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Everything posted by Filex

  1. Dutch cunto
  2. This is an automated post TXN ID: 66M72397BK783711F Donation Amount: 1.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic. XD
  3. Hbd
  4. https://youtu.be/3rXCh7jIV8M
  5. September's First update TST/ICE pending status S~D Added
  6. Filex


    It's clear that the guy is new give him tips atleast beside the joke @KesseTeeb take example of other topics you in the section you will need things like backstory, roster... Good Luck!!
  7. Late to the party but who cares Well Bob is cool when you are cool with him Joe is just too good for words to describe :crank: if you know what I mean
  8. Master after posting a meme about him hhhh
  9. If you know what I mean hhhh
  10. F.
  11. @Mickey said in SAES Meme Pictures V2:
  12. The 100 Blacklist Lost In Space Breaking Bad House of cards Prison Break Lucifer Friends Black Mirror Narcos more to add but that's it for now mentioned the most popular of em
  13. Yay
  14. xD I apologise in advance OC.
  15. Beside the cringe joke above, I support what @Groove said eveything that got added/removed/nerved got a logical reason behind it, tho I will vote for third reason and the question is why? Simply that the current system from my point of view is nor easy neither hard which means it's more competitive, the only prove on that is that we still see successful brs but also failed ones
  16. @Niceez said in BR ISSUES !: Can you look at the stats? The police rarely stop Bank robberies, and you try to make Bank robberies even more unbalanced. Not when lord @Kain is there hhhh
  17. mY gOd FiLeX rEpReSeNtInG mY cOuNtRy like if it's only your country
  18. First
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