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SAES Group Manager
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Posts posted by Yoko

  1. Results time,

    ~[ @Cuervo ]~(99004d)

    Although the majority of members rely on one of our AAs feedback, we'd like you to show yourself to the rest of the gang, be more participative and show more interest, Pending.

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    ~[ @Skinner ]~(99004d)

    We've received generally good feedback from you, therefore we're willing to go forward with your application and see what are you up to, don't let us down and display how much you've improved throughout the time in LE, Pending

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    ~[ @Twenta ]~(99004d)

    As stated on the interview, activity is your Achilles heel, so we'd like you to prove us wrong, and show us you're really active, willing to join AA and stay for good. Pending

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    ~[Whoever applied within the past 24/48 hours will get a reply next week, unless you pm a HQ (illu specially) ingame you'll be insta denied.]~(99004d)

  2. ^[ alt text ]

    ~[ @Nico ]~(99004d)

    Hey there Nico, we've received good feedback from elder members, but we haven't seen you around that much so stick around with more AA's so the fresh blood can also get to know you, for now the app is Pending

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    ~[ @Poxiran ]~(99004d)

    Too bad your application is been withdrawn, yet still Denied !

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    :flag-tr: The Three Musketeers

    ~[ @Mackey ]~(99004d)

    Good application, could've been better, we'd love to have a little chat about your interest in joining AA, try to hang around with us more often and show more enthusiasm! Pending

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    ~[ @Gjones ]~(99004d)

    Oh God, :flag-tr: is invading AA! Decent application, there's mixed opinions regarding your application so my advise will be to get closer to more AAs and show them you've changed and you're willing to shine this time! Pending

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    ~[ @Literary ]~(99004d)

    Right so same as Gjones, there's unfortunately mixed opinions about your application, so get closer to us and show more activity...Illu is really interested in having new slaves so don't let him down! Pending

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    ~[ @Ovalles ]~(99004d)

    Reason you left your previous organization is questionable, we'd like to know more about it, your application is Under Review for the time being.

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    ~[AA HQ]~(99004d)

  3. The following topics have been locked due to exceeding the inactivity limit:

















    If you want to unlock your topic please ping any HQ in order to do help you out, and don't forget to use the correct format.

  4. ~[ @Nico ]~(99004d)

    Hey there Joris! We appreciate your interest, its encouraging to see old faces back, we look forward to see you being part of our ranks, the application is Under review, good luck!

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    ~[AA HQ]~(99004d)

  5. ^[ alt text ]

    ^[ alt text ]

    ~[AA]~(99004d) Events

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    ^[ alt text ]

    Event: ~[LMS]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua
    Winners: Colobria

    ^[ alt text ]

    ^[ alt text ]

    Event: ~[Boxing Event]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua
    Winners: Versace

    ^[ alt text ]

    ^[ alt text ]

    Event: ~[Sniper 1v1]~(99004d)
    Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green)
    LWS/G6: Mua
    Winners: Harb

    ^[ alt text ]

    ^[ alt text ]

    ^[ alt text ]

  6. ~[ @Bangas ]~(99004d) ~[ @MrGamer ]~(99004d) ~[ @Cheess ]~(99004d) ~[ @BigSky ]~(99004d) & ~[ @Bizzle ]~(99004d)

    We've decided to give you guys a shot throughout the week/weekend, decent effort displayed as well as the applications. Late response due to the amount of feedback received and discussion between the HQ Team mostly. Welcome aboard, remember to pm ~[Canelas]~(magenta) for candies.

    ^[ alt text ]

    ~[AA HQ]~(99004d)

  7. Here's my submission.

    Here's the location:

    alt text

    And a few screens:

    ^[ ~[OUTSIDE]~(8db600) ]

    alt text

    ^[ ~[SPAWN]~(8db600) ]

    alt text

    ^[ ~[A AREA]~(8db600) ]

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    ^[ ~[B AREA]~(8db600) ]

    alt text

    alt text

    ^[ ~[MID AREA]~(8db600) ]

    alt text

    Full album can be found here: ~[https://imgur.com/gallery/lySWAhK]~(8db600)

    Construction has been provided to my dear @AkyZ

  8. Results time,

    ~[ @Bangas]~(99004d)

    There's mixed opinions regarding your application, HQ Team is willing to listen about you ingame to see what are you up to in regards to your future and your past. Decent application I'd like you to get closer to our members so both parties can know each other. For now you're Pending.

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    ~[ @MrGamer ]~(99004d)

    The application could've been better, still we look forward to see you around more often, try to hang around with our members, most of the oldies know you, but we would like to have feedback from the new wave as well. Decent feedback received, so don't lose this chance! Pending.

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    ~[ @Laza ]~(99004d)

    There's been a unanimous decision on your application, sadly the majority is not happy with your behaviour the last months, the negative feedback is overwhelming, you're Denied. Don't bother in apply unless you feel the relation with AA has improved.

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    ~[ @Cheess ]~(99004d)

    Good application, we have received different opinions, I know you from one of your previous organizations like some of our members do aswell, I'm certain you'll be a good addition to the gang so does the HQ Team, Pending.

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    ~[ @BigSky ]~(99004d)

    Hello there BigSky!, your previous application was rejected due to the lack of interest, I'm sure you will take advantage this time, your application is Under Review.

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    Have a great week everyone!

    ~[AA HQ]~(99004d)

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