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  1. Donator: DROT Transaction ID: 2521-7020-0776-6444 Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Requested rewards: 1 Bus
  2. S.W.A.T. | SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICS Established: 5th May 2010 Squad Level: 5 Squad Management: @niceez @Sou @Lincoln Squad Tag(s): [SWAT] | [SWAT*] | [SAC] Spawn Color: #0000CD Headquarters: Next to Las Venturas Bank Bank Balance: $300,000,000 Member Count: 102 Recruitment Status: Open Discord Server: https://discord.gg/PhnyfJm S.W.A.T. is a police organization that is comprised of the most elite cops on SAES:RPG. It is also the longest standing gang/squad on the server, having been active since 2010. We enjoy the reputation of being the most esteemed squad, as well as having harbored some of the greatest names in SAES history. So one should take pride in joining our lines. While some organizations' names tend to be randomized and have no solid grounds, our squad's name is inspired from its real life namesake and defines our role and purpose: S.W.A.T. - Special | We specialise in dangerous and violent situations like hostage situations, bank robberies, bomb threats, etc. Situations like these are not to be handled by normal patrol officers, instead S.W.A.T officers have the priority and responsibility to take over command of the scene. S.W.A.T. - Weapons | We use a variety of government-issued weapons ranging from lethal to non-lethal ones, including: M4 assault rifles, MP5 submachine guns, sniper rifles, shotguns equipped with rubber bullets to slow down fleeing suspects, taser guns and flashbangs. S.W.A.T. - And Tactics | We use a variety of tactics that are unique to us alone. You will not find these tactics being used by other squads as they do not have the necessary skills to execute them. We employ special tactics to make sure that we arrest perpetrators as quickly and efficiently as we can with the least civilian casualties possible, as well as minimal harm to our officers. [Mostly written in 2012 by an unknown, illiterate SWAT member. Recently polished to a readable standard] "S.W.A.T.'s history is one of struggle, defiance and survival. We've been through a lot..." "We, S.W.A.T., were SAES' first squad - and we will be its last." S.W.A.T. was founded on the 5th of May in 2010. The goal was to build up a strong and hard operating troop to bring peace to the streets of San Andreas. The premise was that having fun has always been very important to us, because after all it is a game. Regardless, we still operated professionally and enforced the law for all players of the server. Ghost722nd and Volk were the founding members and held the leadership for a couple of years. They tried to find nice, friendly and especially skilled recruits. The squad had a long history of cooperation with the Desert Eagles, the armed forces of San Andreas. Sometimes we conducted roleplays and provided special protection to transports and VIPs. One of our top priorities however, has always been catching highly wanted and dangerous criminals as well as intervening in bank robberies. In June 2010 we were assigned a liaison, called Tuna. He was part of the SAES HQ team and one of the main scripters. His mission was to help us with important questions about the squad and oversee what we were doing. After Tuna had quit SAES, Martijn became our new liaison. He was a really nice guy and a good friend of ours! The future was looking bright with him at the helm. Following a now long forgotten incident involving Volk, he had to retire from his position as co-leader of the squad, and Husky filled in as the new co-leader. Eventually, Husky retired as well and got preoccupied with real life. The squad democratically elected D-MON as their new co-leader. In May 2011 the public spawn for the SWAT Unit was removed and we took its place, which made us the real elite of San Andreas. Furthermore, we formed alliances with different squads, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations and MI-6, as well as the San Andreas Police Academy with which we had a unique recruitment agreement that allowed SAPA cadets to prepare for SWAT membership while they were still part of SAPA. The goal was to seize more control and influence over all departments to make a better organized police team. D-MON retired from SWAT to join SAES and became a SWAT liaison instead, for a short while Bambook took up the role of a Vice Leader. At that time it was decided that SAES members could join join squads and gangs as regular members rather