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Everything posted by Filex

  1. @Spetnazz said in Money bugged: What's 1.980.000 + 20.000? I DIED HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
  2. @Kain said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: They were removed initially for a reason, it's just gonna go back to the days of people ramming everyone with vehicles out of the marker and people spawning at housing icons physically inside the HR marker. Don't think theres a need when theres nothing wrong with the current system. The only reason I think this is so highly voted is because most of our current playerbase wasn't around during HR times If nothing is wrong with the system technically doesn't mean it's satisfying, since the main reason majority of votes are 'yes' is that the current sr system is repetitive and boring, it's about camping inside a camper for a specific time then move to a marker and get cash, literally no action/fun except for rare situations where the dm is real, main reason is that the current sr structure is defending criminals by itself, which gives cops no chance to get closer and try to arrest (they snipe-kill), if the HR system itself back then was useless, tweaking it will solve the problem, or remaking it in a creative way. Also the problems you mentioned are easy to solve with code.
  3. in my opinion change should happen store robberies became too repetitive, probably house robberies will make things more fun and give more chancees especially for cops to be the victorious side in the constant chase
  4. @Ammar said in Crouch sync is completly broken:
  5. @Terry said in Another new addition to SAES: @Filex said in Another new addition to SAES: :crank: gz scorp Congrats Scorpyo, may this be the start of a good journey and the end of many more bugs! :smiley:
  6. :crank: gz scorp
  7. Show a girl ur armpits and she will melt so why shave weird
  8. Nice zebi hbd finally you can drink now scorpyo throwback
  9. Sub hq = hq quick maths Anyway gl but try to fix that hierarchy xD
  10. @JohnTurner interesting :thinking_face:
  11. This is an automated post TXN ID: 0XC444986H245025U Donation Amount: 1.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Another one of my 1gbp donations xD Give the 100k to a random new guy on server
  12. Finally i got bored recently
  13. I don't know from where to start recently I've been having some crazy symptoms in my vision and muscles, i wasn't worried alot for the last week until my hands started randomly shaking from nowhere, went to a neurologist and made all the tests without further details I've been diagnosed of something that will require me having a surgery this Friday to get things back to normal chances of the operation failing are low still im having that small feeling of confusion and fear, this community means alot to me thanks to what i learnt here and thanks to the people i respect and love, people post here when leaving or when retiring but I'm sure this is not the last time i post an annoying topic or start a cringe joke around, take care guys and wish i see you again soon.
  14. What about me @NanoBob you liar :cry: Gz jojo
  15. @TaaviLaudur said in [ClockCo] - K/D Application: good idea but this isnt a dm server. ofc it would lag the server also This is a stand alone application you don't neeed to be on the server to use it u just need your console logs which u can find in MTA folder > MTA > Logs
  16. In Turf Wars most of the members want to know their K/D (Kill to deaths ratio), this is how the idea came in the first place by @hRL/ @Blu to make the application i'm mentionning here. this application allows you to know the number of deaths and kills you made and count of each weapon using your mta logs, also the average of time you were alive. this was mainly made for the company but now it turned to become public, nothing more to add will leave you with the video and download link to test it guys. https://streamable.com/i3lbr6 Download Link This application was built using Electron / version avaible only on windows NOTE: THE CRACKING PAD WAS MOVED TO THIS LINK / JOIN OUR DISCORD FOR FUTURE FEATURES NEWS
  17. @Teddy Come on guys why remove one of the last rp wise things in saes while there is another rp idea to fix it https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13801/debit-cards-for-saes
  18. Send me back my 1 billion i spent 3 years to get it
  20. I enjoy turning ur cars into pink and put the dollar wheels i agree with @NanoBob
  21. @SAES-Developer this should be locked indeed since it's a duplication, please.
  22. https://youtu.be/TridFH0VKDc
  23. Currently the VIP feature is just about who gets first and enters a marker or after waiting for few friends before doing what i just mentioned (free cash), indeed delivery markers should be changed to an open location and whenever someone enters the marker a timer starts (weither it is a cop or a criminal) the timer resets each time the vip gets dropped whatever side finishes the time without dropping the vip gets the cash same way it is now just more fun i think and more dm/gameplay. (probably also a small cinematic of a helicopter rescuing) Ofc, this should be followed with a higher income If you like the suggestion leave a yes, otherwise a no and explain why please cheers
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