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Everything posted by Filex

  1. Don't actually know your song but imma take the opportunity to drop one cool song for you people to enjoy since i have the best musical taste https://youtu.be/scTqpfL9WMA
  2. A reminder more than a meme "In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety." - Abraham Maslow
  3. @Danniel said in [POLL] Who are the 3 best and worst SAES's admins?: best ones: jonas, zeking and ''Arma'' worst ones: you forgot the "kain" notation on the woman
  4. Let's copy assassin trick but make it a bit easier @nicus @Daryl @jonas13362 @Shaun @master @Kain
  5. @x-Liyones-x said in [POLL] Who are the 3 best and worst SAES's admins?: BEST: @Brophy @Teddy @ZeKinG + @RAMPAGE WORST: Daryl if you gonna say im asslicking then SUCK MY MOBY DICK why keep little joe alone add someone with him
  6. When reading sherap replies to some of your posts i feel like he is replying to his quote not the content of the reply kek And yeah if you want copside to become more interesting make something where cops defend not attack and you will see how fun it is
  7. this project was done but never live sadly rip i blame @Tombaa and @Mega9 :cry:
  8. who didn't suffer from vehicles spawning over each other or even inside of each other especially when there is big activity in hopitals (turfs/jbs), removing the collision for 5-7s and changing opacity will solve the problem
  9. For those who are not on the discord server, the website is updated to the new version accounts/leaderboard still missing due to laziness issues (probably in next 1-3 days ) ^[]
  10. @Fesko Hello there, we are currently setting up things to start working on the script feel free to join Clock Corporation's discord server to follow the progress of our projects https://discord.gg/mKbvGjB
  11. i won't go for changing the clarity but adding a small text with gang tag in the zone middle on map
  12. liyones is teaching us a lesson each day, he knew that his suggestions will be denied and community will vote no whenever he creates a topic, indeed he was spamming the meme topic with shit memes to make ppl agree on this suggestion pro gamer move
  13. i've moved the feedback and progress to clockco discord server join if u wanna assist https://discord.gg/mKbvGjB
  14. Will keep track of the app updates here so if you notice anything bug/improvement just mention it
  15. Basically I've been working on a new cracking pad for the last couple of days and i like to share the result with you guys What is a cracking pad? Its a simulation for the cracking system gang members use in BRs and a way to practice for that. What is new since nanopad exists? What i bring new here is A "BR Mode" which is a simulation to a solo cracking in a bank robbery which helps you to know how far you can go Link: http://crack.filexgh.xyz/ Any feedback will be appreciated since the project is still under-dev ^[]
  16. @x-Liyones-x said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: what the hell is this meme
  17. @Shaun said in Brian's back?: :) that face to say "fml" wb man hf
  18. @Hesha said in New addition to the development team!: congratulations scorpyo i hope we get a clock that works this time why mad hesha
  19. @Patrick said in Add the dislike button back :(: SAES:RPG Disable a feature because its needs a lil' edit Never add it back Car glue on Packer, Captain job, Casino, dislike button.. #blame_scorpyo
  20. @Daryl said in Crouching bug: @Markus said in Crouching bug: Rather than a fix to this, you'll get new Ambulance wheels & sirens Imagine thinking the person who works on new textures and vehicle fixes is the same person who works on stuff like this lol You act like when Tut puts out a load of QoL fixes and updates for vehicles hes choosing to not fix bugs like this? Nobody is weighing up that a new texture is more important, it's just different people. Comments like this just make you seem uninformed. Yeah it shows that so far only tut is working hard @Tut-Greco
  21. @Jesse421 is the winner gz bro 66
  22. ^[] Choose a number from [1-100] winner will be chosen randomly in 24h
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