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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. @James As you have failed to claim the property, the rules will act on you and you will have to pay 25% of the bid you failed to provide alongwith enduring a 12 month ban from all SAHA Auctions. @n0vis0ry said in [SAHA AUCTION] Smiths Law Firm Corp: 55m Winning bid, get this sorted under 48 hours with a SAHA Agent
  2. I've been wanting to make Shipwreck events, :thinking_face: Might Script some later in late March when my exams are over
  3. @JohnnyEnglish said in [SAHA AUCTION] Smiths Law Firm Corp: @James said in [SAHA AUCTION] Smiths Law Firm Corp: 60m Winning bid, contact a SAHA member in game You have 24 hours to get it sorted or else the SAHA Auction rules will apply on you @James
  4. @James said in [SAHA AUCTION] Smiths Law Firm Corp: 60m Winning bid, contact a SAHA member in game
  5. @SWT said in [SAHA AUCTION] Smiths Law Firm Corp: 65 Winning bid, However, as you have won more than 1 auction in a week which is a clear breach of the SAHA Rules, actions will be taken. You may choose which auction you will proceed to pay for, this one or the other one.. Remember that the rules will act on you and you will have to pay 25% of the bid you failed to provide alongwith enduring a 12 month ban from all SAHA Auctions.
  6. @SWT said in [SAHA AUCTION] Strip club of Ghost Town: 95 Winning bid, However, as you have won more than 1 auction in a week which is a clear breach of the SAHA Rules, actions will be taken. You may choose which auction you will proceed to pay for, this one or the other one.. Remember that the rules will act on you and you will have to pay 25% of the bid you failed to provide alongwith enduring a 12 month ban from all SAHA Auctions.
  7. @Makaveli said in Yet Another Hackerman Thread: Expect new kraken to spread around and all server files leaked as well dogs. haha retard
  8. Please leave some originality in the game The freeway is a very classic and fine motorcycle which is preferred by the many motorcycle clubs on the server. #don'ttouchthefreeway.
  9. @SweetGSF said in INACTIVE LS: Mierburns(Henry) is a SAES clan member, hence you can not request good property. For further reference I suggest you check here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members if the person is an admin before posting the request. yes
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