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SAES Group Manager
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Posts posted by Yoko

  1. @Groove said in TugaThugs Media Archive:

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    TT @PBR at 2 AM (19/03/2020)




    Video clip:


    @Fugitive kid

    @Solrac @Yoko_Kurama @SWEMAN @Draven use le video for media if you want (in case proof of having 3 in the bank isn't showing on ss :O )

    Plus!!! Our beloved Groove flying like the gods!

  2. Hello there guys,

    We've decided to create a topic full of our HQ management duties in order for you guys to have a strong relation with our HQs and a better understanding of how we lead the group. Please check the topic in order to fully understand and check yourself our duties and jobs.

    Here's the topic: ~[https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16107/outbreak-organization-hq-duties]~(511B1B )

    Outbreak Leader]~(511B1B )





    Current HQ Roster



    SAES>Yoko [officialjosuea] Leader

    Douglass [subkage] Vice Leader



    Stay [stayalive] Special Operations Manager

    Zodiac [klk12] Internal Affairs Manager

    Colo [xxsouheilxx] External Affairs Manager

    Judy [Judyes] Media Manager



     Leadership and General Management: SAES>Yoko

    Internal and External Relationships: Colo

    Inactivity Issues: SAES>Yoko

    Monthly Activities/Jail King: Douglass, Stay, Judy

    Internal and External Reports: Colo

    Roster/Group/Forum Management: SAES>Yoko, Douglass

    Recruitment: Douglass



    Leadership and General Management: Technically the leader of the group, everything passes through the leader and Head of HQs. Management within the HQ team will forward major issues to the leader.

    Internal and External Relationships: The one who's chosen to solve issues, problems, within the members of the group or outside in order to maintain order and a great relationship.

    Inactivity Issues: Who's in charge of the inactivity issues among the group, any inactivity issue, coming back or anything related should be forwarded to this person before even heading to the leader.

    Monthly Activities/Jail King: The one and only in charge of the monthly activity report forwarded to our beloved GM team, also in charge of our monthly contest the Jail King.

    Internal and External Reports: The one in charge of dealing with reports, valid reports to our members, either internal or external.

    Roster/Group/Forum Management: Who's in charge of the roster and forum management in general within the forums.

    Recruitment:The ones selected to lead the recruitment.



    Please be advised to forward your questions, concerns or reports to the HQs. Our HQ swill let us know and we will gladly assist!



  4. Good day guys,

    Results time! Here we go again...

    We didn't forgot about you guys, just want to make that clear before we start.

    @Zei We've taken time to reply due to the amount of feedback received, back and forth with our members and HQs. Our decision is not final, that being said, we think you're not ready to join AA at least not right now. The application is denied feel free to re-apply whenever you feel ready, remember doing so too early will guide to the same result.

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    @Tokyo , As stated before we're always glad to have old gents back, however we don't think is time just now to join us back, there's positive and negative feedback around your application, therefore we've decided to denied it this time. Re-apply back in 2 weeks or so, take your time...hang around more with our members, and please make a proper application next time.

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  5. This is just awesome, the fact you show the idea, but not just the idea but the mapping aswell makes it promising and hopefully it gets implemented. brings back memories when we used to HR on the ground, chill with people and nade the fuck out of everyone. This is technically HR 2.0!

  6. @redlive122 said in LWS :: Forum:

    Name: Redlive
    Link to your topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8566/redlive-s-lws-events?_=1582581131384
    What do you need from us? I've been inactive for a while so my topic got locked. now that I'm back, stronger than ever, I would love for my topic to be unlocked and to start posting events again. Thank you! <3


  7. Good day people,

    Results time!

    @Clayson , we've received positive feedback as stated before, our members feel comfortable towards you which is very important! You've been accepted, welcome to our family and stay for a lone time...unless Bartman gets pissed and kick you!

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    @Bananeira , caralho! same as clayson, we are always glad to have our members back! We look forward to your help and dm at turfs/brs!

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    @Zei , Your application is really clean, I actually enjoyed reading it. Overall our members have share our thoughts about you in a good way. Keep hanging out with our members and don't fuck up!

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    @Tokyo , welcome back to the game! We're happy to have our members active again after a long time, hang out with us, nothing new for you or anyone else in AA. We know you very well, we look forward to you see if you're staying active or waddup, Pending for the moment!

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  8. Good afternoon,

    Here's the results for our current applicants!

    @Lessy , We've surprisingly received positive feedback from you, as Illu said we're always tracking your participation, however we dont think youre ready to join us at the moment.

    Edit: We've decided to denied the application, dont apply again unless youre 100% sure what youre looking for.

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    @Umbra , You're still a promising player, but we're aware of your inactivity, once you feel like coming back, don't hesitate to give it a try!

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    @Zetaa , Denied.

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    @Clayson , I know you've been around our members, we're aware of your activity, try to get closer to more of our members so they can know you better. Your application is Pending, keep it up.

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  9. ^[ alt text ]

    ~[AA]~(99004d) Events

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    Much love to the fans specially to @Spetnazz

    Event: ~[LMS with Tec-9 and Uzi]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua / @AlphaDet187
    Winners: Tape
    Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/sfX9KhH.png

    Event: ~[Street Fight Event]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua / @AlphaDet187
    Winners: @Levski1914
    Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/ED1JenE.png

    Event: ~[Island LMS]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.500.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua / @AlphaDet187
    Winners: @Venom
    Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/ppyImQx.png

    Event: ~[Hide and Seek with Hunters/Tubes]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$2.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua / @AlphaDet187
    Winners: @Petrow
    Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/xnEylMA.png

    Event: ~[Carshow]~(99004d)
    Prize: 1st Winner ~[$999.999]~(green), 2nd Winner ~[$666.666]~(green), 3rd Winner ~[$333.333]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Me / @AlphaDet187
    Winners: @chafloque @Mackey @Petrow
    Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/Ob2nStw.png

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  10. @Lily , we honestly received negative feedback from you internally, and out of the gang which I personally confirmed, and it wasn't promising at all...therefore we took the desicion to denied the application back then. You've been persistent, I gotta give you that. Pending, It doesn't mean you're accepted nor denied, get closer to more of our members. Don't fuck it up...

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    @Dippo , You don't seem to be familiar to most of our members, get yourself known with more AA's and, please make a proper application next time, the current one reminds me of Kipt's application when he applied for Staff for the 10th time.

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