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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. @Epichu said in Sheriff Trainee spawn: @Tut-Greco said in Sheriff Trainee spawn: @Filex said in Sheriff Trainee spawn: it's more for rp this is exactly why you join PC, the sheriff spawn already exists and is intended for RP. you also get access to many other spawns. profit??? then give gang members apply PC too lmao xd ye good and give cops /sell arms and drugs too
  2. User is not inactive, request denied
  3. ~[Please read before voting:-]~(red,maroon) What is the Dispatcher? -> As some of you might now know, the Pro Cops have a spawn called the "Dispatcher" spawn which acts as a control for the police framework, transmitting and passing on/handling requests such as the request of an officer needing police assistance or the request of an ambulance being called. The Dispatcher also is used to coordinate and give missions to Police officers for arresting criminals, using it makes tracking easy for Police but also confusing at the same time. However, not many use the Dispatcher spawn in the police said despite it's amazing framework. The reason for this might be that no one wants to sit in an interior weaponless and just manage stuff through a panel while not being able to do stuff in real life, as boring as it sounds it is pretty useful to have a Dispatcher on your end. I propose a fix, as simple as it may sound, adding cash rewards to operate as Dispatcher might motivate it being used more, a few examples would be giving the dispatcher 50-75% of the cash the officer got by arresting the criminal the Dispatcher assigned him to (not taken from the original officer's income), or small cash awards for successfully hitching up an officer in need with a free officer or someone in need with an ambulance/firetruck [Known by when they both meet up]. It is an amazing spawn and it is a sad fact that almost nobody uses it despite squads having it as well. Note: If you are not from the cop side then it would be nice if you don't straight-away vote No to hamper the results, I'm suggesting something for the cop side which can make gameplay more immersive and use the resources given to one to the maximum potential. If you have any arguments kindly comment below and I shall get back to you ASAP. Thanks for reading, I bid you to vote fairly! -JE
  4. Although the offline thing exists and you can alt tab to it but you can't chat simultaneously to peeps and monitor ingame activity so yes :D Please add a poll
  5. @ESO said in SAES:RPG mods please do: this please <3 YES
  6. Keep going with the constant activity and you shall have your answer soon enough.
  7. @Filex said in House Removals: Account name: medtheman Icon name: 4 Walloper Road sorted
  8. ^[] Activity Name: A step towards insanity. Involved players: @JohnnyEnglish Funds used (if applicable): - Backstory: ^[] ^[Lurking towards inhumanity ] The Chief of Technical Operations awaits at El Quebrados Fuel pump to receive news from one of his scientists in the San Fierro R&D Branch who claims that he has successfully completed the project the former had assigned him to. Global Trust recently has been developing a "drug" which can be highly useful for armies and other manpower wielding organizations. The creation of the drug required two parts, the special serum which was developed by Global Trust R&D Facility and the base which could be any anger inducing drug, after combining these two parts, one had to distill the produce and introduce alcohol to finally wrap it up in syringes. Soon after waiting for a while the Chief of Tech. Ops gets a call that the scientist won't be able to make it due to complications in the lab but he has deposited the serum in one of the facilities. Giving the coords to the Chief in the Transit System and apologizing, he hangs up. The Chief then prepares to visit the place. ^[] The Chief makes his way towards the facility located in Las Venturas while listening to some music and pondering over how he would obtain the base, as general anger inducing drugs are also the famous ones which are illegal and difficult to obtain. However, he has contacts in an establishment called The Company. After setting up the few deals with an official, he forgets about obtaining the base and proceeds to the storage facility. ^[] He reaches the site and greets the guard who immediately steps aside at the presence of an Executive. The Chief makes his way to the storage facility deep underground and towards the innermost chamber of the structure. He finally reaches the gate and fumbles around for the keycard which gains him access to the storage facility. After finding it he swipes it and does the retinal scan which opens the door and he enters the facility. ^[] The procedure for withdrawing an item from storage is generally filing up an application in the transit system regarding the item #number and safe credentials in. The Chief checks up on the following message from his scientists containing those credentials and enters them in the system, awaiting for a few minutes as another official on the other end asks for clearance access. The Chief flashes his Executive clearance and is immediately granted access to the safe containing the serum. The Chief retrieves a portable container and proceeds to load the serum into it. ^[] ^[] Now with the serum in his grasp the Chief of Technical Operations departs from the facility and proceeds to deposit it in the San Fierro Laboratory where soon he receives a call from an unknown sender who asks him a few questions and after confirmation proceeds to talk about the positioning of the base. Distrusting the security of the Global Trust transit system, The Company's official does not directly locate where the package has been delivered but rather passes on a software which would be used to locate the delivery. ^[] The Chief of Tech Ops used to such mimicry and childishness proceeds to track the base delivery and is led deep inside Los Santos, the dummy coordinates indicate a location towards Doherty, applying common sense to deserted places in Doherty the Chief soon has an idea of the actual delivery and after a few hours of casual driving manages to locate it. The Location is a former chemical plant near the Driving School in Doherty. It is believed that it was sabotaged and a chemical explosion caused the end of it, the facility is lying in shambles however has a strong build around it and therefore is deserted most of the time. The Chief of Technical Operations parks his vehicle deep into the Chemical Factory next to a few cars he recognizes, they are Global Trust vehicles. Perhaps this facility is being used by other Global Trust employees. Not caring for the reason, the chief proceeds on foot towards the pings of the delivery. He soon locates a small black van on one end of the facility. ^[] ^[] As he nears the van, the software enters a self destructing sequence and soon every trace of the deal is removed from the Chief of Technical Operations' end. The Chief examines the van, it's black and has been casually painted about delivering canned Peaches on the sides of it to prevent suspicion, the black color is pretty attention attracting and risky, though, it seems he has been played by The Company. He makes his way towards the back of the van and notices that it is locked. Casually he retrieves a Global Trust automatic lockpick and shoves it in the padlock at one end of the door, in 3 seconds the gates pop out, he pockets the useful tool and examines the delivery. There are a few kilos of Cocaine, Methamphetamine and Mephedrone are present. Pleased by the service the Chief of Tech Ops enters lockpicks the vehicle, finding the key in the ignition he starts it and proceeds to deliver it to his Laboratory to assemble the drug. ^[] ^[] With the task done at hand, The Chief is pleased however the next stage of testing would require human samples, humans are generally hard to acquire for testing as it has been deemed illegal however Global Trust just knows where to find such hopeless aimless individuals they can exploit Screenshots of the activity being archived (spoiler): ::: https://imgur.com/a/QWRjpjj :::
  9. Belongs to a SAES Clan member, denied.
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