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Everything posted by DROT

  1. S.W.A.T. Activity (22.12.2019.) ::: :::
  2. @SweetGSF said in disallow squadmember to spawn drugdealer in brs: Also, cops buying drugs violates a rule(forgot the number) which basically says act your role. @Garcia1999 said in disallow squadmember to spawn drugdealer in brs: if you allow cops to buy drugs which is illegal then justdont call your server RPG pls I like how you live in a reality where a person who has a job in law enforcement is not able to abuse drugs. Have you ever met an actual policeman? Why do you think they get bi-weekly/monthly drug tests? Regardless, your arguments are just playing the "realism" card all over, while nothing on this server is realistic. If that's the way we intend to go then we need to make some other rules such as restricting MMC from using anything besides motorcycles, it doesn't suit your role. It's easy to whine about realism and role, except for when it is directed at you, right? Gameplay and enjoyability is what matters here, not how you perceive reality.
  3. @Knight9742 ~[Accepted]~(lime), contact any level 3+ In-game for your entry test. Good luck! ~[*Note]~(red): Joining SWAT Discord (if you haven't already) is mandatory. @Bidrift Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck. @FastYounq We've unfortunately reached conclusion that we will not be able to move forwards with your application as it failed to pass the voting phase. For this reason, your application has been ~[DENIED]~(red). We advise you to get comfortable with the cop side first, perhaps also obtain the PC diploma. You may apply again in a month. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. - SWAT HQ
  4. This would have negative effect only on one side and that side is already outnumbered and outplayed. It is about as healthy for server balance as is hitting your balls with a hammer healthy for you.
  5. @Joshbond said in Remove killarrest: @Adistar Joe has removed me from the Combined squad discord because I sent a screenshot of 1 line, where Joe said, 'our success rate is only ninty five percent' He says this is leaking information. Where as you see he sends the entire conversation and 'leaks' more information. This is how corrupt Joe is and you and many others realising this is great for the community. Need to put a stop to joe and his abusive ways. Greetings @Joshbond . It was I who removed you from Squads Discord. You were found sharing contents of private chat to wider public. Regardless of contents of your leaks, while they're taken out of context and not harmful for Daryl in any way, they are still leaks and as such your decisions/actions can not be tolerated. Please do not attempt to use my decision to remove you, to fuel your personal agenda against someone else.
  6. December 2019 PCD Recruitment Results & Squads Discord ~[.]~(white) PCD Recruitment Results: Congratulations to following candidates who successfully passed the application phase! @Potato @flusha If your name is on the list of future PCD detectives, await further instructions in SAPD Discord. In wake of increased criminal activity and success as suggested by Homeland Security intelligence report (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13520/department-of-homeland-security-bank-review) a new initiative from side of San Adreas Police Squads was started in order to combat these rising threats. Participants are already hard at work and have in the past weeks considerably decreased rate of successfuly bank robberies. Majority of tactical squad cooperation is now handled through this initiative (SAES Squads Discord). SAES Squads Discord: https://discord.gg/fqXuM9w Changes made will be reviewed after a period of observation and based on gathered information may remain, be adjusted or fully reverted. - SAPD HQ
  7. I think it's a great idea though I'd rather see it as a separate event from VIP. That way we've two activities, similar but different. "VIP" could be an item rather than a person.
  8. I'd vote positively if cops weren't included. 99% of cop gameplay is sneaking up on someone or setting traps, I think that this will largely negatively impact the cop society. Not a fan of blipless switch with cooldown idea either, already have enough of /gunfix mashing 24/7. Sometimes I spend minutes hiding behind the nearby wall and waiting for the perfect moment to show up and try arresting. Limited time blipless option does not allow prolonged planning. Cops are always greatly outnumbered, if made visible on the map they will rarely if ever reach a group of criminals unnoticed. Argument that cops would benefit from this is mild, we've already K panel and Dispatcher for tracking, ability to see unwanted players is rarely desired. On the other hand I do like the idea; for everyone else except for cops. As previously said it makes the server look more active. It can be useful to locate players that you want to play with. Whatsoever potentially ruining cop gameplay in order to make the server look more active is something I'd never agree with. Don't get me wrong now, it can affect criminals negatively too. All those SRs and BRs that rarely if ever fail will now fail even less often. Cops will get near you far less often, because you will see them on the map. I doubt that you'd enjoy an even less challenging experience than it already is. Tl;dr - Yes if cops not visible to others or are entirely excluded from the whole idea.
