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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. @Jude-Obiasca said in fog removal: can i ask ? .... i done moving/replacing ur file to models... what should i do in next? paste this file in there, it will say that there's already a file with this name, click "replace"
  2. @Crash said in Fuel Can Script: 100L HAHHA is it a can or a barrel????? Nice idea about the can and i would say around 30/50 would be a good enough ammount to take you to the gas station yeah thats why I specified 50 as the limit :D
  3. In my opinion restricting it to 1 can as maximum and capacity of that can as 50l to 100l won't hurt
  4. Hop ingame, meet a SAES dude, ask him if he can sort donations or not, if yes, all goodie, else ask anyone else, a few helpful ones are SAES>Nicus, SAES>Tut and SAES>Dequ
  5. You have to wait for a SAES member to sort them ingame
  6. @Jamal said in Regarding the civilian side.: The problems is, there's no civ companies. @Ghost722nd
  7. San Andreas Medics is recruiting btw :3 Welcome back ^_^
  8. Belongs to SAES>Toast, you cannot have this
  9. @Marko said in Last Letter game: nigga! The only nigga here is SAM Air Unit skin WHYYYYYYY Kazakhstan
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