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Everything posted by Filex

  1. MEGA U ARE NOW MEGA10 HAPPY 10 YEAR OLD :p happy boss
  2. Calling me best HQ
  3. Hbd dutchie foxie
  4. HBD Broph :crazypepe:
  5. @DyamDouglas said in Donation: Dyam (Amount 10.00 GBP): @Filex what do you mean? I press the donate button in the top menu and then press the PayPal logo Strange situation you sure you dont pass to any other window while finishing the donating process
  6. The guy that had the most downvotes
  7. @Joshbond said in Immunity to stars for warden trainees inside the jail: To be honest, no police officers should EVER recieve starts @Filex Technically yes, but with the presence of trainees its ultimately abusable, can be set for pc/squads probably
  8. This is an automated post TXN ID: 39X26172MN786740X Donation Amount: 1.00GBP Requested Awards: nothing just a test donation can be locked
  9. @DyamDouglas you sure you used the link you get with your account? Strange it doesnt work for u Edit: just tested works well
  10. @Adistar said in should i come back?: Damn. Seems like this game is getting to you too much lol. The internet is toxic and that's a reality you should accept. Take the good out of it and leave the bad ones. Ignore bullies and enjoy playing as long as you can. Good luck on joining the organization you want to join! Why rude adi :(
  11. Naruto pic as pp
  12. A simple suggestion, warden trainees sometimes kill other cops unintentionally and get stars that interrupts them respawning at the jail, nothing else to add as the title is self explanatory
  13. VeC member
  14. General Informations: Hello members! This shall be a topic with all the info you need about this portfolio section, first of all this section was made in order to improve the organization of activity inside our dear group, for months we've been using discord and more precisely #share_your_builds section as an activity feed area, despite that the channel shall exist again but this new system will request from members to post their constructions on each portfolio, this will also be helpful for the hqs in order to sort the total group activity feed at the end of each month and it's an Obligation for each member to have a portfolio. Note: you will still need to post on media archive before posting on your portfolio, it's up to you if you wanna quote it or just copy paste the post code, knowing that both portfolio and media archive formats are the same. How to post a portfolio: As any other topic you will need to name your portfolio as following ZIP - Name's Portfolio, each portfolio shall have the basic info in the main post on the person that includes the rank, name, accountname and number of constructions Format for posts: The following format shall be used in order to provide your new constructions : #### **Construction Title** **#Construction_number:** **Number of objects:** **Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):** **Link to the Album:** ::: ![picture](link to one picture to the construction) ::: Example: Example Construction #1 Number of objects: 150 Link to the code (in case of sharing): https://pastebin.com/Jih4YLYw Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/YFHYCo8 ::: ::: The following format shall be used in order to provide your new RP : #### **RP Title** **#RP Number:** **Participants** **Organizations Involved:** **Link to the Album:**
  15. Hi @Saint21, please report the bugs here
  16. Hbd
  17. hbd egyptian savage
  18. i love ice tho
  19. Hbd
  20. Yeet
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