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Everything posted by DROT

  1. PC Tester Recruitment - October 2023 Experienced policemen may apply for position of Pro Cops Tester, they will be tasked with testing and eventually inviting officers whose applications were approved and have passed the PC entry test. This is a role which comes with great responsibility as those appointed as new testers will essentially have the last say in who joins the PC group, monitored solely by SAPD HQ. If you're interested in becoming a tester and believe that you posses significant experience in both daily police tasks and PC procedures but are also active, communicative and speak understandable English; you may attempt to obtain this role. Name: Username: Age: Nationality: Squad: Policing Groups: Pro Cop Since (date): Link to Pro Cop Sign-in Post: Previous Experience: Why would you make a good tester?: Post your application in a comment below.
  2. Extra options never hurt anyone. Though I don't see why it would be free, there's plenty of money around and not that many ways to spend it.
  3. ice nnb fox mit
      • 1
      • Thanks
  4. If an organisation has a gr marker then they should be available for robbery. It should be forbidden for organisations to intentionally work around this. Alternatively, the option that I would personally favour and suggest is for organisation bank account money to go below 0 if their account is already empty when being robbed. The next time they deposit money it will first have to cover up the debt. Perhaps for as long as their bank money it is below 0$, that organisation can't rob anyone else but can still be robbed, to avoid people purposefully not depositing any money in their own org bank. Can't sit on both chairs at once, either you are part of the gr system or have your gr marker removed. Anything else just calls for manipulation.
  5. Having one vehicle that an online player last entered/interacted with not be affected by the vehicle respawn would mean 1 unrespawnable vehicle per each player at most. I think that this probably wouldn't affect the server performance negatively too much if at all. More so with the current low player count. So I agree with the idea although more than 1 vehicle per 1 player is probably an unnecessary overkill.
  6. The current timer is already short. Nobody ever guards the jail, the only thing that criminals need to do is have one person come and jailbreak them. However they already rarely ever jailbreak because it's already a short period. If the timer is even further reduced to something as ridiculous as 150sec which is two and a half minutes, nobody will bother to jailbreak anyone ever again. Nobody minds waiting two minutes to finish the whole sentence, in fact they would waste more time if they tried to run away, there's no point in escaping anymore. So first off, no more jailbreaking. That's one less activity on the server, I wouldn't say that's what it needs right now. Then, reducing the time also means affecting the balance of other activities such as those of BRs, where robbers would be able to return twice as fast. Same goes for any other location that a cop may be trying to clear out. The time frame in which they can arrest a group of people will effectively be halved since the first people arrested will come back before the other part of the group ever gets arrested too. So let's add a significant increase to difficulty for cops to the list of downsides too. And finally we've the fact that this will make criminal gameplay significantly easier. Where's the thrill if getting arrested doesn't mean anything? If you'll still have plenty of time to make it back for an activity, if you'll be out in two minutes, then why even bother trying to escape cops? It's no longer a matter of "should I try to run away, or should I take the risk and try to kill these cops" since there's literally no risk to be taken. Everyone can just be a rambo, even if they fail fuck it... You'll be out of the prison and back at that same place before you even realize that you were jailed. So that's a significant decrease in difficulty for criminals. Overall as a consequence of reducing the jail timer we've: 1) A completely killed-off jailbreaking activity. 2) Changed balance of every cop vs crim activity, double the challenge for cops. 3) Piss easy gameplay for criminals who are out of jail in two minutes. No, I don't think that this is a good idea. If anything the timer should stay the same. I'd ever dare say that increase in jail time should be considered to reintroduce a reason for criminals to jailbreak again.
  7. I don't think that the money reset should be thought about at all until the economy is fixed. Fix the prices, income, expenses and everything related to it. In case that you do miraculously somehow make it work, only then should old money be erased. There is no point to wiping money until the previous step is done. If the wipe happens and the economy doesn't get fixed afterwards (SAES is notorious for taking forever to implement something, that is if it's not forgotten halfway through) we'll be in a worse position than we are now with a bunch of annoyed players, one less thing to come back to, and an equally broken economy. This can't be done as a half-assed, quick patched attempt at affecting server activity. Tldr - No money wipe until economy is fixed.
