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Everything posted by Filex

  1. TST, CIA, KTN & Some others Removed U, LE, GETC, RSSA, BloodZ, CDL & SO added SAI & Five-0 Updated If you notice any g/s that died or link deprecated please let me know here i was inactive for a while so i can't relate
  2. Well yeah will update now sorry for missing this.
  3. @XgangsterX said in [Suggestion] /sell cooldown: @Teddy said in [Suggestion] /sell cooldown: no
  4. @Spartan said in Promotions: https://imgur.com/a/9PzxXUc ADMINJAIL LE>Spartan187 has been adminjailed by SAES*>Terry Reason: Fake reporting. @Magnus @Kain what about this administrator? Do you think you can abuse your power and give me admin jailed accusing me of a false report? You can see from that administrator who is killing me with his car. using fake name . I never really report but this did seem to me a great disappointment on the part of that administrator telling me fake report when he made me dm and on top does he have the face of giving me admin jailed? According to the undercover and making two saes players dm? Hello there, This isn't really the right place to make a report/argue about a false report/adminjail please use the section made for that.
  5. I think we passed from the outfit era to the mmc era so please.
  6. Congratulations
  7. @Daryl said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: I don't like to double-dip but this is probably my favourite meme idea i've had in forever. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  8. @Groove said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @Freezoom said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: They were actually active this month at midnight doing bankrobs o,o He is using internet explorer let him meme
  9. Laughing my fucking ass out.
  10. Well after breaking two walls and calming down, I'd like to congrat JE, Scorpyo, Drot, Arma & Crash for their promotions
  11. @Stay said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: Take this in a good Mood Mah Fuhrer @Filex ^[] They lied to me :'(
  12. What the actual fuck
  13. Np @Brophy you got radrick after all
  14. Hi i love starting new projects :cooldoge:
  15. @Howlze i'm speaking they don't need to respawn on purpose like what happened before, i've been in more than 300 br so far along my career can say atleast 20 of em i've seen cops respawning and mocking in main chat after the gang fails it's supposed to be set in consideration @JoKilaPT but atleast some respect should be given from both sides if they can't accept the fact they can't stop it alone they shouldn't respawn to make it fail in a suspicious way
  16. cops respawn while a gang is bring on purpose so the br fail if the thing will be fixed so no restriction of 10 cops after the br is started i will vote yes for that otherwise i've seen enough to vote no
  17. @Markus said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: R O A S T E D
  18. Ohh that i got parents permission :crank:
  19. This is an automated post TXN ID: 4B755424028981513 Donation Amount: 0.10GBP Requested Awards: well to make it 1gbp atleast xD
  20. XD i'm poor
  21. This is an automated post TXN ID: 9P428407CF9343306 Donation Amount: 0.90GBP Requested Awards: I want nudes
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