  9. @MulayimSert @DenizUfuk thank you for taking interest in our squad. Unfortunately at this time we're not able to go forwards with your application for several reasons: You both used exactly the same application with exception of basic information like different names and age. Entirety of section three "III. Personal skills and knowledge" is missing. Application is poorly written with evidently no effort made, for this reason you're ~[DENIED.]~(red) You may try again once you're ready to fill out the format properly. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  10. S.W.A.T. Activity (23.11.2019.) (Part 2) ::: :::
  11. S.W.A.T. Activity (22.11.2019.) ::: :::
  12. November 2019 PC Tester Recruitment Results & PCD Recruitment Announcement ~[.]~(white) PC Tester Recruitment Results: Congratulations to following candidates who successfully passed the application phase! @Terry @JohnnyEnglish @Ramby @Ramos @Shadro If your name is on the list of future PC testers, await further instructions in SAPD Discord. PCD - Police Complaints Department recruitment is ongoing! Apply here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13240/police-complaints-department-recruitment-2019 PCD is now considered the second branch of [SAPD Staff] which consists of PC Testers and PCD detectives. PCD is no longer an independent department. Adjustments to PCD rules are likely to occur, granting PCD personnel more freedom. Additionally, PCD members are more likely to be selected as future PC testers/SAPD HQ than an average policeman would be. All current PCD detectives are dismissed from service. If active, you may re-apply following the link above. Changes made will be reviewed after a period of observation and based on gathered information may remain, be adjusted or fully reverted. - SAPD HQ
  13. S.W.A.T. Activity (21.11.2019.)
  14. Frequently Asked Questions If you are an ex-PC, how can you get your PC diploma back? The only way to get it back is by simply applying again after being in a squad for 4 weeks or repeating the SAPA education. You shouldn't have left for a gang in the first place. If you get kicked because of your inactivity, can you re-gain your PC membership back or not? For now, no one gets kicked from PC because of inactivity. If you have solid proofs to prove that you were a PC member, you can always share them with SAPD HQs or PCD. I am on the criminal side now, will they kick me from PC? All PC members have to inform a SAPD HQ or PCD if they want to join a gang or otherwise become full-time criminals. Do not ask an admin to remove you from PC spawn. Repercussions of failing to notify anyone could include permanent ban from affiliation to SAPD in any way. What are SAPD HQ and PCD? SAPD HQ is the HQ part of the PC group. PCD is the unit that supervises all PC units. They will monitor and potentially warn, kick and/or suspend people from PC whenever caught breaking the rules. More on PCD here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7111/pcd-police-complaints-department Are PCD members also PC testers? PCD and PC Testers are very different things. PCD members take care of reports about Procops and also answer the questions about PC. Testers take care of PC applications and PC tests. Although this is not to say that PCD members can't be or aren't PC Testers at the same time. How can you get a PC invite panel? PC inviting rights are as of November 2019 reserved by SAPD HQ, invitation depends on the outcome of PC Testers discussion. For SAPA Cadets; Can PC Testers train or test me for SAPA trainings/tests? PC Tester can not host SAPA trainings/tests. They're tasked with PC related matters alone. Who is in charge of my PC application? PC applications are reviewed & approved/denied by PC Testers. When is the deadline for the final answer of my application for PC? PC testers have an approximate deadline of one week (7 days from when you posted the application.). Note that waiting period may vary at times. Please remember that PC applications/tests have nothing to do with PCD. How can I officially become a PCD member / how often do you recruit? PCD accustomed recruitment is via application which opens only when we are in need of new PCD detectives. How can I get my PC test? Following accepted application status, you will be told who to contact for a test.