  8. I think that it should remain as short and as simple as possible if it will be universal. Clubs can reach out to applicant if they really need additional information of some sort. Things like other names used, age and gender I personally wouldn't care about or include in an app for SWAT. Nor would anyone be asked to agree to be active daily. If there's a possibility for limited customization that'd be great, like an option to only have some section in your app but not the others. In that case one section could ask for only minimal amount of information, clubs that require more information could enable more sections. Or an ability to choose which of default listed questions can be inside your application form rather than writing your own. Of course if nothing like that is possible then I'd suggest what I had said at first, which is to keep things short and simple.
  9. Samuel should win the accumulated weight competition because he's a fat fuck.
  10. ] SWAT Recruitment Status: ACTIVE Following five months with no active recruitment, interested players can now once again attempt to become members of the squad by participating in the SWAT Academy. Recruitment may eventually be suspended again for an unknown amount of time. More about the SWAT Academy, which currently remains the only viable method of joining the squad: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/34107/s-w-a-t-academy-recruitment SWAT HQ
  11. I don't think that squads should give up on something that benefits them everywhere with the exception of one activity in which they're on the opposing sides. Perhaps something can be done along the lines of blips getting toggled off for participating squads during GRs. Sure there must be several other options to try or consider trying before getting rid of something beneficial entirely.
  12. Little Jacob isn't a drug addict
  13. It might be enough to introduce a selling spot in form of a window containing text rather than having access to physical cars, while it would I presume also be way easier script. A list of vehicles that players set for sale alongside written specifications and price of said vehicles, such as upgrades or colour codes. Something like auction houses found in many mmo games. You do not need to have access to or see the actual vehicle to know what it looks like or what it comes with. Testing the vehicle on the other hand could be part of regular car shop, the same racing track that is currently found in Nanoshop. There is after all no real need to test the player sold car, when the generic vehicle that you could test in a car shop has identical performance to player owned car.
  14. Happy birthday I wish you all the best, you are now a grown man who has the mental capacity to stop playing Fortnite, Roblox and listening to Kanye, pls stop, many kisses
  15. January - July 2022 General Police Updates Recount ~[.]~(black) General Changes: Casino Robbery, new server activity that cops can respond to. [s=]https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31778/introducing-the-new-last-venturas-casino https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31806/information-lv-casino-rob https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31790/casino-robbery-rules[/s] Cops now get rewarded on public bank robbery reset (30k per uncracked safe) and more than one can receive money by running into an uncracked safe marker. Non-police vehicles marked with police variants are now only drivable by emergency classes and can be parked at player owned properties. "Gang Bank Robberies Stopped" and "VIP's Escorted" added to /stats. Police variants are now available for the following vehicles: Infernus, Cheetah, Stratum, Huntley, Patriot, Newsvan, Bullet. Vehicles found in proximity of bank entrances are now collision-less to prevent interior marker blocking. Squadless players receive 10% less money from arrests. This does not apply to PC members. Pro Cops (PC) Changes Detective is now the primary PC spawn and comes with a new skin. Police Marine spawn has been reintroduced and returned to Las Venturas. Following PC spawns were made public and accessible to anyone depending on their arrest /stats: Traffic Officer (1k), Police Officer (2k), Police Marine (3k), Sheriff (4k). PC members now receive 10% more money from arrests made with any spawn. /speedtrap now comes with a 5 minutes AFK check. Prison Warden comes with a new skin and a sniper rifle. - SAPD HQ
  16. Not saying that I'm against or in favour of implementing the suggested change, just stating what (if I remember correctly) the reason behind its removal was.
  17. It was removed primarily because it was pointless, you drive from point A to point B over sea which of course has no obstacles on it, then get paid for doing that. Additionally, various bugs were a common occurrence.
  18. Perhaps if the selected property is in proximity of an ongoing SR. In any other scenario no, especially not for those that include BR's as that would warrant significant change in balance.
