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SAES Group Manager
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Posts posted by Yoko

  1. ^[ alt text ]

    Event: ~[Boxing All vs All]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua / @Kybali0n
    Winners: Some gay
    Screenshots: ~[https://i.imgur.com/CCzk4dI.png]~(99004d)

    Event: ~[Street Marathon]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua / @Kybali0n
    Winners: Some gay
    Screenshots: ~[https://i.imgur.com/xgs3tsh.png]~(99004d)

    Event: ~[Deagle LMS]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua / @Kybali0n
    Winners: Some gay
    Screenshots: ~[https://i.imgur.com/Lyxr1SR.png]~(99004d)

    ^[ alt text ]

  2. ^[ alt text ]

    Dear @FastYounq

    ^[ alt text ]

    That's Bartman answering someone, you're lucky is me the one who's replying right now.

    Thanks for your application, I'm afraid there's a negative feedback regarding your application, you'll have to find another way to enjoy this game, been in every gang of the server is nothing to be proud of, the application is denied, hang with our members more often, feel free to apply whenever you're ready, kind reminder, doing it too early will result in the same answer.

    ^[ alt text ]

    Best regards,

    AA HQ

  3. ^[ alt text ]

    Dear @HaKy

    Is always good to see old names, applying for our gang, we'd certainly rather be your first option though. The application is vague...you'll have to get creative and not copy/paste the same answer all over again every time you apply somewhere if you want to get somewhere...Hang with our members more, show yourself and prove us wrong about your interest. Consider yourself denied, try re-applying again when you feel free and ready, please be advised doing it way too soon will guide you to the same result.

    ^[ alt text ]

    Kind regards,

    AA HQ

  4. alt text

    Event: ~[Maze Chainsaw [3 Killers] Event]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$3.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: @ESO @bigmike and I
    Winners: @Cake

    alt text

    Event: ~[Last Man Standing]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$3.500.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: @ESO and I
    Winners: @Cake

    alt text

    ~[AA]~(99004d) & ~[[B~B]]~(ff4500) :p

    ^[ alt text ]

  5. alt text

    @ESO and I thought about making a fun night tonight, here's the outcome;

    Event: ~[Street Boxing Event All vs all]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: @ESO and I
    Winners: BaRy

    alt text

    Event: ~[Chainsaw Massacre]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: @ESO and I
    Winners: @Douglass

    alt text

    Event: ~[Maze Chainsaw Event]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: @ESO and I
    Winners: Haley6797

    alt text

    Event: ~[Maze Chainsaw [3 Killers] Event]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$3.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: @ESO @bigmike and I
    Winners: @Cake

    alt text

    Event: ~[Last Man Standing]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$3.500.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: @ESO and I
    Winners: @Cake

    alt text

    ~[AA :p]~(99004d)

    ^[ alt text ]

  6. ^[ alt text ]

    Event: ~[Boxing Event All v All]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua
    Winners: @Lilskies


    alt text

    Event: ~[LMS]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua
    Winners: @Ment

    alt text

    Event: ~[Destruction Derby]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua
    Winners: some fagget

    alt text

    Event: ~[Fallout Event]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua
    Winners: Aha

    alt text

    ^[ alt text ]

  7. ~[Results time!]~(99004d)

    Good afternoon gents! Here's the results for the following applicants;

    @RocketLuncher hello there, first of thank you for your interest in applying for us. We would like to let you know unfortunately you don't meet our standards for the moment. We wish you the best in your future endeavors, however, don't let this put you down and stop you from trying again later on if you're still interested in applying for us. Friendly advise, get to know more of our members before applying again.

    ^[ alt text ]

    @PunchLine hi there, thank you for applying for us. We would like to let you know that as per our gang's mixed feelings in regards of your application, your proposal has been rejected. Please be advised this doesn't mean you can't try again if you show us that you're worth it. Try applying again when you feel free and ready, but keep in mind that making it too soon will have the same results.

    ^[ alt text ]


    ^[ alt text ]

    ~[AA HQ Team]~(99004d)

    ^[ alt text ]

  8. ^[ alt text ]

    alt text

    Event: ~[Tec-9 / Uzi LMS]~(red)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Me
    Winner: @Disaster
    Powered by: @Gonza

    ^[ alt text ]

    Event: ~[Dildo kill the target]~(ff00ff)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Me
    Winners: @Disaster

    alt text

    ^[ alt text ]

  9. ^[ alt text ]

    alt text


    Event: ~[1 vs 1 Deagle Event]~(red)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Me
    Winner: @Pazoo traitor ~[TT]~(c34a2c).

