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Everything posted by Filex

  1. Account name: medtheman Icon name: 27 Jimmy Savilles Close
  2. I strongly believe that implementing such changes, despite potential drawbacks for those who have worked hard to accumulate wealth on the server, is essential due to the current state of the economy. The existing economic system lacks coherence. Consequently, I am in full agreement with the viewpoints expressed by @Jay, @Crank and @DROT. They have already highlighted several important aspects, rendering it unnecessary for me to delve further into those points. However, I would like to propose an additional crucial element that must accompany these changes: the introduction of a realistic banking system. This system would allow for loans with interest, banking fees, transaction fees, and even incorporate an inflation system. To achieve this, a smart script could be implemented to randomly adjust the costs and incomes associated with various jobs. By adopting this more realistic perspective and integrating these features, we unlock a possibilities for enhancing the server economy and obviously making it more fun.
  3. Your ingame username: medtheman Your ingame alias: Filex Your real name: Yassine Your DOB: 27/04/00 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Tunisia Language skills: Arabic (Native), French (Advanced Mid), English (Advanced Low) English Proficiency: I handle most of my work in English, which means i'm able to handle long conversations clearly. How long you have been playing: Since 2017 Your strengths: Over the years, I have cultivated the strength of objectivity, enabling me to remain calm in various situations and prioritize thoughtful action over impulsive reactions. This approach empowers me to make fair decisions and take appropriate actions, particularly in delicate circumstances. However, I recognize that absolute objectivity is not always the ideal stance. There are instances where it is beneficial to view a situation from a discerning perspective rather than rigidly adhering to dogma. Effective communication, accumulated experience, and consistent qualities are key elements that underpin my approach across all endeavors. Your weaknesses: I encounter challenges when working with individuals who, due to personal reasons or problems, are unwilling to collaborate in critical moments. Similarly, I find it difficult to handle situations where people refuse to listen even when it is essential to do so. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: Currently, I lack a compelling motive to engage in playing MTA or SAES Although my past experiences in the game have brought me joy, I am now actively seeking a renewed purpose to reignite my interest. One potential motivation stems from my sense of belonging to the community, along with the nostalgic desire to reconnect with the aspirations I had as a child, specifically, the aspiration to join the SAES team five years ago. Unique qualities you can offer: My primary objective is to find a compelling reason to re-engage with the game and fulfill my desire to become a staff member. This aspiration would serve as a significant motivation, driving me to contribute my utmost effort to the staff team. Although I won't be able to dedicate all my time to the game around the clock, I am committed to executing my responsibilities in a stylish and efficient manner whenever I am present, ensuring that I perform my duties with elegance and professionalism; that’s what i can offer as unique. Server Memberships: The Company Additional information: I am an individual who possesses a deep appreciation for creativity and the joys of life. I find solace in the beauty of good music and the serenity of peaceful moments. I am aware that mortality is an inevitable part of human existence, and no one will remember after. These principles shape my outlook on life, while the remaining aspects of my existence tend to follow a predictable routine. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Few Adminjails/mutes back Previous (legitimate) bans: None
  4. Display Name: Filex Username: medtheman Link to ALL Donation Topics: ::: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24107/donation-filex-amount-1-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11946/donation-filex-amount-1-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19859/donation-filex-amount-1-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24108/donation-filex-amount-1-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15503/donation-filex-amount-2-50-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11682/donation-filex-amount-1-00-gbp ::: Total number of Donation Points: 7
  5. What now my website solo mode should be on 80m or 8m (expect adapting both but no way sooner choose wisely guys)
  6. K i will keep it but expect the domain name to be changed since i don't need clockcorp.com anymore
  7. Since soon I'll have to renew the host subscription and because clockcorp is dead, i have to know if the website is being used or better get shut down, bye. WEBSITE: crack.clockcorp.com
  8. Since i got pmed about this i will clarify. The resource exists full and clean and i left it on review back when i was contributor, honestly don't know anymore about the fate of this project, indeed if you need to ask someone it will be one of the saes dev team, if they ever want to tweak my resource or make a new one from scratch.
  9. @arctic said in [Suggestions]Things to improve the Server RP: @hatchet maybe @Filex can answer that Yes the idea was rejected when i suggested it i think like two years ago. But i reintroduced it and actually made a resource for it that was introduced on the feedback channel, if I'm not mistaken @Velona tested it with me don't know anymore (Not sure but i think i left it on review back when i was contributor)
  10. This is an automated post TXN ID: 4J533399592105503 Donation Amount: 1.00GBP Requested Awards: 100k to go for the last denied applicant of the cs recrutement will be unfair if we motivate just the first
  11. This is an automated post TXN ID: 5K737216KL2370644 Donation Amount: 1.00GBP Requested Awards: 100k to go for the first denied applicant of the cs recrutement, to motivate him a bit / Rewarded to @Judyes :cringebro: / @Teddy
  12. I already made this @Tut-Greco tested it basically
  13. Granted, but you its already revived I want to marry @Teddy
