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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Locked. Reference - owned by SAES clan member
  2. Greetings, Doctor @ZipWyatt, San Andreas Medics HQs would like you to know that you have ~[passed]~(green) the application stage. In order to proceed with the interview and testing, meet up with a SAM High Ranked ingame. We wish you the best of luck. Regards, Johnny English Head of Air Division - San Andreas Medics
  3. Kind of unconvincing application plus your activity shown isn't that great shown, I'll give you a few more days to improvise.
  4. The second episode will be coming in a week or two, stay tuned.
  5. @Filex said in Ability to get your skin back from a clothes shelf in jail: Will be funnier if we add a cracking marker on the door to the room How about we add a cracking interface everytime you press any key while playing SAES :thinking_face:
  6. Your persistence to join SAM is not unnoticed. Keep going with the activity and try to post more long and detailed Patrols/RPs instead of short quick ones.You can also try using the new banners.
  7. Intriguing application, I'd love it if you'd state a more specific "SAM" Rule which applies to SAM Paramedics in your application, Try hitting up the official topic for some stuff under the Red Lines. Keep going, your time shall come.
  8. Will be a roaring pain in the arse in Jailbreaks, I must say. Negative vote :(
  9. @Hoodie said in Leave some love for JohnnyEnglish: @JohnnyEnglish come back bitch xD You first! @Xavier said in Leave some love for JohnnyEnglish: @JohnnyEnglish Miss you, Bhai. Miss you too, Bhai :( Much love for y'all
  10. I hope to see you back ASAP, G'luck with them Aussies, mate AA needs it's airdrop services y'know
  11. Nope. Try applying sometime later when you're not busy with applying to every possible group. Denied.
  12. Stop spamming your auction with bumps every 15 mins even though people are bidding
  13. @Funstein said in House near TR bank: @Barry won the action Can anoyne lock this please? Sure thing.
  14. Fix your application regarding the Paramedic and SAM Paramedic distinction. Both rules stated are incorrect. Read SAM's official topic too for some answers.
  15. Detect a flashbang? Press lmb. Evading those are as easy as moving your mouse but evading nades are slim. Therefore a direct comparison between flashes and nades is illogical. Reason why nades are prohibited in interiors is cause of the immense splash damage it can cause in cramped up spaces. Throw one, kill 3 comrades, deal with reports. Whereas FBs are made to stun and ambush in narrow spaces ever seen a cop throw a FB at you in broad daylight when you got numerous places to run to and are open? That's illogical. The essence of using flashbangs is in interiors. Therefore, comparing them with grenades and proposing a cool down would make them useless basically, it would affect the squads in JBs and BRs as many a times, players don't even see the flash when thrown at a distance such as Jail last corridor end to end and just see the default smoke nade. We squad members aren't that retarded to keep throwing flash after flash as it affects our comrades too. If you see someone doing that you can report to his squad respectively. Flashes as said, only cripple your aim but you can immediately crouch and shoot and kill, jail and BRs being narrow places with the Health bars showing. If you wish to add a cool down to flashes then the logical change would be disable fire ability and increase stun time. You're just crippling an already crippled resource that helps us make a small difference or two, not everyone can pull off a flash ambush perfectly.
  16. @ElRastaMan17 said in [FOR SALE] Bussiness in San Fierro: Auction ended, @xxjougou meet me ingame. Anyone can lock this pls? As you wish ^^
  17. User not inactive, wrong username used. Request denied
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