    ^[ alt text ]

    Event: ~[Carshow]~(6F4E37)
    Prize: 1st ~[$2.500.000]~(green) 1st ~[$1.000.000]~(green) 3rd ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Me
    Winners: @Solrac @Draven @NubBob

    alt text

  10. Dear applicants we've decided to modify the requirements a little bit due to the confusion generated by the unclear information, so please read these requirements and don't forget to ask if you have a doubt.

    Requirements to apply for Outbreak

    • The applicant must be +16 years old.

    • Not being part of a gang isn't an obstacle as long as the applicant is not part of a squad.

    • The applicant must have at least 1 year experience in SAES:RPG

    • The applicant must do activities while trying to join the organization, such as Jailbreaks, Events, Roleplays and post them on their Topic by editing the application

    Here's the application information as well, make sure to read every single sentence before applying.

    Application Information:

    • First of you need to create a topic in the link below:

    • The Title will go like this: [Outbreak Application] Name (Failing to this will guide you to an insta denied).

    • Please don't spam your application topic, edit if you have to, otherwise you will be denied.

    • Post activity while you have your application open/pending.

    • Last but not least, we take into consideration your application look, so make a proper and clean application.

    Just in case here's the application format:

    ~[Remember to edit the post instead of posting every single activity you do, otherwise you will be denied.]~(red)


    ~[-Section 1-]~(#511B1B)

    • Username:

    • Real Name:

    • In-game Nick :

    • Nationality:

    • Country of residence:

    • Age:

    • English proficiency:

    • Other Languages:

    ~[-Section 2-]~(#511B1B)

    • Why do you want to join us?:

    • Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?:

    • Do you know anyone inside the organization?

    • How long you been playing in SAES?:

    • Have you ever been banned? If yes, Explain why:

    • Current gang membership:

    • Current group membership(s):

    ~[-Section 3-]~(#511B1B)

    • Write a roleplay story regarding Jail/Criminal activity, no less than 100 words:

    • Something about you, no less than 100 words:

    ~[-Section 4-]~(#511B1B)

    • Activities


    Activity #:
    Date of Activity:


    You can find everything in our topic.

    ~[OB HQ Team]~(511b1b)

  11. Good day fellas,

    HQ Team has decided to give an opportunity to those who are interested in joining the organization, So therefore the RERUITMENT IS OPEN, make sure to follow each rule before making your application topic You can find the needed information here: ~[https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10305/outbreak-organization-application-format]~(red) , don't rush it and please keep the application clean.

    Good luck everyone!

  12. IKTUG06.png

    Application Format



    Here is the application format if you are willing to apply for our organization whenever the recruitment is open this way.

    Recruitment is now CLOSED

    Guide yourself to our announcement topic if you have any questions regarding the Recruitment Status.



    Application Information:

    1. First of you need to create a topic in the link below: Applications - SAES:RPG (saesrpg.uk)
    2. The Title will go like this: [Outbreak Application] Name (Failing to this will guide you to an instant denied).

    3. Please don't spam your application topic, edit if you have to, otherwise, you will be denied.

    4. Do not post activities in your application topic but you can share your screens at the ''activities'' channel in OutBreak discord (not necessarily), here: https://discord.gg/ntd7zsm

    5. Last but not least, we take into consideration your application look, so make a proper and clean application.

    Requirements to apply for Outbreak

    • The applicant must be +15 years old.
    • The applicant must have at least 1-year experience in SAES: RPG
    • The applicant must attend and show yourself with the official OutBreak JailBreaks in-game while trying to join the organization.
    • Not being part of a gang isn't an obstacle as long as the applicant is not part of a squad.


    • We are a criminal organization, there's is no need for you to leave your current gang.
    • Don't apply if you're part of a squad or ~[Secret Service, HLS, Desert Eagles]~(violet), you will be denied the right way.
    • Won't base on your application in order to invite you, although it has to be a decent one, otherwise, you will be denied.
    • Outbreak members will vote for the worthy players.


    Failing to use the application as shown below will decrease your chances to join the organization.

    **In-game nick :**
    **How long have you been playing in SAES?:**
    **Why do you want to join us?:**
    **Current gang and group memberships and ranks:**
    **Do you know anyone inside the organization?**
    **Show us a screen of you JBing:**



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