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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Property owned by a SAES clan member. Request denied.
  2. Happy belated birthday to one of my best mates :D Hope you had an awesome time, buddy. :heart:
  3. @Markus said in Remove /eject .: No, because quite often some random guy G's my car when I've forgotten to lock it and then I want to eject him, what will I do when the command has been removed? Beg him to get out to no avail then end up DM-ing and getting AJ'd
  4. @Xavier said in Remove /eject .: I agree it gets abused alot by cops. Just make it only work when the vehicle is stationary That already has occurred, /eject was nerfed recently and now only works when vehicle is totally stationary.
  5. Congratulations to the gents, well deserved, men!
  6. Good luck for what's ahead
  7. A good idea, will also stop people from "sorry I didn't read chat"
  8. Wishing you a very happy birthday, Chas ^^
  9. @DROT said in Adding rewards to Dispatcher: I'd like to see a small money increase for person who completes the mission too, such as 5k. Currently there is no reason to accept the dispatcher mission as it offers nothing new compared to K panel used to track wanted people, which is available to all cops. I forgot about this, 10/10 idea
  10. @zKill98 said in lv business: Cancel ok
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