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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Sorted. Reference : Property name has been changed to "Flatware and Perfume shop"
  2. Step 1 : Click the Picture icon and get the format. Then paste the link between the ()s Step 2: Select the whole line and hit the eye icon, this will make it a spoiler even though it wont show in preview ::: :::
  3. The series has most probably come to an end due to the Producer resigning.
  4. Didn't you gIvEAwAy this https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9164/a-giveaway?page=1
  5. Happy birthday, Joe. Enjoy your day
  6. @Nord said in Vandalos de El Corona Userbar: I wonder who's that one graphics designer who's currently in Vandalos. I wonder where my partner for Unforeseen series is
  7. I would like to place a order of 10 Sanchez, All black #000000 with #ff0000 headlights and 10 more FCR-900s, All black #000000 with #0000ff headlights
  8. @Resistant said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION 1 Name: Abdullah Taleh Mikayilov In-game name: Resistant Age: 17 You have passed the application and ingame physical test, therefore without further ado, I must hand you your FOX Agent Badge. Welcome to the family.
  9. Greetings, Doctor Mohamed. We are sorry to inform you that your application to join San Andreas Medics is ~[rejected]~(red,black). The prime reason being your incapability to conduct medical sided Roleplays, your persistence and dedicated has been noted however you must understand how Medics Roleplay, only then can you become one of us. Kindly don't take this harshly upon yourself. You may re-apply after 4 weeks if still interested. Regards, Johnny English Head of SAM Air
  10. For future reference please use the correct format or your request will get denied.
  11. I would like to state that it would be logical if this was added to gang guys and medics. The reason being these are not illegal drug but more like strength boosting proteins, not something illegal like hash or coke. Therefore, cops have their rights to it and since cops can't sell we can tweak it a bit and add it for medics so they can buy it like pharmaceuticals. This would make them available for both sides equally. Also I would like to state that all of these should be costly as hell (min 6.5k) so they are not overused. + I would also state that neither of the effects should overlap like speed or weed.
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