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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. @Gengar said in Organization Zero catalog: @JohnnyEnglish said in Organization Zero catalog: I would like to purchase 3 FCR-900s Would you like any specific color on them? I would very much like them all to be black (#000000) with #0000ff headlights if possible
  2. I would like to purchase 3 FCR-900s
  3. Roleplay: The Intercept ~[[Part I]]~(navy,black,navy) Characters Involved: Johnny English Lite Storyline: Date: 28th July, 2019. Time: 2100 Hours Location: FOX Operations X Headquarters, Las Venturas. Johnny English emerges from the internal chambers of his base, summoned by a notification from the Intel room. Apparently some evil is again at play in amidst this hell of a world, and Johnny English must look into that. He fumbles around with the equipment, searching for the source of the Notification, the radar seemed to be doing good, protecting the National Security Premises, soon Johnny stumbled across the source of the notification. It seemed to be a report coming in from one of FOX's Agents in the country, Bone County to be precise. Johnny English opened the report and skimmed through the data, carefully analyzing every detail. It seemed to be stating that a Large truck was being prepared to be smuggled into Las Venturas filled with Large sized firearms. Turf Wars were at play ant full bloom in the city and this fresh batch of weapons would only elevate the situation. Johnny English used Satellite view and messed around with a bunch of coordinates, locating the warehouse which held the truck currently. ::: ::: Since the report stated that the truck would leave in a few days, Johnny English must strike as soon as possible. Now with the coordinates in detail, Johnny English forwards them to his Patrol Cruiser and equips himself with observational equipment and standard sized silenced handguns with his M4 Carbine Assault Rifle in cases of Emergency, he takes said equipment to the S-14 Garage and loads them inside his Cruiser. Notifying the Top Brass and other agents about his departure to investigate, he sets off to Bone County. Driving at a casual speed to not attract unnecessary attention, he gets out of Las Venturas and uses a bunch of unknown roads to the public to quickly and quietly cut his way through to Bone County, where in he arrives at Fort Carson, it being late night, the town sleeps. He casually turns off the Engine of his Cruiser and locates the warehouse. It seems to be a local Legal Arms selling shop, however the firearms specified to be coming from his shop violates the law. Night is time for evil, and in evil, FOX strikes. Johnny thus proceeds and goes around the town. Parking his cruiser in an unused Local garage he quietly makes his way to the hill that overlooks the Gun shop and gets a view from the other side. ::: ::: Vision from the other side reveals the location of the aforementioned truck, it seemed to be painted all black and looked like a large storage unit on wheels. Johnny English equips his binoculars and surveys the area, looking around for hostiles. Detecting some movement near the back of the truck, Johnny activates infrared vision in his binoculars and locates a person loading crates into the back of the truck, his attire resembles that of the local Las Venturas Mafia. The report was accurate. Johnny lays prone and keeps observing, finding an opening until the mafia member steps back, wipes sweat off his brows and casually proceeds back into the Arms shop using the backdoor. The time to strike has come, Johnny carefully treads his way to the truck and soundlessly examines it, it has been left unlocked. He carefully opens a crate and sees a shiny Kalashnikov rifle in it, he places it back exactly as it was, the firearms have been confirmed. Stepping back he silently creeps under the truck and places a GPS bug on it just in case he has to leave the area. ::: ::: Triumphing in infiltration so far, Johnny English proceeds towards the warehouse, soundlessly for one never sees nor hears FOX Operations X striking, it suddenly occurs. He crouches near the thin metal wall of the warehouse and prepares to eavesdrop, his dual silenced USPs in his hands, ready to bust through the door and eliminate all within. However the conversation heard inside the warehouse piques his interest: ::: ::: ~[Man 1:]~(red,black) So they'll be coming to pick it up 2 days later? ~[Man 2:]~(lime,black) Yeah, seems like it ~[Man 3:]~(navy,black) Hope everything goes to plan or we're fucked. ~[Man 1:]~(red,black) Man I've never been so scared of someone in my entire life. You should've seen the chief shaking in his boots in front of them. ~[Man 2:]~(lime,black) Even the chief? god damn, we're fucked if we screw up. ~[Man 1:]~(red,black) So let's not fuck up, gentlemen or we'll have to face them. Right, now get back there and finish that shitloading so we can go out for some beer. Sounds of chairs squeaking can be heard. Johnny English quietly ponders over what could scare the Venturas Mafia enough to bring down their chief, seeing larger forces at play he decides to hold back and report back to HQ for further orders, the logical explanation would be to strike with a task force during the arrival of these larger forces and attack during contact. Sensing the men coming towards the truck, Johnny erases himself from that background and is soon back to his Cruiser in a few minutes. Stocking all his used equipment, he logs into the terminal and begins contacting HQ.
