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Everything posted by DROT

  1. Edit: Property is group-owned and can not be sold. I returned your money in full (1025000$)
  2. Sorted.
  3. Sorted.
  4. Sorted.
  5. Sorted.
  6. Sorted.
  7. Since you failed to contact a SAHA agent within 48 hours, the property was set for public sale.
  8. You're able to join only 1 gang/squad, groups aren't limited. Gangs: https://saesrpg.uk/category/134/server-gangs Cops: https://saesrpg.uk/category/28/response-policing-group-rpg Support Cops: https://saesrpg.uk/category/29/territorial-support-group-tsg You can find info about joining in individual squad/gang topics.
  9. Sorted.
  10. After a prolonged period of raising funds for your dream car, several stolen retirement cheques from your grandparents, your sister's sold kidney and and your baby brother sold into slavery, you finally got your hands on this brand new supercar and feel millions of dollars lighter already! And then that asshole on his last century 70$ tractor speeds right past you with your wife on his lap. +1, I didn't pay 10mil to lose race to a lawn mower.
  11. Sorted.
  12. Sorted.
  13. Wouldn't it be simpler to add more levels?
  14. Sorted.
  15. In-game name: DROT Username: milicajac Age: 21 Nationality: Croatian Previous bans/punishments: I was banned for shooting off the roof of SF CC, it is impossible to take damage up there. I did not know this at the time. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I am a rather bored guy with plenty of free time on my hands, hence I'm more active on MTA than might generally be considered healthy. Fortunately this bore me some knowledge about overall state of things on the server, I've met plenty of people (mostly on the other end of the nightstick, but that is irrelevant) and had quarrel with none. Except for my squad and one active group, I am not a member of anything else and this leaves me with free time I'd like to spend doing something helpful. Time zones can be a real nuisance with as wide variety of players that SAES has and since I'm often a late night player, that could come handy as well!
  16. Donator: DROT Transaction ID: 2490-0519-2611-1804 Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Requested rewards: 1 Stuntplane
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