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Everything posted by DROT

  1. @ferthis said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: @Crash One of the things you get by donating to the server is ingame cash. So its a bit weird to reward players with ingame cash and remove it after. But hey thats just my opinion. Donation is an act of giving someone something without expecting anything in return. Rewards aren't purchased, they are rewarded otherwise it would be called sale. You are not entitled to getting anything in return for your donation but you do as a way for SAES to say "thank you". If your in-game money rewards get in the way of server progression as whole, they will naturally be removed.
  2. @reket said in Guard dogs for criminals: @DROT just make it restricted to people with 5k+ kills and problem solved People don't stop rulebreaking because of how many kills or hours they have, they stop rulebreaking out of fear of consequences that they might face. If one such consequence is losing access to the spawn, that's a good motivation not to rulebreak. PC relied on that system for years now when it comes to police dog spawn and had no notable incidents. Furthermore, as I previously said it is unfair towards cop players that have to spend a month in SAPA to obtain the dog spawn while you'd like to only reach 5k kills? No, you could at least spend some time writing an app.
  3. I have mixed feelings about this suggestion. For starters, I'd like to see criminals able to spawn dog as it would bring a greater variety to gameplay and more different encounters could be experienced for change between crims and cops. I can't think of any reasons against it either, so I can only support the suggestion. On the other hand, something that most people are not aware of as they do not have access to PC group dog spawn that already exists, is that dog spawn can be abused way easier than it may seem. For example, dogs are able to use weapons and all they need to do is find an arms dealer, head to the local ammo store or take some from the disk. The only reason why they do not; is because they will be removed from the group for rulebreaking and will lose the access to dog spawn as whole. There are other ways to abuse related to its movement speed and model, which are also not used under threat of losing spawn access. Crim dog spawn would either need some serious restrictions scripting or simpler, being group restricted same as police dog. In case of second solution, SAPD is already responsible for allowing cops to spawn dog, I suggest running an application based system resulting in in-game group invitation, on behalf of SAPD under guise of "dog ownership license" with clear and simple rules, for purposes of preventing spawn abuse and ability to remove rulebreakers from spawn access if found abusing. In order to spawn dog on police team, one has to go through entire SAPA education as well as obtain PC diploma, so it seems fair for criminals to at least fill out a simple forum based application.
  4. @Tut-Greco said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: @DROT said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: @Tut-Greco said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: im a bit sceptical about completely disabling criminals who are bitten by it Nothing compared to what every cop can do, tasing the person to disable them, spraying the person to disable them, throwing flash to disable person. When you put a dog besides a normal cop, it's easy to realize how little a dog can really do. Right? tasing someone shouldn't completely disable them, it should depend on player stats and having a chance (incase it hit the jacket and not connecting through to the person). to disable someone from pepper spray should also only affect only the vision. not completely disabling the target. it shouldn't affect his hands. being bitten by canine should be similar to how tasing and spraying works. it only bites one part of your body thus causing a lot of pain, but it doesnt disable you entirely so you stand up crying. it should partially disable your movement and weapon stats all depending on player stats etc. Yes in an ideal world, that's how it should work. Though I somehow doubt that any of what you said can or will happen in SAES. (tho id argue that realistically you arent going anywhere once a police dog gets you, those devils dont let go)
  5. @KARIM said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: u r not satisfied with new toggle? eject ? kill arresting ? and u want dogs after all ? Actually we already have dogs.
  6. @Tut-Greco said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: im a bit sceptical about completely disabling criminals who are bitten by it Nothing compared to what every cop can do, tasing the person to disable them, spraying the person to disable them, throwing flash to disable them. When you put a dog besides a normal cop, it's easy to realize how little a dog can really do. Right?
