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Everything posted by DROT

  1. S.W.A.T. Activity - Morning (12.1.2020.) ::: :::
  2. S.W.A.T. Activity - Night (11.1.2020.) ::: :::
  3. S.W.A.T. Activity - Evening (11.1.2020.) ::: :::
  4. S.W.A.T. Activity - Afternoon (11.1.2020.) ::: :::
  5. S.W.A.T. Activity - Night (10.1.2020.) ::: :::
  6. Event: Kart Race With Obstacles Prize: 5.000.000 $ Winner(s): @Rainy Screenshots : ::: :::
  7. @nicus said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: @Patrol said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: Then in the community we ask ourselves " how to help and increase in numbers " the cop side ! ... Become more interesting as a squad maybe. That's a bullshit argument if I've ever heard one. Are you saying cop life is uninteresting and attracts fewer people not because they have by far fewer activities available to them compared to criminal side; but because squads are not interesting enough? That it is somehow responsibility of squads as players to make up for that lack of content and development? I could step down to that level and whenever you complain about having a hard time in BR/JB/SR or wherever and simply say "Become more skilled as a gang."
  8. @KARIM said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: isn't that strange when you see cops respawning every sec and crims get jailed for 420 secs and have no chance to come back ? Considering that cops are commonly outnumbered 3 to 1, and that BR for example lasts some 3-5 minutes, it does not appear strange to me that cops get an opportunity to get return and participate several times. If you've 30 crims and 10 cops then it is not out of this world that those cops get to return and make up for lack of numbers. 10 cops returning 3 times may be seen as 30 cops, which are then in balance with 30 criminals. You may say that there could be a few cops that have properties right besides the location and will return more than 3 times, then also remember that criminals have the advantage of prior organization, all criminals can be there from point one while cops will require time to group up. Furthermore criminals have the advantage of defense, which is obviously more favourable than charging in down chokepoints while getting shot at. All this in the end, in case of banks, sums up to criminals robbing all 8 safes around 80% of time in total as of today. Does that percentage alone not prove that cops did not become overpowered because of access to property spawns? They have it now and they're still losing 80% of time.
  9. @Harmy said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: It's kinda ironic that PC cops were getting punished ( prob still do if the rule still exists ) for respawning to respond to BRs faster but if it happens and you dumped a couple of millions to a nearby icon, it's considered ok. This rule was removed a long time ago. @Harmy said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: No one should be allowed to spawn to props to gain advantage anyhow, including turf wars, bank robberies and even jailbreaks, aka in places with a lot of friction between the sides. Props should be treated as props, not strategic spawn locations. At bank robberies you as a criminal have the advantage of numbers, defense and prior organization. Cops in return get to come back repeatedly by spawning nearby to make up for the balance loss. If 10 cops are trying to breach into a BR with 30 crims which lasts 2min in total, not allowing them to respawn nearby to return gives criminals even more advantage. Currently while cops have the ability to respawn at properties, most BRs are still completed by criminals. Why further ruin the BR balance, to make it even easier for crims even though they win some 80% times already? As for JB, you do have the portable spawn point as you call it; within the jail itself as a criminal. I don't see why cops would be forced to return from hospital if they're shot, especially since there is warden spawn right there. Using property to reach jail is slower than spawning a warden, which nowadays come equipped with weapons. All things considered it is perfectly clear that players targeted here are cops. Criminals do not use properties to respawn and return to BR, they do not use properties to return to JB. Why? Because when they get killed there they get arrested and move to jail, at no point do they get to use their property to respawn. It is easy to go around loudmouthing that "No one should be allowed to spawn to props to gain advantage" when it is clear that it is only cops that do so and that you personally who main a crim will not be affected by these changes, rather you will be impacted positively as cops will be around even less frequently. (I don't attend turfs so I won't say anything about that one.) TL;DR - Trying to weaken cops when they're statistically losing majority of activities and empower the already winning side (crims) is stupid. Stop going head-on into every activity as a criminal expecting to win, properties allow cops to make up for massive lack of numbers and helps them sometimes (rarely) win events such as BR. Criminals are already winning on ALL fronts, in which reality does it make sense to make their winning frequency even higher? It is not all about winning, you have to lose sometimes too. Cops have been on the losing end for years now, however the moment criminals started losing and failing BRs merely 20% of times, plenty of random "nerf cops" suggestions like this started appearing. Man up and grow a pair, you have to lose sometimes too. Cops aren't NPC's and we're sick of crims winning all the time.
