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Everything posted by DROT

  1. https://youtu.be/SN4d5Iwq7SY
  2. @velona said in BR issue: claiming banks Who even came up with this? First gang to start the robbery gets the robbery, what's this idea of bank "reservations"?
  3. November 2020 PC Tester Recruitment Results & Recent Additions ~[.]~(black) Congratulations to following candidates who successfully passed the application phase! @Rocoso @Anas_ If your name is on the list of future PC testers, await further instructions in SAPD Discord. Additional entry markers were added to SF and LV banks, allowing for easier access to law enforcement when entering the first room (lobby). - SAPD HQ
  4. Unless your property comes with a helipad, airstrip or something of the sort; aircrafts are limited to airports and bases. If you come across illegally placed aircrafts, feel free to make a report and the location will be reviewed as soon as possible.
  5. There would be no need for rule nor waste of manpower for enforcement of the same; if marker protection was implemented to all markers. That is, if it comes paired with a cooldown that would be preventing people from entering and existing the marker repeatedly to abuse the protection, that happens often enough at jail without the said cooldown. Although the invulnerability script is too incompetent and unlikely to keep you alive when receiving large amounts of damage as seen at jail, it should do just fine at places like shops; again, if paired with a marker entry cooldown.
  6. Squad bases already have tanks inside and have no limit on how many of those they can own, dvm cooldown would hardly affect that. As for the tank in the image, report/remove it as it obviously shouldn't be there.
  7. You're not allowed to have a SWAT tank or similar vehicles at a private property, so there can not be tanks owned by players around bank or jail area. Therefore, they can't be "abused" and repeatedly respawned as claimed in the suggestion.
  8. Now that sounds and looks a whole lot better, cop passage would mix things up a bit from the usual sheep-to-the-slaughter gameplay and offer a second option besides rushing straight down the corridor only to be shot dead mid way. Although I'd personally connect that cop passage to Entrance room as well, to avoid aforementioned problem on the left side of the interior too, offering a second route.
  9. Only thing that tilts me and what remains similar to your past design (apparenty) is the location from which the air vent is opened, that is if it is opened from the same location that's being used to open the cells area. That'd create 3 escape routes while cops already struggle with only 1 as of now. If the vent opening required a criminal to be inside the restaurant room by the door panel to trigger it, that'd probably be solid. One person opening three escape doors from a remote room is an overkill.
  10. @OldMafia On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in becoming part of our organization. Unfortunately, you've proven to be an extremely unpleasant, entitled and rude person as shown during our brief chat. In no more than five minutes you've persuaded me that you are in no way fit to become part of our team, and we wouldn't be in our right mind to ever grant you access to our ranks. May God have mercy on whichever organisation (if any) decides to take you in. Do not bother applying again. Application Status: ~[DENIED]~(red) Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. - SWAT HQ
  11. Thanks/hvala everyone!
  12. All of the following stations are European and already available on the server. Dance UK Radio Turkrapfm Radio Banovina Croatia Radio 101 Croatia RadioMETRO Russia Box UK Radio Radio Caprice Russian Club BFM Radio Russian Odorian RussianFm Kral Turk Fm RauteMusic Club FolkRadio Macedonia
  13. November 2020 PC Tester Recruitment Following departure of our tester JohnnyEnglish, SAPD is in need of approximately two new testers. If you wish to find out more about PC testers or how to become one, follow the link below: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13027/pct-pro-cops-tester-how-to-apply Applications may be submitted for several more days, next recruitment is not expected to happen any time soon. - SAPD HQ
  14. Vehicle and money awarded, waiting for wrap.
  15. @Dalb said in [SUGGESTION] Donation skin: Maybe what I will write now may not be reasonable, but I would like to spawn as Donator and play the role of a criminal (Sr, br, jb etc) That would make the server pay2win as donator spawn has special weapons.
  16. I don't think that /sur getting cancelled if tased afterwards is an intended feature. That should probably be fixed.
  17. I don't like the idea of placing it on Admiral, but it could be nice as replacement for some unused trash car. Admiral looks cool already
  18. Anything can happen so long that someone wants to work on it. Given the lack of response, it is possible that nobody does at this point of time. You can see hundreds of widely supported suggestions waiting for someone to implement them, taking months or even years, many never coming true. Ultimately it comes down to the developer (in addition to HQ approval) to decide which one of those numerous ideas they want to work on, if any. Overall, don't expect any feedback until a developer decides to pick up the project, if that ever happens.
  19. HLS was allowed to respond to certain banks as a balancing measure. Implementing your suggestion would work entirely against that goal.
  20. Turf is an activity for cops as much as it is for gangs, similar to BRs. Their role is to respond to an area of criminal activity and halt their progress. The fact that gangs also fight each in addition to defending against the police does not equal a solely criminal activity. Additionally this would further limit an already limited gameplay experience of an average cop, by restricting them from entering certain areas of the map at different times. In regards to cops killing turf participants, same rules apply as anywhere else on the map. Attempt to arrest before killing unless the person is at a hard to reach place. Not adhering to these rules can already lead to punishments, there is no need for a separate yet identical rule for turfs.
  21. HS ability in turfs was implemented based on positive feedback from the criminal community, in order to enchance their turf experience. There's no such feedback from police side for an obvious reason; they would be on the receiving end of an advantage benefiting the other team. There is currently no proper excuse for shifting the balance of power towards criminals and further empowering them against cops during turfs, which implementation of this suggestion would do. We've no intention of forcing such a change on police against their will, as there is no valid balancing reason to.
  22. July 2020 PC Tester Recruitment Results & PCD Closure Announcement ~[.]~(white) PC Tester Recruitment Results: Congratulations to following candidates who successfully passed the application phase! @SAFP-Stone @bas260 @Pika If your name is on the list of future PC testers, await further instructions in SAPD Discord. PCD - Police Complaints Department will from this day on cease to exist. All cases of investigation and PC reports will henceforth be handled by the PC Testers team in addition to their existent tasks. Changes made will be reviewed after a period of observation and based on gathered information may remain, be adjusted or fully reverted. - SAPD HQ
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