, just as it can be used while /selling.
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