  4. @MrSolrac said in House Removals: Account name: mrsolrac1 Icon name: Ancient Paintings Store Done
  5. See you around, homie. Good luck with the future
  6. @Lincoln said in Reviving the Medical Side: What about decreasing the revival cool down. Afaik you have to wait around a minute before being able to revive someone again. Would kind of increase an invulnerability factor, I think a 2nd chance at doing something is enough but yeah can be decreased a lil' bit
  7. Greetings, fellow dwellers, Firstly I would state that I know that there are some of you who might agree that the Medical side might be stable as it is however, I disagree with that, and I am not the only one who does so for I have asked opinions of other folks who play as Medic a lot, being a High Ranked of the only dedicated Medical group of the server, I present to you a poll on adding changes to the Paramedic spawn and revive it. ~[Please read before Voting.]~(red) The Ideas which can be applied to the medical side 1> Making the ambulance more damageproof: Basically making the ambulance withstanding double (i.e 200% damage) would be helpful given how criminals react in Store Robberies when cops try to heal themselves, generally the ambulance is shot in order to explode it and kill the cop and this makes the Paramedic suffer. Buffing up the Hit points would make it more sturdier and better for the medical side. 2> Increasing rewards for Paramedics: To those, who have played as a paramedic must know that the cash they get for healing is very less unless you are using an ambulance which does not pay highly either, Patrolling with an ambulance for around 20-30 minutes grants you like $40k-50k which is kind of imbalanced. Plus the reward for Medics helping inside Prisons and Banks is almost nothing. This will also motivate the paramedic spawn to be used more. 3> Increasing utilities for the Paramedics: Increasing a few utilities for Paramedics such as being able to open Jail gates would be more helpful. 4> Adding a 2 second cooldown granting invulnerability to damage after revival This is a most common thing which almost negates Paramedic revival useless. When you see a dead guy and go to revive him, the second he's revived an enemy shoots him down preventing further revival making the revival useless. (add max reward for this too) 5> Preventing respawn if being revived: Almost everyone does this, I agree that you want to spawn ASAP but supporting the Paramedics by waiting 3 seconds to get revived is not that hard and damaging. This idea can be connected with Idea #4 creating a strong foundation. 6> Fixing General bugs: Like when you sometimes gain stars from hitting people with the medkit(flower) and that's hazardous in conditions like Jail where trainees rule. 7> Increasing wanted level for disabling healing The limit is about 3 right now, would be better if it could get pushed to 5 or something as you get stars most often without indulging in anything for example due to a nearby vehicular explosion, a medkit heal failure etc. If you have any other ideas, please like to suggest it. I am aware that the Paramedic is a support class but I want it to be able to function perfectly and support others as much as possible. Let's avoid flame wars ^^, would love to hear you guys' opinions below Regards, Johnny English.
  8. Granted, but you won't be able to post again on this topic. I want multiple polls available in a single forum post
  9. Yep, will fix marker abuse wherein people run back and forth across a marker in order to abuse the arrest protection and shoot cops simultaneously
  10. Elaborate a bit further on SAM's description, does not match the word count required i.e. Too short.
  11. Ah yes, morbidly nerf the only tool cops have to get in tight spaces for control against greater numbers, which stuns you for 3 seconds, and can be avoided super easily, plus isn't even fully affective, just cause it's a projectile like the grenade which can wipe out people in a few seconds
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