  15. [PC] Pro Cop - Information Topic Discord: https://discord.gg/bJf4tb6 Table of Contents What is Pro Cop (PC)? How do I join Pro Cops? Pro Cop Tests PC Spawns & Tutorials Pro Cop Rules Are you certain that you wish to start a career within the law enforcement? Ask yourself the following questions: Is being a police officer more exciting than being chased by the police? Would you rather avoid spending long times in jail? Are you tired of being a newbie trainee, not respected by anyone? Are you ready to advance to the next level of professionalism, commitment, order and teamwork? If the answer is yes, then the Los Santos Police Department is the right place for you! What is Pro Cop (PC)? PC is a group for graduated police officers. They're granted access to equipment available only to SAPD personnel, ranging from dispatch communications and traffic regulation tools, to K-9 police dog units. Given that they have access to irregular equipment, all PC members are held at a high standard with strict rules in place. Being a PC member means being a capable police player and roleplayer, as well as well versed in server/PC rules. Full-time gang members are not allowed to be in the Pro Cop group. Exceptions are made to SAES clan admins. They are like all other required to follow the PC rules. How do I join Pro Cops? All persons who wish to join the police force may do so by completing the four weeks education course in San Andread Police Academy (SAPA), or by becoming an active squad member that has spent at least four previous weeks within an official squad. Unlike squads, SAPA offers full-time training to its cadets, designed with PC test/application as a final goal. Newer players are advised to start in SAPA rather than a squad, to be fully prepared for the PC test/application. PC group membership is obtained through a forum application. For application to be valid, aforementioned steps must be made. Join SAPA here: Browse Squads here: Join PC here: Pro Cop Tests Pro Cop test consist of 7 parts that will be thoroughly explained in game. If your test seems to have contained anything not mentioned in this topic or was done wrong, please contact the SAPD HQ immediately. The Basics Emergency Response Vehicle Pursuit RP Driving Radio Communication Test DUI Check Rules- & Binds check PC Spawns & Tutorials Los Santos/Las Venturas/San Fierro Tierra Robada/Bone County/Red County/Flint County/Whetstone San Fierro Dispatcher Pro Cop Tutorials Tutorial #1 Dispatcher: The Role of a Dispatcher is fairly simple. In general you coordinate the emergency services of your assigned district. You're always required to stay in role when spawned Dispatcher. There is a maximum of 2 Dispacther per City. Dispatcher share the Counties meaning a maximum of 6 Dispatcher can be spawned. Tutorial #2 Police Dog: Tutorial #3 Binds: Tutorial #4 Roleplay Commands: Tutorial #5 Radio Codes Pro Cop Rules Don't break the server rules Don't break the PC rules [Act your role!] [Don't abuse your equipment.] [Don't hurt other people without lawful reason.] [Follow the Dispatcher and Police Dog Rules!] [Do not modify SAPD vehicles in any way. Doing so with lead to immediate removal from the PC.] Don't attempt to arrest players with wanted level 3 or lower. [You can attempt to Roleplay with these people but you're not allowed to arrest them when they refuse.] [Don't arrest people that are spawned cop. ] [If there isn't any way to arrest a wanted person, you're allowed to kill them.] [If you see a criminal actively acting violently, you may arrest them regardless of their wanted level.] When initiating a pursuit always offer a chance to surrender (/sur for 75% off jail time) [A Pro Cop must give out two warnings by binds. The second time notifying the criminal it is their last chance.] [Make your intentions clear, use roleplay binds only for roleplay chases. Standard binds for standard chases.] Give suspects the time they need to respond to your instructions. [Do not spam your PC binds.] [Give the suspects the sufficient time to react to your binds] [Keep in mind that they can not read the chat at all times while being chased! They need some time to read it, then some more time to decide if they want to cooperate or not. Give them this time whenever possible!] Be respectful. [Respect the rank hierarchy (PCD and SAPD HQ). They're assigned to their job for a reason.] [Don't act stupid. You're representing the SAPD.] Pro Cop Probation Tag & Name. [When you join Pro Cops, you will have a probation of 2 weeks. Put Name|PC*, or SQUAD|Name|PC*] [When playing as a Pro Cop you're required to be easily identified by either your roleplay name or your regular nickname on the server.] Don't spawn as PC if... [If you got more than 3 wanted-stars, don't spawn as PC. Use another class instead and get your stars lost.] [If you have received a wanted level, you'll have to get rid of it. You may talk to NPC in SFPD to remove your wanted level.] Sign in at the PC-Forum, once you've been invited. [Failure to sign in can result to you being removed and means if you ever get removed to Pro Cop by mistake there is no legal way prove you've been in Pro Cop before. So if the PCD Detectives find out you're PC and haven't signed in you might be removed. ] [You are not allowed to edit your PC sign in after you've signed in. If you do this will be considered fraud. You're not allowed to edit information you've provided the first time.] Respect the SAPD HQ, PC Staff and their decisions. SAPD HQ Chief of Police - @DROT Deputy Chief of Police - @Kain TSG Commander - @Magnus
  16. November 2019 PC Recruitment Update ~[.]~(white) Police officers interested in obtaining the PC diploma may now apply for PC testing after spending a minimum of one month as a member of an official squad or following successful SAPA graduation. Apply for Pro Cop here; https://saesrpg.uk/category/145/external-pc-applications Recruitment of PC Testers as well as management of existent PC testers will from now be handled by SAPD HQ exclusively. SAPA membership is no longer a requirement. Apply for PC Tester here; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13027/pro-cops-tester-how-to-apply All PC applications will be reviewed and processed by a SAPD HQ approved team of PC Testers. PC application format has been updated and simplified. All current PC testers are dismissed from service. If active, you may re-apply following the link above. Changes made will be reviewed after a period of observation and based on gathered information may remain, be adjusted or fully reverted. - SAPD HQ
  17. Recruitment Status: ACTIVE! Apply Here:
  18. Pro Cops Tester - How to Apply? Experienced policemen may apply for position of Pro Cops tester, they will be tasked with testing and eventually inviting officers whose applications were approved and who have passed the PC entry test. This is a role which comes with great responsibility as those appointed as new testers will essentially have the last say in who joins the PC group, monitored solely by SAPD HQ. If you're interested in becoming a PC Tester and believe that you posses significant experience in both daily police tasks and PC procedures, but are also active, communicative and speak understandable English; you may attempt to obtain this role. PC Tester recruitment topic will be made for you to post the application in once the recruitment status turns: ACTIVE. Read the comment below for recruitment status and/or info.