than only as liaisons. Naturally, many SAES members joined SWAT after having previously left to join SAES. This boosted our member count by a lot and we became undeniably prominent in the community. With the introduction of "Biker Boyz" and "Global Trust", Ghost722nd left to lead Global Trust and a lot of SAES members left SWAT to join zZenom's project. Because of the loss of our leadership and founder, a new leader was elected from among the remaining high ranked members - Killer89/Magnus, and a new vice leader, Galaxy. With this new leadership in place, a new HQ team was chosen consisting of Nathan and Mega9. S.W.A.T. was eventually given the level 6 before the level system was ever implemented, we had finally obtained the long awaited armour, health pickup, tear gas and faster SWAT tanks. More vehicles and tear gas immunity were also part of the package. We became truly unique. Recruitment via applications was closed at this time, only players who caught our attention as exceptional were given an opportunity to join the ranks. However once the new gang levels were in place, our armour was removed and skin shaders were introduced, allowing for multiple organisations to use the same skin with different appearances. For many years to come we would remain the only squad to be allowed to chase and arrest wanted players without initiating roleplay, as arresting in itself, was our roleplay as a high-risk interventive unit. No talk, all action. With those sudden changes, we were now largely a normal squad that is on its surface like any other. However, we remained a squad with a many exceptionally skilled police officers and a great history. Fast forwards, it's 2017. SWAT is at its lowest point and led by the despicable Ardron whose unholy name was erased from history books and will be mentioned no more. It was in this period that SWAT dropped to level 4 and tolerated Teddy as a HQ, until finally Magnus woke up and passed the leadership onto Hesha the Saviour - who praise his name, led the squad back onto the correct path and rightfully re-established it once more as the largest, most active and capable squad on the server. Having done whatever he could for the squad, Hesha too had retired and passed on the leader's mantle onto DROT, with Element taking up the spot of Vice Leader. Soon came the COVID activity boost for the server throughout the early 2020's and S.W.A.T. made the best of it. A unique system was developed called the S.W.A.T. Academy, which interested players could join to face challenging tests and attempt to reach a result significant enough to be granted an opportunity to join the server's most prestigious squad. For the first time since its creation, S.W.A.T. moved from its iconic San Fierro base. Every month, for years on end, we have held the "Most Active Squad" title and scourged each and every single one of the server's groups with S.W.A.T. members in high positions. It was truly an era of joy for S.W.A.T. members, or potential frustration, had you not been one of us. Eventually, Element stepped down and was replaced by Niceez as the Vice Leader. As suddenly as it came, COVID went away and left behind itself a gaping hole. Server activity dropped significantly and the great majority of its squads were unfortunately unable to remain active and in existence. Thankfully with just over 12 years under its belt, S.W.A.T. is a well-oiled machine that continues to easily traverse the uneasy decrease of the server's player count and remains the most versatile and active squad to this day. In 2023 the squad is led by Niceez, Sou as the Vice Leader and HQ which consists of Lincoln alone. What are we looking for in our applicants? S.W.A.T. needs great cops, and by great we mean damn good cops. No slacking will be accepted in S.W.A.T. as we are the best and have a reputation to maintain. You must be active in-game, on Discord, as well as on the forums. You must be active and have been playing on the server for quite some time, and you are expected to play in the future. We don't take kindly to inactivity, therefore anyone that goes inactive without letting us know beforehand, will be dismissed from the squad. Server, map and policing knowledge, as well as tactical thinking are required. By joining S.W.A.T and using our tags you are always representing us, regardless of what class you are actually spawned as. As a result, you are expected to follow the server rules as well as our squad rules at all times. You should attend as many activities and RPs as you can, these will be announced on the SWAT forum. The following rules are the most basic rules of our squad. Everyone, no matter what rank they are, is expected to follow them at all times. GENERAL RULES 1. Follow all the server rules that can be found on the forums or by pressing F1 in-game, at all times. Any violation of the rules, depending on the severity, would result in a punishment between a warning point and a kick. 2. Be active in-game. You are expected to be online for around 4-5 hours a week. If you are going to be inactive, then be sure to inform Management. Failure to do so could result in a kick. 3. Always be on best behavior. A bit of friendly banter is okay, but any excess will not be tolerated. 