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SAES Group Manager
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Posts posted by Yoko

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    Good afternoon.

    @Kim Thank you for applying for ~[Outbreak]~(312020), we appreciate your interest, your application is a decent one, please join our discord and show us what are you made of, for now consider yourself ~[Under review]~(orange).

    @JaKeL and @Judyes you will be answered shortly.

    The topic has been updated as well.

    ~[Outbreak HQ]~(312020)

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    Good morning people, thank you for applying for ~[Outbreak]~(3a2020) we appriciate your interest, just wanted to make sure you guys are aware we're reviewing the applications and, also giving you time to show us your efforts in activity. Thanks for being patient, an HQ will be posting results regarding your behavior soon, so stay tuned.














    Consider yourself ~[Under Review]~(orange) for now, and show us what you got. ~[HQs]~(3a2020) will answer applications soon.

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    Event: Last Man Standing
    Prize: $5,000,000
    Hoster: ~[Arms Assassins]~(99004d)
    Helper Lws/G6: @Velona @ColdPlay @Kmeta @Canelas and @Yoko_kurama.
    Screens : https://i.imgur.com/yVOz38k.png, https://i.imgur.com/JIZBQcZ.png, https://i.imgur.com/V7bov5m.png

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    Good afternoon community, applicants, and members, first of like we always do thank you applicants for showing interest in applying for ~[Outbreak]~(3a2020) as you may know is not easy to get an opportunity on your first try, remember to join, you have to proof you're worthy, prove you're active, loyal and overall a fun player to play with. That said I'd like to answer a couple of applications that were pending and we've decided to answer them.

    First of starting with,

    @alex0107 Hi there Alex we appreciate your interest in joining our organization, even though some of our members have voted positive towards you as an applicants, you do not meet some of our requirements, I'm really pleased with your activity, and interest, but as an organization we have our own rules and without them we wouldn't be what we are, for now your application will be ~[denied]~(maroon), don't lose your fate, it has nothing to do with your skills but, our rules.

    @hazy You've proved you're a really good player, really patient, never bothered our members in a any way, we appreciate your maturity and patient after all this time of waiting for a final answer, as I've stated before we give time to our applicants to show off their skills aswell our members get to know you more as a person/applicant, therefore our final decision is to ~[Accept]~(green) you as a new Outbreak member, remember always to show activity and loyalty towards the organization.

    @Griffin Hello there Griffin well I guess we left our most skilled applicants for the last, we've decided to give you a shot to join our organization, remember, stay active , be loyal and as I stated before to the other two applicants, enjoy the game! Your application was ~[Approved]~(green), keep in mind you need to show us activity to remain on the group and that goes to every applicant and member of this organization.

    ~[OB HQ]~(3a2020)

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