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SAES Group Manager
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Posts posted by Yoko

  1. Your ingame username: officialjosuea
    Your ingame alias: Yoko
    Your year of birth: 1995
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: American
    Country of residence: Honduras

    How long you have been playing SAES: I started playing on 2012 and finally created an account on September 2013.

    Qualities you can offer:

    • To start of, I'm a very knowledgeable player. I've been part of this community for over 8 years. Like everyone else I've faced issues with people, admins etc. However, from every situation I've learnt about my mistakes. Ever since I started playing, my main goal was to have fun and play by the rules. I've gained enough experience to lead, which leads to my second quality.

    • I am a leader. It is easy to write such statement, yes. But the reason I state this is because I've proven to lead Outbreak to where it is right now, one of the best groups alive with a great leader like Velo at the moment. Although I'm not leading Outbreak anymore...due to many reasons...mainly because I have to take care of LWS as well (group wise) and AA as an HQ (gang wise), yes I'm also leading this great group along Sam and Jokila, It took me a while to stand where I am right now but it all comes to my third quality.

    • I'm a trustworthy person. People often look for someone they can trust. I've been there personally with a lot of people in this community. I have learnt how to treat everyone impartially and objectively, which I will name my last quality.

    • I always try to be impartial with everyone, at the same time I respect those who show respect towards me or the people I play with in this community. I take everything objectively or at least I try to keep it that way.

    Your weaknesses:

    • My weakness is perhaps feeling uncomfortable when I haven't finished a job, I always like to keep everything setup and ready to go.

    • I personally hate when someone interrupts me while I'm trying to finish a work or when I'm trying to setup a rush project.

    Do you have Discord Installed: Yes

    Reason for application: I honestly think I can fulfill the job, as I've been playing for a long time, which is a plus. I've been part of the HQ Team of two of the oldest gangs in this server which I'm very proud of, specially Arms Assassins. I've learnt a lot while being surrounded by SAES HQs and Admins/Staff. I know this spot takes a lot of responsibilities and I'm ready to challenge myself. It is worth mentioning I am always online, this will be helpful keep the NA time zone covered in case there are no other admins/staff available.

    Server Memberships:

    • Arms Assassins HQ

    • CLO Soldado / Fuerza Area

    • Outbreak HQ Founder

    • LWS Head of HQ

    • Cuban Cars HQ

    • Cuban Embassy Staff

    Additional information: Long story short, my name is Josue, I'm a proud latino born in my lovely USA, but due to work and personal matters I live in Honduras. As stated on my previous app, I work for a Canadian gift company assisting people via live chats/emails. I'm studying Graphic Design, and I love to vectorize. It's something I am passionate about, and I intend to make it my full time job once I graduate. I'm 25 years old, very self confident and ready to take any opportunity ahead.

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: A few, the most important a ban years ago.
    Previous (legitimate) bans: I was banned on 2016 If I'm not mistaken after killing Tombaa, Shaun and Sam-B with a helicopter.

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    ~[ @Arms-Assassins ]~(99004d) wish everyone Merry Christmas! It's been a tough year but here we are! We hope everyone reading this message is doing well and healthy, as well as their family and close friends.

    Christmas is about creating moments that will last hopefully for a lifetime, most of us are old but will never forget this community.

    Here's some pics from today with our members and friends.

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    Ps: @Draven nice fps!

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    ~[AA :p]~(99004d)

  3. Your uncle must've raped you really fucking bad..cuz boy you're not only retarded..you sound like retard, you act like a retard...grow some fucking balls and stop the drama, you got my discord men up and pm me if you got the balls though I'm sure I already blocked your ass.

  4. @spetnazz said in The most hated group, your opinion?:

    @velona said in The most hated group, your opinion?:

    @canelas said in The most hated group, your opinion?:

    Wrong mate, most of them actually left (thankfully) and created themselves a gang (thieves). This gives me some slack to eliminate any stragglers that remain, by reforming their mentality. You'll see.

    wtf traitor that's not how we talked


    I'll come back one day bro

    Most hated group tho? LWS...unfair invites...look at @Colo dominating like there's no tomorrow.

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    Seems our media archive is "meh" though we are the most active gang, and we can proudly say we're not randomly inviting people to boost our activity regardless the hard times coming through lately with people going back to schools etc. We will keep our standards as we've been doing for many years, which has guided us to be the oldest gang around. Quality over Quantity as an old friend used to say @Hitler without further do...results.

    ~[ @Omar ]~(99004d)

    We appreciate your interest, here's a quick advice for you, although we love to see our former members come back, oldies (former members) tend to act like we're supposed to invite them, no one should compare to Legendary members, specially if you've been out for many years. We received mixed opinions about your application, however HQ has decided to denied your application.

    ~[Edit:]~(red) Don't bother in applying again.

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    ~[ @Cristian ]~(99004d)

    We didn't actually receive much feedback about your application, however the few members that actually had something to say..it was negative overall.. the main reason is you being annoying...please try to take it easy, and remember patience is something we value a lot. You're denied. Apply again within the next 2 weeks if you're interested.

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    AA HQ

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