  14. we spoke on discord already but for people to understand the points here too One second, Do you realize that 40$ is still in the 20-50$ budget ? I was criticizing the interval itself which is 20-50 i gave an approximate interval that starts from 40$+ knowing that it's still cheap but it also depends on the concept of the resource we are paying for here. Let's put aside the budget for a second. We can't go over the fact that SAES currently has some serious issues which can be fixed permanently if someone works on them. Just to say, community needs "temporary" developers and then we it will need QA team just to be sure those solutions last long enough. Fixing the problems that exist already in SAES core alone without counting someone maintaining it ( let's say the existing developers will do ) will cost alone more than what saes can afford counting all the expenses around already. I also don't get why you started to kinda attack me on the second phrase. I was the person who opened the topic that developers might not be interested in this. What I am only saying is that, you can't expect SAES to recruit every retarded "scripter" to the clan which are trying to get use of this conversations. I didn't attack you never intended to, i actually agree with you here and pointed that as an argument for my main point, most of people that ever learnt what MTA offers in terms of scripting features all started from a passion a passion vanishes slowly growing and having different interests, you will rarely find someone who is good and having MTA:SA scripting as a main job which makes it more costy when you find one. Anyway, even if it is 100$, this budget still sounds like a nice investment towards future. To me the unique solution is to hire someone to fix those temporary problems and then just monitor/track the server behavior with the Dev team SAES has at the moment. I get you are giving 100$ as an example here but speaking in general back to my 2nd point, if we use @Howlze calculator and accountancy skills, we will figure out that saes will go bankrupt before even reworking the whole core which makes the investement impossible. However, as @Howlze and several other people mentioned, the codes that SAES has requires a deep "learning" phase which will be a trouble if we go with the Freelancer way. Back to my main post, someone who will rework an existing core will ask for much more than someone making a whole new core, since as you said it requires study of how the core works and it will be worst if it's someone that doesn't play on server (doesn't know the majority of features concept wise) and it's also not an option just because it's costy but also because it's hard to trust someone for that. Seems like HQs and Dev team has a real challenge here recruiting a trusted person to the clan. But all in all, it looks like they worked free for a while now and we should respect that. Recruiting is always happening, back to my main point the existance of contributor group which is a ground to prepare people in order to possibly work on the core in the future with Nano words, and all developers got the high respect because they do that out of love not money yes while they could ask for a lot and asking for someone paid adds just more pressure on them so i disagree with it totally in a strict. This will be my last response so before i close, as a member of the community i strive for features as anyone else yes, but we should be realistic a bit, taking all policies away we should go back to the reason we are all here and what we all agree about, it's our love to this community and server with all it's "shit", and love is connected to patience not chances to put pressure, @Scorpyo (the fucker) is doing a great job and trying to help, @Mega9 did before him and future developers will do too aslong as they are free. Peace.
  15. @Assassin said in The big flaws in SAES, time for a change.: Just you to note, a freelance MTA scripter would cost you 20-50$ maximum to make for you a totally new script. That's because we are talking about MTA/Lua and that's where the cheapest things happen. There are so many scripters in the MTA community willing to work for pennies, you can check them out as well. 20-50$ whoever takes that much is either a bad developer or a cheap developer (just ask @JohnTurner how much he would get if he get requested to work on a core resources), from people i know that are respected developers within the community, the cheapest you can find for a fully functionning single resource will go around 40$+, negociations can help to get a lower price, but we are speaking about a whole core which is old, but also a matter of fact which i personally noticed from a personal visual and practical experience, someone who will work on refactoring an old code base will take lot more than working on a new one atleast that's what i would do or people that i know would do. Interest, most of developers are moving from MTA looking into bigger goals since MTA lasts as a hobby after all even for it's developers, finding someone who will take SAES as a job and keep it's maintenance will be rare and rarity means a higher cost. Plus, for an old/respected community like SAES i don't think going through small developers (cheaper cost) to go and work on core resources will be possible and for "respected" developers i don't think the cost will be affordable. In addition to the previous argument working on saes resources won't be possible for a random developer unless he gets trained to ensure his skills, that's why roles like Contributor (PENsource previously) exist for most of people that ever wanted to script for SAES. I agree that change should happen feature wise but i also tend to be realistic, everyone wants to see a better SAES (something @Adistar and @NanoBob can agree on sarcastic ) but how/when/where needs some deeper discussions taking all factors in count. @jamal2 said in The big flaws in SAES, time for a change.: whatever you do, don't let @Filex join the dev team I'm not a developer, i'm a creative smd :kissing: :harriot:
  16. @Nico said in The big flaws in SAES, time for a change.: The need of more / other developers has always been around. We did take some steps forward due to the latest additions to the team as I recall they have already done some stuff. Transparency in terms of donations will never be enough. There is always stuff that stays hidden. Thats something that is the same in almost every server, job, etc. However, in terms of the Development etc. There are quite some people with great knowledge of scripting that currently play SAES. Some are quite bored, but giving them the possibility to show thier scripting skills & handing ideas from a regular player perspective might come in handy.. MTA will die one day, but saying its 2020 and we need to head over to gta v is just BS. Most people that actually play SAES / MTA do so because they have a older rig. #Filex4Dev
  17. just because i'm lazy to re-make an announcement [LINK]
  18. Happy birthday loyal agent nina
  19. @JohnnyEnglish when the job
  20. I'm happy to announce the launch of our cracking pad v1, after the success of the beta which came to test the popularity around, the new pad has a more refreshing design and a faster performance due to the technologies it's build with, small changes will come to assets (pics of solo mode) rest is fine so far. You can find the website on the classic link: https://crack.clockcorp.com/ report any issues here https://github.com/FilexGH/CC-Cracking-Pad/issues
  21. I will take over this, will be on my schedule.
  22. Filex

    Old jail toilet

    @Maxyou12 said in Old jail toilet: nice toilet, btw why you love it @AkyZ xD its just a toilet :waitwhat: he likes being connected with toilets
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