  19. ^[] SWAT Academy & Recruitment Closure We're ~[closing]~(red) the SWAT recruitment and suspending the SAC program. This means that one week after this announcement, players will no longer be able to join as cadets. Anyone interested in becoming part of SWAT should use this period to join as SAC, while that is still possible. Players will no longer be able to apply for SWAT membership in any way whatsoever. SWAT HQ
  20. Special vehicles are special primarily because of their rarity. If we hand them out like candy, they will become regular vehicles. Take CLO swat-tank-thing vehicle as an example, there is absolutely nothing special about it besides the fact that it is limited to CLO only. Had we started handing those out, they'd be irrelevant and "old news" mere weeks later. The same principle applies to plenty of other concepts found on the server, such as pick-up items or spawns and jobs/abilities. Things are set up this way in order for players to have some sense of progression while playing on this server. The more is available off the bat, the less goals you have to work towards achieving. In this specific case, the vehicle only exists on the server for purposes of CLO vs. DE events, had those two organisations disappeared, I doubt we'd be seeing any Hydras at all because they do not fit into the type of gameplay that the server revolves around.
  21. @PinkyyyTinkyyy said in [SUGGESTION] HYDRA DONATION REWARD: COMMUNITY. YOU ARE A MEMBER OF A SPECIAL GROUP WHO HAS ACCESS TO HYDRAS WHENEVER YOU WANT TO PLAY IN ONE, SO WHY CANT EVERYONE ELSE HAVE THE SAME PRIVILEGE OF JUMPING IN THEIR OWN HYDRA TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT TO DO IN IT WITH THEIR MATES?]~** You are suggesting replacing DE because not everyone can get in it, with the donator group which again not everyone can get in? If people being unable to join a group to get access to this vehicle is the reason behind your suggestion, then your suggested solution does not resolve the aforementioned issue.
  22. February 2022 PC Tester Recruitment Results ~[.]~(black) Congratulations to following candidates who successfully passed the application phase! @Riley @JohnnyEnglish @Legend @LandShark @Sou @JasonBourne @niceez If your name is on the list of future PC testers, await further instructions in SAPD Discord. - SAPD HQ
  23. February 2022 PC Tester Recruitment It's that time of the year again. PC had lately seen an increase in the amount of applicants and decrease in availability of testers. For this reason, we're glad to announce the beginning of PC Tester Recruitment 2022! If you wish to find out more about PC testers or how to become one, follow the link below: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13027/pct-pro-cops-tester-how-to-apply Applications may be submitted for several more days, next recruitment is not expected to happen any time soon. - SAPD HQ
  24. April 2021 - January 2022 General Police Updates Recount ~[.]~(black) Stats: Arrests and other cop related stats scoreboards can be viewed at https://web.saesrpg.uk. BR changes: Door speed now depends on the amount of online cops. BRs require 5 cops with below 40, or 10 cops with over 40 players online in total to be initiated. Cops now get rewarded on bank reset, 35k per uncracked safe ( cops who assisted in the bankrob but are outside the bank or dead at the time of the reset also get rewarded, but less than the ones inside the bank ) Squad members are counted towards the limit regardless of their spawn, gang members are never counted. Arresting: Wanted players can be arrested while sitting in a passenger seat of a locked car by entering the car as a driver. There doesn't need to be a wanted driver in order to access the locked vehicle. Arresting players that are in modded vehicles no longer causes network issue. - SAPD HQ
  25. ^[] SWAT ~[BLACKLIST]~(red) Clearance [2018-2021] All players listed on the SWAT Blacklist between 2018 and 1.1.2022., who were previously banned from squad entry for a variety of reasons; were removed from the list as of today (6.2.2022.). If interested, said players may attempt to join SWAT via default recruitment procedure. Below are the names of players that were taken off the blacklist. Should your name not be among them and you were added to the blacklist at some point of time, it is likely that you remain unwelcome for whichever reason. Names: Boii/Killer (killer000) Curvy (elyesssmaoui) Leito (Oussamarappelz) Tamsouh/Liyones (Zelozed2) Deep (deeeep) Buck (buck) Bozi (dembo) Markus (kalevipoeg) ModeL ( ? ) Ardron (king1992) Pengo (pengo) Doom (mahdi444) Mystic (berkanplb) Lazar (XXlazarXX) Disaster (lilou) Marko (blackflage) Teddy (officerraven) Zombie/Deadbox (Arran17) Dippo (Dippo) Fatroucha (AHhh) Sollozzo (Sollozzo) Chalupa (mastahand) Morningstar (7roses) Netro (XxNetroXx)
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