  7. Hello boys! As we all already know, PC (procop) is a group for experienced police team players which offers a few perks unavailable to trainees, troopers or even squads. While having a whole array of scripts made for it, very few of them are being used by players because A) Most of them are for roleplay B) They are outdated. One such spawn is Police Dog. It is not able to arrest players in any way, must remain with its handler at all times and follow its instructions, is able to run at speed faster than humans and has only one ability: Slow. Dog's slowing effect is the same effect that shotgun has, which is entirely useless now that every cop comes equipped with a shotgun. So why would anyone want to spawn dog if they can spawn as regular cop, and be able to slow people just like dog does but also arrest them, right? What I am suggesting is making the dog bite have "crying" effect on wanted players, like tear gas does, but for a short moment. This would hopefully encourage cops to try and use new tactics that include dogs, which could then potentially make both criminal and police gameplay more diverse and interesting. Keep in mind that dogs are still unable to arrest or even damage criminals and that this would bring no real advantage to police team, furthermore; dog spawn is available only to players with PC group membership so don't expect seeing many of them, if any at all. Please share your thoughts below if you've any!
  8. Bump! DE Barracks passenger passenger script (/hopin) can be used or edited to include Enforcer ID. Also tagging @Bone because why not
  9. Yes, it will increase activity for some time before we're in the same situation that we're in now. And what then? Reset the economy once again in a year, then again the year after that? I'd like to see economy restart too but not with so limited amount of things that money can be spent on.
  10. Thing with money is that it doesn't mean anything. What can you even spend money on? Anyone who spent some months on the server is already capable of buying all vehicles as well as upgrading them. Properties don't mean anything either unless they are in good spawn position. Anyone in official g/s doesn't have to buy weapons either. It's no wonder that everyone has plenty of money when they have nothing to spend it on. No point adding/removing money if there's nothing to use it for anyway.
  11. @Sam said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @DROT said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): Both of adminjails you're talking about are valid. You're not allowed to shoot/try to arrest other cops because they accidentally hit you with their car while running on the road. The point about not knowing it was a police member is hard to believe since they were in a police car. Shooting unwanted people isn't allowed either, SRs included unless they're selling. If you think that someone is breaking the rules by assisting criminals at SR and avoiding stars, use the /report fuction instead of breaking the rules yourself. No he did not have a police car drot. He had a white BMW. About SR there is not really a rule about SR like you say using /sell command. This rule exist only in the secondary rules. Even if he didn't have a police car it is your own responsibility to check who you're shooting, you can either report the cop who hit you for deathmatch if you really feel the need to or you can ignore the situation entirely and simply not shoot anyone. You were shooting a cop and he reported you for it, had you reported him for hitting you with a car instead of deathmatching him then he'd be the one dealing with the situation, this is in best case scenario revenge deathmatch. As for the SR rule if it, as you say, does not exist; then you have even less right to shoot the person since he is not even rulebreaking. In case that he is indeed rulebreaking, you report them instead of gunning them down because then you become a rulebreaker yourself. As you can see, in both cases the reason why ICE members ended up adminjailed is that instead of reporting someone they believe is a rulebreaker, they decided to break rules too and deathmatch the player. Just because someone did something you believe is breaking the rules does not give you the right to deathmatch them. As long as you keep on treating situations like that, you're very likely to find yourselves in adminjail again. You're not staff/admins and it is not your duty nor right to deal with rulebreakers, there are two options that you can choose from: A) Report, or B) Ignore. @Sam said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @DROT said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): People badmouthing other people is nothing uncommon, either man up or use /ignore. Do you expect us to add the 11th rule, "Don't talk bad things about ICE"? If your members are leaving just because someone told them that ICE is a bad squad, you should try finding more loyal members. The more you respond the happier people will be to try and push your buttons. I did not say that, i just wanted to say how false people are in game! If they need help by donation or help from ICE they are good with ICE after a day the same thing again. ICE is just a squad like the other squads. You're addressing SAES as whole and its management in this topic, asking for changes, so unless you expect someone to do something about people badmouthing ICE then why are you even bringing it up as part of this whole thing? If ICE is just a squad like every other squad as you claim it to be, then how come you are the only squad that has problems like these? We can't do anything to force people to like ICE nor would we if we could, you made your own reputation and now you have that reputation to deal with yourselves. Reap what you sow.
