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Everything posted by DROT

  1. Enabling youtube links to be played via M url searchbar would be great too! All that converting and stream links is a pain in the ass.
  2. I'd like to see a small money increase for person who completes the mission too, such as 5k. Currently there is no reason to accept the dispatcher mission as it offers nothing new compared to K panel used to track wanted people, which is available to all cops.
  3. Sorted.
  4. CS pellets travel can travel through obstacles (walls, ground, ceiling). Person shooting the CS from around the corner has no part of their body showing. It will turn into corner camping and lucky kills without ever seeing the other team.
  5. @CrazyBoy Thank you for showing the interest for our squad. Unfortunately you used the invalid application format, you have 12 hours to edit your post so that it may be reviewed. Edit: As you decided to copy another player's application, we've decided to change your status to ~[DENIED]~(red) immediately. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  6. ~[Happy Birthday SAT!]~ Today SWAT Academy (SAT) becomes one year old! On behalf of SWAT, we'd like to thank everyone who signed up to participate in this unique new system, as well as testers who made the education possible in the first place. We intend to further improve and develop SAT program for days to come as it proved to be working far better than expected at first and over the span of one year, has become the primary way of entry to SWAT. As a special treat to honour first SAT birthday, we present to you SWAT Promo video of 2019 which marks the historical moment of SWAT changing base for the first time in a decade! All rights reserved by ~[SWAT Jew Team d.o.o.]~(cyan) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2FqaynjcDI
  7. @wolferx said in S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactic: In-game Name: sanfara Username / Account-name: midoprock Greetings @wolferx , thank you for showing interest in joining the squad. While we do find it fascinating that you managed to get 2 years older in only 20 days since your application to ICE, we calculated that at this aging rate, in a year time you will be a 54 years old man which is weird even by our standards. There are some other inconsistencies concerning your past squad/gang membership explanations, leading us to ~[DENIED]~(red) application status. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  8. @Ikillyou_today said in S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactic: In-game Name: Ikillyou Username / Account-name: ikillyoutoday Hello @Ikillyou_today , we have finished reviewing your application and came to the conclusion that you as a returning player and currently not recognized by our members, should be given an opportunity to undergo SAT project. If you're willing to take part of SWAT Academy, please use the following discord link and state your interest in "swat-academy-recruitment" channel: https://discord.gg/w6RsS4D Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  9. Huntley is my favourite car, you fags got no taste, it looks good
  10. @JoGe @Kain said in Remove the "max price" thing of icons: Housing is kanker and probably won't get changed @Mega9 hello wise man, is it too kanker or could prop sale price be made unaffected by max value?
  11. @MrPhrost said in S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactic: In-game Name: Phrost Username / Account-name: alper35 Hello @MrPhrost , we've finished reviewing your application and noticed that you have a question missing in section two; "II. In-game experience". Please see to including the missing question and the answer in your application, which is currently set on ~[PENDING]~(orange) status during which you should patrol with and get to meet our members. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  12. @SideSwipe said in Side's Saying Goodbye to best sever in MTA.: Yes you will see Side on sever but it is not me, just show up for protect Props That's called hoarding, your properties will be auctioned by SAHA. Either way, see you!
  13. DROT

    GM Notice

    As for changing the check to occur once every three months instead of one, I don't see the point of that, groups would remain inactive for two months and show up during the third month only to appear active. Meanwhile with one month time they are required to remain active at all times, as they should be.
  14. DROT

    GM Notice

    I think that this is a good idea, we've plenty of dead groups only becoming active once in a while to do a recruitment drive before going inactive again. Hopefully this will encourage them to remain active or otherwise make room for new management/group that is willing to step in and get the job done themselves.
  15. What the heck are you talking about? You wrote it as if everyone on this server is evil and trying to hurt you, poor victim Tamsouh who never did anything wrong. It's your reputation that you made yourself, you are the one rulebreaking and getting adminjailed for it, you are the one getting into fights with everyone and their mother for no reason, why people mention your sister is because of how much you get triggered by it, it's all about you. SAES is not a safe bubble where we all love and hug each other, it's a grim place full of politically incorrect faggots that like to insult, annoy and laugh at it all.
  16. @NH4 said in S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactic: In-game Name: NH4|PC* Username / Account-name: nh4 Age: 22 Gender: Male Nationality: Turk ~[Accepted]~(lime), already tested and invited. Welcome aboard!
  17. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 20 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Never Why do you need this change? Squad base moved Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/980/donation-drot-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/978/donation-drot-amount-10-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: n/a ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Stuntplane Location: Old SWAT base roof Vehicle 2: Bus Location: Old SWAT base, already removed ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Cargobob Location: New SWAT base Vehicle 2: Cargobob Location: New SWAT base Username: milicajac
  18. It's estimated to come out around the same time as SAES 2.0, Half Life 3 and Bannerlord.
  19. Updated! @Jamal your link doesn't work
  20. Many cars look like trash, admiral looks good by default. Unless you like it because of its performance, which can ne done to any other car.
  21. Greetings! S.W.A.T. is entering the modern era after 9 years (yes it took us a while) and we're looking for someone capable of doing two things for us: Fixing a misplaced texture on two existent shaders (skin) Creating a new shader (skin) We'd like to keep you well motivated so we rolled out the big guns: a pile of cash! 100 millions! If you're able to do either of the two, please contact us via the link below: https://discord.gg/w6RsS4D
  22. @Billionaire said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: Why don't you allow the government to print money @Billionaire said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: Gov need to make sure they don't print more money
  23. @Brophy said in Purchasable RPG Weapons: Car would be temp disabled for x amount of time. What you think? Didn't know that could be done, sounds pretty cool!
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