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SAES Group Manager
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Posts posted by Yoko

  1. alt text

    ~[ @Gotchi ]~(99004d)

    We gave you the opportunity to shine! Though you went inactive and came back our members had no feedback whatsoever, so if you're willing to join AA you're gonna have to be a bit more active. You're denied, feel free to reapply at any time, don't do it too early instead just show some effort.

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    ~[ @IceCold ]~(99004d)

    We didn't receive positive feedback out of your application the first time, and we haven't seen you that much around AAs. We honestly don't think you're ready to join AA so prove us wrong and you might get a shot, for now it's a no no.

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    AA HQ

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    ~[ @IceCold ]~(99004d)

    We appreciate your interest for AA, however we didn't really received good feedback towards your application, your loyalty is questionable, we doubt you will fit in AA, hence you're Denied. You may apply in the future if you're still interested, doing it too early though will guide to the same result.

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    ~[ @Gotchi ]~(99004d)

    We're glad you've applied for our lovely gang, we haven't received much info about you tho, so please stick around with our members and show more interest. Pending for the time being.

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    AA HQ

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