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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Sorted. Late update, was sorted yesterday
  2. Happy birthday Tut <3 May you have a nice one! My best wishes to your future aspirations and career ^_^
  3. ^[] Activity Name: Creation Involved players: @JohnnyEnglish @JohnTurner @Ghost722nd @Carl @BusterMcBadass @ElRastaMan17 @POCCKYE @Mootje @Bangas Funds used (if applicable): - Backstory: ^[] ^[The Birth of Creation ] In regards to the recent developments and progress in complete migrational establishment of Global Trust in San Andreas, it was about time the Research and Development Facility was surfaced. Soon enough the Chief of Tech Ops. was contacted to form his science team and birth the R&D Facility. The most seasoned, knowledged and reputed members of Global Trust, with appropriate training and teaching were accepted into the R&D team as Scientists. Their code-names are as follows:- Buster Rastaa Carl These young men were the first apprentices of the Chief of Tech Ops, Johnny English. After a team was formed they needed a place to create, innovate, adapt and overcome. A Laboratory. As Global Trust was still migrating to San Andreas, setting up a Laboratory was difficult at this instance however a contract was made with Mr.Zack of the National Narcotics Bureau. Finally the Chief of Tech. Ops called his team to a meeting at the Global Trust San Fierro Headquarters and after a brief meeting. The men started commuting towards their Laboratory. ^[] A contract had been set up National Narcotics Bureau's executives. Who under certain circumstances and confidential deals had allowed Global Trust to use their advanced Laboratory as it was the best San Andreas had to offer. Therefore Global Trust Science division was on their way to Los Santos. Since the Chief of Tech Ops. had a minor headache, he refused from driving over long distances therefore his private plane was awaiting at San Fierro Airport to take them to Los Santos, the city where National Narcotics Bureau was hosted. They entered the airport, and after standard procedures and fines proceeded on the Runway where their private plane was waiting. The men took their seats inside the aircraft. ^[] After a brief conversation with the Pilot, the machine swung and dove towards the sky, soaring through the clouds as it made a slight comfortable turn to face towards Los Santos International Airport. The journey was of half an hour, in which the Chief of Tech Ops. discussed about the upcoming project of R&D discretely with his apprentices, which was termed as Project 001. Soon they touched down at Los Santos International where a Global Trust Limousine was waiting for them. ^[] ^[] ^[] They disembarked from the aircraft and after standard procedures found their way to their Limousine which elegantly proceeded to the National Narcotics Bureau Headquarters. The car ride was silent as the night above their heads. There was no further discussion about the Project and soon they reached their location, a magnificent building which protected San Andreas from Drug Abuse. ^[] Leaving the Limousine and bidding it off, the team gathered up at the gates where the Chief of Tech. Ops reminded his scientists that courtesy, behaviour and etiquette mattered. Soon they were joined by 2 Global Trust bodyguards who were overseeing the developments and situations. After the clock struck 7:00 PM there was a small muffled beep and sounds of metal clashing as the gates opened and 2 well dressed men jogged towards the small party of Global Trust personnel ^[] The men stopped in front of the party, it seemed that one of the men was a Narcotics Bureau Executive and the other was his subordinate. They had the respect and consideration to not waste a single second of both the parties and immediately get to business. The Executive stepped forward and introduced him as Mr.Zack of the Bureau. Both the executives of each parties shook hands and settled down to brass tacks. A code was asked for to proceed with the business, which the Chief of Tech. Ops stepped forward and whispered. Without wasting a second they were beckoned to the interior of the building. The Laboratory was in a secret compartment of the building, the interior was intricate and confusing to those who were not well acquainted with federal agencies. After a brief climb up a few staircases and sharp unexpected narrow turns they reached a large hard steel wall with a keypad next to it. The Executive then turned, faced the Chief of Tech Ops and handed him a keycard. Understanding the gesture the Chief of Tech Ops went ahead and swiped the card, soundlessly the entire metallic well started creeping upwards to reveal blinding light which soon revealed a massive well equipped laboratory. The men stepped inside and were told to call the executives who were just a few rooms away in-case any more assistance was needed. The Chief told his apprentices to form up as he took the podium and began his speech. ^[] ^[] The Chief firstly overviewed all of the equipment in the Laboratory and told his scientists about each machine and it's use, do's and don'ts. Soon he instructed the personnel not to mess around with the different packets left on one of the tables as they were Narcotics under the bureau's research and were out of Global Trust's reach. After that the Chief of Tech ops started operating a computer and accessed the Global Trust transit system to begin documenting about their laboratory, equipment and to progress on the Project. He also received a theoretical guide of the Laboratory from the executive Mr.Zack and he forwarded it to his apprentices. Seeing his apprentices being bored, he instructed them to play-around with the equipment so long they don't blow off any arms, heads, limbs or the facility itself. ^[] ^[] After making note of each of the Laboratory's equipment and answering his apprentices' questions regarding the usage of different machines, the Chief declared that it is finally time to work on their first project. Proceeding to the examination site, another Global Trust SUV was procured outside the building where after informing Mr.Zack, the Global Trust personnel departed to and started to proceed towards the first site of examination. The birthplace of Project 001. The bodyguards were bidded off in another Limousine. It was going to be a long drive, and the Chief of Tech Ops wasn't happy. ^[] Screenshots of the activity being archived (spoiler): ::: https://imgur.com/a/Zxn9aQ8 ::: ^[The Research and Development team has been formed. ]
  4. @IceCold said in House Removals: kaseke123 Done!
  5. @Patrick said in Auction - Garage in LV north: can be archived As you wish.
  6. @Patrick said in House in LS: Was sold as public. Auction canceled. Therefore, Archived.
  7. @toteking233 said in Selling SF Cute house: Sold in game @JohnnyEnglish (K) And Archived too!
  8. @samuel3021 said in LS Inactive House: @JohnnyEnglish yes please Your wish is my command, Lord Samuel.
  9. @samuel3021 said in LS Inactive House: Good morning, sorry for bothering, could it be possible to remove inactivity so that I could ask for another one? @JohnnyEnglish Do you want to cancel this request?
  10. Participants: Me Shift Period: 1 hour Number of Vehicles extinguished: 15 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jZA2yD0
  11. Participants: Me Shift Period: 50 minutes Number of Vehicles extinguished: 23 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9lzLUKR
  12. Participants: Me Shift Period: 30 minutes Number of Vehicles extinguished: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cAvgYQA
  13. Participants: Me Shift Period: 1 hour Number of Vehicles extinguished: 17 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/l0OPpgb
  14. Participants: Me Shift Period: 1.5 hr(s) Number of Vehicles extinguished: 28 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wyRbPWw
  15. Participants: Me Shift Period: 40 minutes Number of Vehicles extinguished: 13 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/paivv37
  16. Participants: Me Shift Period: 35 minutes Number of Vehicles extinguished: 16 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mb6GSJK
  17. Participants: Me Shift Period: 15 minutes Number of Vehicles extinguished: 7 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/dYokfKT
  18. Participants: Me Shift Period: 1 hour Number of Vehicles extinguished: 23 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3O3XvtU
  19. Participants: Me Shift Period: 30 minutes Number of Vehicles extinguished: Around 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/t7SJSuX
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