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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Quite a simple n neat Script, I'll pick it up after my exams if the community and Devs agree with it I also like the drive thru concept!! Number 9 Although this will make entering the food shops obsolete, increased price if bought from outside perhaps?? @Stan
  2. @Spetnazz said in I am Steven, not Steven: @DanielRey said in I am Steven, not Steven: Wait ... What's your name again ? Stephen. His name is Stephen. Nah he's Stefano
  3. Seller's confirmation is needed, do not unnecessarily ping us @Petrow
  4. @TheRealSteven said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: Why not just fix the script so that if a spawn protected criminal shoots his gun, the spawn protection ends. The event to use for this check would just be 'onClientPlayerWeaponFire' Now that is a good idea
  5. You also have to post Patrols done by yourself / with SAM members to show interest towards the group
  6. You also have to post Patrols done by yourself / with SAM members to show interest towards the group
  7. FOX crew: ~[Johnny, Danniel, Legend]~(navy,black) ETF crew: ~[Vennelle,Martins,AntiRug,Mouris]~(orange,grey) Date and time of the patrol: 02-14-2020, 20:10+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Date: Feb 20, 2020 The place of the event: LV Cliffs Event type: Parkour LWS: JohnnyEnglish[Staff] Prize: 1,000,000$ Hosted by: FOX Winner: Poodlyz Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Please only post if you intend to bid instead of making useless remarks. Thx
  10. @Brophy said in Beautiful Bone-Street house: 50m I am content with this offer Kindly meet me ingame to get this sorted :rose:
  11. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15583/inactive-rc
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