  10. Thanks everyone! Except for Jonathan, fuck you Jonathan!
  11. @Orchestra We've unfortunately reached conclusion that we will not be able to move forwards with your application as it failed to pass the voting phase. For this reason, your application has been ~[DENIED]~(red). We advise you to get comfortable with the cop side first, perhaps also obtain the PC diploma. @CareFul We've unfortunately reached conclusion that we will not be able to move forwards with your application as it failed to pass the voting phase. For this reason, your application has been ~[DENIED]~(red). We advise you to get comfortable with the cop side first, perhaps also obtain the PC diploma. @kAsTyA ~[Accepted]~(lime), contact any level 3+ In-game for your entry test. Good luck! ~[*Note]~(red): Join SWAT Discord in order to get tested (If you still haven't joined) Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  12. Yes, absolutely! Bases right now are just a place where you pick up a vehicle or afk at.
  13. I disagree with all of your points. You conveniently forgot to mention that criminals outnumber cops in every BR by far. If there are 10 cops vs 30 criminals, cops should damn right respawn and come back. You can count every cop respawn as a new cop, if those 10 cops respawn 3 times each, that's 30 cops vs 30 criminals which balances it out. To allow for both sides to have similar respawning system while one outnumbers the other 3 to 1 is nonsense. Furthermore, even with addition of all the changes you mentioned as unfair and damaging to criminals, majority of bank robberies are still successful. There's 10-20% higher chance of criminals failing BR compared to previous months when it was 5-10%. Let's be generous and say BR now succeeds 75% of time. This means that cops manage to prevent only some 25% of bank robberies, if even that much. To think that you win 75% of times and still try to nerf the other weaker side who wins 25% of times is disappointing to say the least. Would you enjoy an activity which you fail 95% of times? No you wouldn't, neither do cops. Yeah, we don't like failing all the time. We're not NPCs standing around just to make your winning experience more interesting for you. For once we've this "reasonable" chance of stopping a BR; while you've 75% chance of successfully robbing it, you STILL complain about cops? I won't even try to mask my resentment here, I think that this and similar suggestions are hypocritical and two-faced, carebearing criminal cunts who are not able to accept defeat at any time, even though they win all the time.
  14. @SweetGSF said in disallow squadmember to spawn drugdealer in brs: Also, cops buying drugs violates a rule(forgot the number) which basically says act your role. @Garcia1999 said in disallow squadmember to spawn drugdealer in brs: if you allow cops to buy drugs which is illegal then justdont call your server RPG pls I like how you live in a reality where a person who has a job in law enforcement is not able to abuse drugs. Have you ever met an actual policeman? Why do you think they get bi-weekly/monthly drug tests? Regardless, your arguments are just playing the "realism" card all over, while nothing on this server is realistic. If that's the way we intend to go then we need to make some other rules such as restricting MMC from using anything besides motorcycles, it doesn't suit your role. It's easy to whine about realism and role, except for when it is directed at you, right? Gameplay and enjoyability is what matters here, not how you perceive reality.
  15. @Knight9742 ~[Accepted]~(lime), contact any level 3+ In-game for your entry test. Good luck! ~[*Note]~(red): Joining SWAT Discord (if you haven't already) is mandatory. @Bidrift Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck. @FastYounq We've unfortunately reached conclusion that we will not be able to move forwards with your application as it failed to pass the voting phase. For this reason, your application has been ~[DENIED]~(red). We advise you to get comfortable with the cop side first, perhaps also obtain the PC diploma. You may apply again in a month. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. - SWAT HQ
  16. This would have negative effect only on one side and that side is already outnumbered and outplayed. It is about as healthy for server balance as is hitting your balls with a hammer healthy for you.
  17. @Joshbond said in Remove killarrest: @Adistar Joe has removed me from the Combined squad discord because I sent a screenshot of 1 line, where Joe said, 'our success rate is only ninty five percent' He says this is leaking information. Where as you see he sends the entire conversation and 'leaks' more information. This is how corrupt Joe is and you and many others realising this is great for the community. Need to put a stop to joe and his abusive ways. Greetings @Joshbond . It was I who removed you from Squads Discord. You were found sharing contents of private chat to wider public. Regardless of contents of your leaks, while they're taken out of context and not harmful for Daryl in any way, they are still leaks and as such your decisions/actions can not be tolerated. Please do not attempt to use my decision to remove you, to fuel your personal agenda against someone else.
  18. December 2019 PCD Recruitment Results & Squads Discord ~[.]~(white) PCD Recruitment Results: Congratulations to following candidates who successfully passed the application phase! @Potato @flusha If your name is on the list of future PCD detectives, await further instructions in SAPD Discord. In wake of increased criminal activity and success as suggested by Homeland Security intelligence report (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13520/department-of-homeland-security-bank-review) a new initiative from side of San Adreas Police Squads was started in order to combat these rising threats. Participants are already hard at work and have in the past weeks considerably decreased rate of successfuly bank robberies. Majority of tactical squad cooperation is now handled through this initiative (SAES Squads Discord). SAES Squads Discord: https://discord.gg/fqXuM9w Changes made will be reviewed after a period of observation and based on gathered information may remain, be adjusted or fully reverted. - SAPD HQ
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