  19. Pro Cops (PC) - How to Apply? Full Guide to PC: PC applicants must be part of an official squad at the time of application, as well as for at least consequent 30 days prior! When applying, start a new topic here: https://saesrpg.uk/forums/forum/653-pc-applications Title your newly created topic "(YOUR NAME)'s Pro Cop Application" Please refrain from using any tags (@mentions) in your application. Inside the topic that you created, copy (in entirety) and fill out the application form found below. Applications will be answered approximately 7 days later. Pro Cops (PC) - Application Form PART I: Introduction Nickname: Account name: Age: In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: PART II: Background check Do you have RP binds?: Current Squad: Approximate date of joining: Link to your application for the squad that you are currently a member of: Are you an ex-PC member? If yes, why were you removed?: Have you ever been banned? If yes, why and when?: PART III : Rules check Have you read the entirety of the "Pro Cops Guide" topic?: What are the rules for the Dog spawn?: Briefly explain the following rules in your own words: Rule number 4: Rule number 5: Rule number 7: Rule number 9: PART IV: Roleplay commands Explain how and when the /me command is used. Include an example: Explain how and when the /do command is used. Include an example: Final Confirmation: I [NAME HERE], swear that all the information provided in this application is only the truth and nothing but the truth. With this application I promise to act in accordance with the rules and regulations at all times, to perform my duties professionally and to never misuse the equipment or means provided to me by the San Andreas Police Department I swear to protect the innocent and uphold the law of the state of San Andreas and the constitution of the United States of America. Solemnly, [NAME HERE] SAES:RPG - Pro Cops (PC) Application Format 2023 Remastered
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  20. I think that you're having a hard time understanding that this is a game, place where people come so that they don't have to give a shit. This tendency that you have to take irrelevant and unimportant things and turn them into something important and dramatic is what annoys people. Believe it or not, 99.9% players aren't here to make friends, hold hands and think happy thoughts. They don't care in the least about who said what or who lied to who, what your nickname might be, why you were banned, who told what to who, this is not Spanish soap opera, it's a game. Place where people come to relax and have fun, not to care about other people and their emotions. We are not here to give you emotional support and a pat on the back. If you want that, go and experience the real life. Games are not a place for that. Before you brush this off as just another "bad comment", not all help comes in form of saying nice things. You seem to have trouble understanding why you're where you are so I thought I'd try and explain. This is the second topic you made with purpose of dramatizing and making yourself a victim. You need to understand that people don't care. Nobody cares except for you. The only reason you're a victim is because you made yourself a victim. Quit whining, man up and continue living your life.
  21. Technically it wasn't your topic if you copy-pasted it.
  22. @Brophy Could we not replace the current list of recruitment topics with a list of subcategories, one per each g/s? Those subcategories could then contain their respective recruitment topic. To explain it in short, as if we turned all private forums (subcategories) public, there would be a list of subcategories one per each g/s. That way people could be granted moderator rights within their own subcategory rather than entirety of tsg/gangs list. In addition they could have individual private subcategories not visible to public, or alternatively having a public subcategory could come with a condition that there will be no private subcategory simultaneously if that would burden the website in any way.
  23. Dear Frisout, I met your mum. Banged her carefully, Like a well-used drum. -DROT Chronicles of DROT circa 2019
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