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SAES Group Manager
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Posts posted by Yoko

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    ~[AA]~(99004d) Events

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    Event: ~[Maze LMS]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.500.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua /
    Winners: @ReaperBF


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    Event: ~[Boxing Event]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua /
    Winners: @mazen

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    Event: ~[Hydra Shooter Event]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua /
    Winners: Don't remember lul

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  2. @Lynch1 , Not very good feedback overall, questionable loyalty as a good friend of mine would say. On behalf of ~[AA HQ Team]~(99004d) we've decided not to go further with the application. We don't believe you're ready to join AA. Don't apply again, Denied.

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    @Skomorje , we've noticed your participation, we received general feedback from one side only, so I'd expect you to get closer to every AA member so they can know you better, Pending.

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    @madrazo , we don't think you're ready to be part of AA, don't bother in applying again. Denied.

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    ~[AA HQ]~(99004d)

  3. Even with a huge amount of players you shouldnt be facing such issue, although the problem might be your connection to the host or just the fact you time out when you try to log in, try restarting your MTA if it still causes the same issue, check your internet speed and/or restart your modem/router. I faced this issue when I had a really bad internet service provider.

  4. Dear Chasin,

    I admire your courage, writing a topic regarding your personal health/issues is not easy, youre a good lad, and I hope everything goes well for you, stay strong, life can sometimes be really tough, but we need to overcome such life scenarios and try our best to move forward. I truly hope you get better.

  5. Results time,

    @Kaisa , your application has been Accepted, welcome to the gang, decent activity and good feedback overall. Watch it with all the pervs inside the gang including @Hotfire and @Pazoo , homosexuals at their peak.

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    @Kratos , Mixed opinions regarding your application, the reason you left ThC is really vague, I don't get how could you leave your gang because you wanted to join us, suspicious if you ask me. Denied. You can apply back in two weeks. Try to hang more with our members if you do so rather than HQs since we always receive feedback from them.

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    @ANARCHY ,good application overall, we did received positive opinions from our members, rather say mixed opinions. The HQ team is not willing to take any risks upon the gang's stability. You're aware why I'm stating this. If you're back...try to play, have fun, and settle things up before you apply again. Denied. Don't apply too soon or the answer will be the same.

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    @LastKing , you've been playing this game for less than expected, however that's not the problem, since we've gave chances to people like you in the past. I admire your courage after being denied once, you applied again. The reason I'm denying you it's because you haven't showed enough effort to make it in, you've rule break here and there, so we honestly don't think you're ready to join AA at the moment, you're denied, gain more experience before applying again.

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    ~[AA HQ]~(99004d)

  6. Results time,

    @Fristen , great activity overall, no doubt our members will be glad with your addition, accepted.

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    @Jaster , you could've done a better application, members didn't even acknowledge the fact you applied due to your inactivity., you're denied for now, apply when you find more time to hang around and get known by some AA's.

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    @Skomorje , Really good application, Although I loved reading it, when there's an applicant the first thing we look is loyalty. The reasons you left your past organizations are just not something we can rely on for the future. That being said we appreciate your honesty and attitude, you're welcome to apply again if you feel like AA is your true and only goal. Don't do it too early though or the result will be the same, Denied.

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    @Kowalski & @Smokey187 , no introduction needed, welcome back.

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    @Kaisa , pending, we've received positive feedback overall. Keep it up.

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    @Kratos , your application is really poor. Edit if before we make our final decision. Under review.

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    @ANARCHY decent application, I haven't seen you ingame so try to hang around with our guys to catch up with everything. Under review.

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    AA HQ

  7. Your ingame username: officialjosuea
    Your ingame alias: Yoko
    Your year of birth: 1995
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: American
    Country of residence: Honduras

    How long you have been playing SAES: Started playing late 2012/Created an account on forums on September 2013.
    Qualities you can offer: I'm honest, and really patient, although unfair decisions, actions etc might upset me, I always try to keep my temper. I'm well known to be fair with everyone who's under my hand. I try to keep everything in peace, I rather avoid a conversation that might end awful for both parties so I just step away and calm myself. I'm mature, after 24 years you measure the risks and consequences before acting, at least that's the way I see it.
    Your weaknesses: Since the beginning of my career I was a really humble player, I started climbing up and gaining a lot of friends; I love to share my income, believe it or not, sometimes I'm way too nice with people, they might often take advantage of it, and it has happened in the past, not only in game but in real life, therefore I've changed throughout the time. I'm confident of my decisions and fair with everybody, but perhaps I'm not too empathic with people that don't deserve it.

    Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS.

    Do you have Discord Installed: Yes.

    Reason for application: I've been here for quite a while, I have many responsibilities within my gang and groups, however, I manage to fulfill every requested task. I don't help people to show off, in fact this is my second time applying after 8/9 years in the community. The reason I never applied is because I didn't think I was ready to take on such responsibility. But I've gained enough experience and knowledge about MTA/SAES in general to share and help people. I'm a grown person, mature, and ready to follow instructions to help in any possible way.

    Server Memberships: At the time being I'm AA HQ, CLO, Cuban Cars HQ, LWS HQ, Outbreak Leader, Cuban Embassy Staff, SAP, Cunning Stunts, BoM, IZC, Government as Senator.

    Additional information: My name is Josue and I'm 24 years old. I live in Honduras, originally from Miami, FL. I study graphic design as many in the community already know. I currently work for a Canadian gift company, my main task is to answer live chats, and emails, so I've improved myself in regards on how to treat people. I am trustworthy, and I like to play fair and go by the rules to avoid any type of issues. I might not be the nicest person, I've learnt throughout the time people may take advantage of that; thus I prefer to keep things clear with everybody and keep my distance. I'm willing to improve myself as a player and I'm always willing to learn.

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: No.
    Previous (legitimate) bans: Yes, I was banned once for killing three admins with an helicopter.

    Do you eat pork: Yes.

  8. The following topics have been locked due to exceeding the inactivity limit.








    If you want to unlock your topic please ping any HQ in order to do help you out, and don't forget to use the correct format.

  9. Great job so far @AdemBygt , your topic structure is well built. Good ideas and high reward events. You needed to improve on your behavior and you've done it very well. We always keep an eye on this forum, keep the great job.

  10. Results time!

    @ElRastaMan17 , welcome back, hopefully you've cleared for mind and now follow your own path! Third chances are really rare.

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    @Omri , we've received really good feedback the whole time, don't fuck it up.

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    @Kubreit , not what we're looking for, you're not ready to be part of AA.

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    @madrazo , applying for squads here and there, make your mind up first before you apply for a gang.

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    @Jaster , under review.

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    @Fristen , decent application overall, under review.

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  11. @alex0107 said in Aight I'mma headout:

    Lol man . It's just a denied cmon , don't rage , the goal is to have fun :D. Anyways see ya in a week !

    P.S. Bad boy @Yoko_Kurama look what u did !

    @Arms-Assassins @Tuga-Thugs @Black-Bullets ...oh Hi @alex0107 I'll blacklist your ass if you ping me again

  12. Results time,

    @Riley , your effort is being noticed by our members, which have ended up with positive feedback about you, however there's some members that haven't seen you in game including myself, so approach to us, don't be shy, we're aware of your potential. The application remains PENDING for the time being, giving you more time before we take our final decision.

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    @Kubreit , we appreciate you applying for Arms Assassins, let me be brief with you, I don't really get why you left O, and would be gladly appreciated if you could be more detailed over the matter, our members haven't seen you around that often, so you need to show off yourself a little bit more without being annoying. The application is denied, apply if you feel like doing so after you get closer to AA.

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    @Zei , Next time you apply for a gang, don't annoy the whole fucking gang, and please don't try to mess members up with felonious/fake comments/threats. No you didn't withdraw, you're DENIED, don't bother in applying for AA ever.

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    @Wassim , hello there, thank you for applying for our gang, kindly be advised we've seen you ingame, however we don't think you're suitable for AA not for the moment at least. You're free to apply in the future, if you do so don't make it too early of the result will be the same.

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    @maggie1234 , we're glad you've picked AA to be part of your application list during the last 24 hours. You're way too new to the server, simple as that, you need to gain experience and maturity overall before you even try to apply for gang. The application is poor lack of interest at the moment of writing it? Who knows. You're denied, apply back in 2 months or so if you still feel interested.

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    Here's some classic mistakes, so future applicants pay attention to Joshbosh tutorial!

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    ^[ ~[Lightning World Sports]~(8db600) ]

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    Lighting World Sports is an exclusive, restricted and unique group gifted of certain powers (abilities) to host events and help other players of the community with their own. We can be hired to hold events or we might just hold ours for fun. The main goal of L.W.S Members is to help the players with their events or create their own.

