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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Happy birthday fireee! Hope you have an awesome time my bro. Good luck with everything in the future
  2. Roleplay #33 Personal Roleplay #5 Participants: Me and @alex0107 Description: It was a long depressing night over Bayside as Johnny English, Patrolled the district with his Air Ambulance. The population being sparse in this area, surprised him when he picked up a district call on his EMT Pager. The coordinates indicated that the call was made from the middle of the sea therefore his Air Ambulance would be useless. Knowing this, Johnny English landed his Air Ambulance by the Bayside Hospital and proceeded to the docks, where San Andreas Medic's Sea Unit equipment was distributed. Johnny nimbly boards one of the Coastguards available and smoothly motors his way towards the distress call. As he makes his way, he notices a long trail of smoky oil on the water which he chooses to follow as it coincides with the specified coordinates. Ultimately reaching the spot, Johnny notices a badly mangled Dinghy boat which seems to have crashed into the rocks, upon further notice a groaning, injured tourist is noticed, immediately Johnny applies first aid to the withering tourist. He suspects concussion and a broken leg. He helps the somewhat conscious tourist back into his coastguard and moves back to the docks slowly. After reaching the docks Johnny realizes that it's practically impossible to carry an injured person off shore hence he boards the Levithan, a helicopter supporting water travel, he loads the injured tourist into the back of the levithan swiftly and after parking the coastguard, pilots it out of Bayside. They reach San Fierro about an hour later when Johnny lands the Levithan in front of San Andreas Medics' Headquarters. Johnny somehow helps the injured tourist up the stairs to the facility and immediately operates him, the X-rays display a shattered right leg, lung collapse and a minor concussion. Johnny deals with the concussion first, which gives him time to work on the lung collapse next, after a few hours of selfless working, he is able to focus onto the leg. Sweat dripping down his face, Johnny English completes the operation as he shifts the patient to the general ward and enjoys a brief snack in the cafeteria. After a few weeks of treatment and care the tourist is discharged as Johnny bids him off while he calls a cab. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Uvd7vrP
  3. Type: Ambulance Race Host(s): CIA|Star Prize: $1,500,000 Winner: Z|KaiZaKi Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yi4ubSa
  4. You can request this on 10th April, it's 8 days earlier.
  5. The vote speaks for itself, it should be implemented.
  6. @Lincoln said in The Sentinels: Hello, My name is Lincoln, I am eight-teen years old. Respected Applicant, your application is well received and we are glad to announce you that you have passed that stage, you shall now have to prove your skill ingame. We will keep an eye out for you. You are set on ~[Pending]~(yellow) as of this instant. ::: :::
  7. Happy birthday director, I hope you have a great one, may you achieve and excel in all your future aspirations.
  8. @Markus said in Wayfarer Bike Mod [Harley Davidson Road King]: @JohnnyEnglish said in Wayfarer Bike Mod [Harley Davidson Road King]: Yes, I can't wait to drive around SAM Harleys Right.. Maybe its possible to remove the mod from the SAMs ones? actually I really want SAM Harleys, screw you
  9. @Skerdi said in Remove the "max price" thing of icons: So someone goes and puts his 30k props in sale for 20 million. Players wont be able to buy them, just someone doesn't need a prop and needs slots he puts it in sale for a very high price. Unfair to the new players. Even if you keep a prop on sale, it still counts as one of your props as long as it isn't bought
  10. Rain is removed, YOU PROBABLY MEAN FOG, DO YOU? HUUUH?
  11. A deathmatch arena for practice would indeed be awesome.
  12. Participants: Me Shift Period: 50 minutes Number of Vehicles extinguished: 27 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OUL6100
  13. Participants: Me Shift Period: 20 minutes Number of Vehicles extinguished: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fRB7o66
  14. Participants: Me. Shift Period: About 30 minutes Number of vehicles extinguished: 13 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/us03Dzj
  15. @xDarkMan said in ATM REFILLING: @JohnnyEnglish so no steraling only delivry :) I don't even like the delivery idea as it's just an A to B job with a truck, if you wanna do it so bad then just play as Deliverer rofl
  16. Still no, most would end up blowing the vehicle, and if you want the vehicle to be damage proof then I will say that it will be abused, a damageproof vehicle. Moreover adding cracking to everything is just dumb. I like the concept of this "Job" but still it's just an A to B job using a securicar that's going to be ambushed by criminals and cop alike, I'm against this suggestion.
  17. @Thing said in ATM REFILLING: @xDarkMan said in ATM REFILLING: good suggestion for example the person who deliver the money he had some weapons and criminals can take his van and take it to a place for example Warehouses and the driver should protect it That is exactly what we don't want because the entire criminal side will ruin it because no truck will ever reach its destination. And thus there will be numerous out of order ATMs all across the map.
  18. Here is the GUI ![alt text]https://imgur.com/Y0IOW8F.png) Buyout Price : $10 Mil
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