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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Sorted, weekly request limit reached. :zzz:
  2. Sorted. :two_hearts: PS: Weekly request limit reached.
  3. @Nikolai said in Make /give support partial names: I imagine the change was made to prevent people giving money to the wrong person. I guess if the name the user provides matches more than one user, just spit an error in the info bar telling the user that more than one user matches their input and to be more specific. ^^^ YESSS
  4. Sorted, weekly request limit reached.
  5. Sorted, weekly request limit reached.
  6. You got my love and support! Good luck with the project!
  7. Sorted, ^_^. PS : Weekly request limit reached.
  8. @lil_borivoje said in San Andreas Studios : Nickname : lil_bori Username : kurcina21 Congratulations, your application has been ~[accepted]~(lime,green). Welcome to the set.
  9. Sorted, weekly request limit reached.
  10. Kindly post it here https://saesrpg.uk/category/191/inactive-property-requests
  11. @Doasis said in San Andreas Studios : Nickname :dodger Username :hotgun A weak application but your actions and reputation precedes you, ~[welcome]~(lime,green) to the team.
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