    L.W.S Motto: Exclusivity, Quality & Fun.

    L.W.S Discord channel: ~[bit.ly/saes-lws]~(8db600)

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    The spawns should only be used when they are helping with events or hosting their own. The special ability is to kick players out of the events. They should be careful when using it, one missed shot and they can send an innocent player to nowhere for quite a long time, they swore to only use it when it's really necessary. They are also able to heal the players, create a temporary spawn and repair vehicles. This should only be used in the events!

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    The LWS Headquarter is located at North East Las Venturas. New base was mapped and structed by L.W.S HQ and L.W.S Members. The main purpose was to make a building based on our role but also a high quality structure for our members and community. Below you will see some details.

    ~[L.W.S base story line:]~(8db600)

    2011 (~[Razvan]~(8db600)):

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    2013 (~[MasterWind]~(8db600)):

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    2015 (~[TbdS]~(8db600)):

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    2020 (~[Yoko]~(8db600)):

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    Credits to Masterwind

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    Staff Members:

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    They are the probationary members, they know how it is like to be LWS, all the stress and preparation for the events but they have less responsibilities, special abilities and objects to build. They got access to a pistol and a basic constructions panel, they can either host events or help the players but their main goal is to be successful and efficient. Their probationary period takes up to two months and they can either stay or not, it's up to them.

    Trusted Members:

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    They are the regular members, they can host events and continue on what they were doing while wannabe, they can also wear the [LWS] tags at end of their nickname during the events (optional). They got access to a country rifle so they can kick players at a certain distance. Their main goal is to help the players and the wannabes.

    High Ranked Members:

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    They can host bigger events and give orders / plans to the regular and trusted members. They lost their pistol but they got a M4 instead. Their main goal is to help the players in both, outside and inside, LWS.

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    • ~[LWS HQ :: HQ Hierarchy]~(8db600)


    • ~[LWS :: Want to report a member?]~(8db600)


    • ~[LWS :: Member of the month]~(8db600)


    • ~[LWS :: Roster]~(8db600)


    • ~[LWS :: Hire us!]~(8db600)


    • ~[LWS :: Official discord]~(8db600)


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    L.W.S President]~(8db600)

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    -=(#8db600)^[L.W.S HQ Hierarchy]=-

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    ^[ ~[HQ - Management]~(sienna,8db600) ]

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    • ~[L.W.S President]~(8db600)

    LWSactive :honduras: ~[SAES]~(c8c8c8)> @Yoko [Username: officialjosuea]

    • ~[L.W.S Vice President]~(8db600)

    LWSactive :turkey: @Brondy [Username: joseluisao123]

    • ~[L.W.S HQ]~(8db600)

    LWSactive :turkey: ~[SAES]~(c8c8c8)>@Velo [Username: velona77]

    LWSactive :russia: @Dufabo [Username: dufabo1900]

    LWSactive :united_states: @Hotfire [Username: hotfire4021]

    LWSactive :tunisia: @Colo [Username: xxsouheilxx]

    • ~[Supervisors]~(8db600)

    LWSactive :bulgaria: @Bisollini [Username: alex0107]

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    ^[ ~[Jobs/Duties]~(8db600) ]

    Roster and Forum Management: LWSactive :honduras: ~[SAES]~(c8c8c8)> @Yoko [Username: officialjosuea]

    Internal Relationships: LWSactive :turkey:~[SAES]~(c8c8c8)>@Velo [Username: velona77] & @Dufabo [Username: dufabo1900]

    Inactivity Issues: LWSactive :turkey: @Brondy [Username: joseluizao123]

    Weekly events and Player of the Month: :turkey: @Colo [Username: joseluizao123]

    Recruitment Process LWSactive~[LWS HQ]~(8db600)

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    L.W.S has always been known for its exclusivity and quality, we look forward to keep it that way. Above you will see the hierarchy of the group. How is built now days and what does HQ manages.


    • Follow the Hierarchy if you have any questions.



    • Are you a Former L.W.S Member and want to join back? We don't invite former members unless HQ approves and there's activity shown in-game prior a request, if you have any questions please forward your concerns to our Supervisors and they will get in contact with HQ.

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    L.W.S President]~(8db600)

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