  12. I'll try to sum it up real quick. Secondary languages rules need to be updated, ok Both of adminjails you're talking about are valid. You're not allowed to shoot/try to arrest other cops because they accidentally hit you with their car while running on the road. The point about not knowing it was a police member is hard to believe since they were in a police car. Shooting unwanted people isn't allowed either, SRs included unless they're selling. If you think that someone is breaking the rules by assisting criminals at SR and avoiding stars, use the /report fuction instead of breaking the rules yourself. People badmouthing other people is nothing uncommon, either man up or use /ignore. Do you expect us to add the 11th rule, "Don't talk bad things about ICE"? If your members are leaving just because someone told them that ICE is a bad squad, you should try finding more loyal members. The more you respond the happier people will be to try and push your buttons.
  13. CROATIAN / SERBIAN Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Pritisnite tipku F1 i proitajte pravila pod # Server Rules # Do not avoid arrest: Nemojte poiniti samoubojstvo ili napustiti igru radi bijega od policije (avoid). Do not Deathmatch: Nemojte ubijati ili ozljeivati druge igrae bez razloga (deathmatch). No not Deathmatch Emergency: Ubijanje ili ozljeivanje hitnih slubi (deathmatch), nije dozvoljeno. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: Ubijanje ili ozljeivanje policije koja ne lovi nikoga (deathmatch), nije dozvoljeno. Do not dm unwanted criminals: Ubijanje ili ozljeivanje kriminalaca koji nemaju wanted level (broj pored imena), nije dozvoljeno. Do not attack cops in hospital: Ne napadajte policiju ispred bolnice, imate 20 sekundi zatite za uzeti auto iz diska i otii prije uhicenja. Do not camp at hospital: Ne zadravajte se ispred bolnice (camping) radi lakeg lovljenja kriminalaca. Do not marker kill/arrest in bankrob: Ne ubijajte ili hitite igrae unutar markera (vrata) banke. Speak english in the mainchat: Govorite Engleski jezik u glavnom chatu (T), druge jezike mozete koristiti u lokalnom chatu (U).
  14. S.W.A.T. Academy Trainee (~[S.A.T.]~(blue)) recruitment is currently: ~[OPEN]~(lime)! ~[S.W.A.T. Academy]~(blue) - April 2019 The academy is essentially the main route of getting into SWAT, and its purpose will be for our members to train people interested in joining the squad, rather than the old way of people having to prove themselves and us telling them to go to SAPA if we don't see them as skilled enough. It is far more focused on what you can do rather than who you are, virtually eliminating "favouritism," and it will be far more oriented towards new players (however few of them there are), meaning we will actively seek out to recruit people with <100 hours and train them to our standards. We train you at our discretion (whenever a SWAT Officer is online and has some free time) as well as patrol with you. We will monitor your progress to see how you perform and whether you are close enough to our standards. There will also be tests now and then to grade you, which we will base our decision on. Once we are satisfied with your results, we will discuss your invitation among ourselves. While we don't want favouritism (not that we've been accused of it recently), we don't want people in our squad who may be very skilled but assholes to the community, or people who jump from one gang to the next, or people who generally would break the harmony in our squad. How hard will it be? Let's be realistic, it's about as hard as DE tests. That means everyone with a brain who played here for some months can pass it fairly easily. Some people will have difficulties, like people with slow reaction times, people who don't understand instructions, members of National Narcotics Bureau (NNB), and people who are playing cop for the first time. Wait, same thing isn't it? How to join the ~[S.W.A.T. Academy]~(blue)? All you have to do if you'd like to undergo two weeks of SWAT Academy, is click on the discord link below and express your interest in "swat-academy-recruitment" channel, one of HQ's will be messaging you shortly afterwards. Your chances depend entirely on your own skills and results, no player will be favoured over another; this means that you will get an opportunity to show what you're worth and remove any doubts some might have. Discord link: https://discord.gg/tvP4wtq
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXxIM2n3LRg&feature=youtu.be
  16. Togglewalk never helped against rubber shotgun, I'd rather see it returned for wider variety of ways criminals can react to cops.
  17. Max property value can't be removed for obvious reasons, maybe the sale price system could be adjusted not to be limited by the property's max value however.
  18. Max property value can't be removed for obvious reasons, maybe the sale price system could be adjusted not to be limited by the property's max value however.
  19. @kipt said in Let's revive the AK! (AK-47 = M4): How would you describe the suggestion then, in a short version? Making both rifles have same performance while keeping their individual looks?
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