4. Follow orders and instructions from high ranked members and HQs. Disregard of the hierarchy would similarly be met with the fitting disciplinary measures. 5. Always try to arrest before you kill someone. You are a cop, not a criminal. So act like one. 6. Always wear the [SWAT] or [SWAT*] (if on probation) tags, no matter what spawn you're in. Exceptions can be made regarding certain groups. 7. Do not arrest players who have a wanted level less than 10 unless threatened or in the middle a criminal activity. Failure to adhere to this rule could result in a warning point. 8. Teamwork is key. Always try to group up with fellow officers for patrols or raids and promote cooperation as much as possible. SPAWNING WITH STARS 1-3 stars: You can continue patrolling. However it is recommended that you clear the wanted level in order to avoid getting arrested and disrupting a patrol or any other activity. 3-10 stars: Ask a S.W.A.T. member or a police officer to offer a bribe so that you can carry out your duty. You are not allowed to go on patrol with this amount of stars! 11-36 stars: You are not allowed to spawn as S.W.A.T.; You must clear the wanted level immediately by any means available, but do it after spawning as a non-police class. Commander [SWAT]Niceez (nice3549) Vice Commander [SWAT]Sou (thedamnboss) General (HQ) [SWAT]Magnus (killer89) [SAES] [SWAT]Hesha (hi5ha) [SAES] Colonel (HQ) [SWAT]Curvy (elyessmaoui) Major [SWAT]Lincoln (abdivdbf) [SWAT]Aoxy (aox1640s) Lieutenant [SWAT]SKY-911- (sawadogo1) [SWAT]Silikondy (SILIKONDY) [SWAT]Glayd (pasha656) [SWAT]Marko (blackflage) [SWAT]Phrost (alper35) Sergeant [SWAT]FlaMe (flameeagle) [SWAT]DevilJ (stickkillers) [SWAT]BMaster (baffousam) [SAES] [SWAT]KaKush (thepilot) [SWAT]RedEye (redeye) [SWAT]SeBa (seb123) [SWAT]Patrol (patrol74) [SAES] [SWAT]Dudi (specialist12) [SWAT]Silence (alpax) [SWAT]Dom (xxenesxx12) [SWAT]Benny (bendrin12) [SWAT]Eluf (elufner) [SWAT]Pika (jpoperes) [SWAT]MouRIS (ryadmahsoudi) [SWAT]Zizou (xxzizouxx) [SWAT]DJO (jaas3r) [SWAT]iTsMe (guyfusfus) [SWAT]Ntruder (muric123) [SWAT]Jeaven (liveque) [SWAT]Shell (jewque) [SWAT]Paint (southerner) [SWAT]Pulsee (pulsarka) [SWAT]Flex (midou200) [SWAT]Garrett (garrett2011) [SWAT]Cappo (milan6969) [SWAT]Max (rana) [SWAT]Varta (lexus123) [SWAT]General (elpendejo) [SWAT]MetalHead (cembaba331) [SWAT]Infinity (kelvinpr182) [SWAT]Brondy (joseluisao123) [SWAT]nCov (orkunzeytun623) Private [SWAT]PsyGhost (thepsyghost) [SWAT]Warfs_ (warfs10) [SWAT]Asaf (asafkatz123) [SWAT]iStar (starwarsfan02) [SWAT]Diamond (babdiamond) [SWAT]Ricky (becheur) [SWAT]Bidrift (bidrift9966) [SWAT]Yoav (yav123) [SWAT]Steddie (steddieeddie) [SWAT]Guard (mojtabar) [SWAT]Haze (strong1) [SWAT]Wu (seattlewu) [SWAT]Ikillyou (ikillyoutoday) [SWAT]Tiesto (pyrolife) [SWAT]HaKy (hakypehbiu) [SWAT]Bas (bas260) [SWAT]Bart (bardo45) [SWAT]Negan (juuc1498) [SWAT]Jordy (acerqt)] [SWAT]iScalpel (iscalpel) [SWAT]SmallBoss (smallboss) [SWAT]Bozi (dembo) [SWAT]Sunrise (ilya60601) [SWAT]HolySkillzZ (holyskillzz) [SWAT]Dufabo (dufabo1900) [SWAT]Schwarz (baristezgel) [SWAT]Castillo (onursoylemez) [SWAT]Okeanos (brnaygn) [SWAT]Note (kafon) [SWAT]Ares (Aresgr) [SWAT]Yassinos (yassinftw1) [SWAT]Royalty (royalty) [SAES] [SWAT]Revonex (dudegamer) [SWAT]Piggy (kenttabadat) [SWAT]FreshCoffee (potato5) [SWAT]snowdeN (chaz1337) [SWAT]Mystic (bonobos19) [SWAT]Rocoso (understaked015) [SWAT]Enemy (slogamer44) [SWAT]SweeT (lonix) Recruit [SWAT*]Zedd (diabled) [SWAT*]Serious (SeriousGamer) [SWAT*]Ranger28 (ranger28) [SWAT*]Commander (commander) [SWAT*]Bosk (bosk) [SWAT*]AntiRug (antirug) [SWAT*]Falcon (falconxd) [SWAT*]Denox (kavkazets) [SWAT*]Dippo (dippo) [SWAT*]Toreno (monstercookie12) [SWAT*]Loka (dhia555) [SWAT*]Kendo (bigboss2708) [SWAT*]Markus (kalevipoeg) [SWAT*]Epichu (hyperman112) [SWAT*]Asgal (asgal44) [SWAT*]Zarc (zarc) [SWAT*]Joshbond (joshbond)
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