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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. @Teller said in Official Quote Wall: Schrodinger's car
  2. @Hentai said in Donation Rewards: Hello there , where do i claim these new benefits ? These reward changes do not apply to donations before 15th of March or after 30th of April 2020 (if you donated in the previous reward change period, please refer to that topic)
  3. @Rick said in Rick's Application: Section A: Personal Information: Nickname:Rick Account name:jerome11 Age:15 Past groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure): ALM-Bored If you leave a group just cause you're bored then you're better off not joining my group. ^[] Section B: General Questionnaire: Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words):SAM is an emergency group in SA.I always have a interest,passion to the saving people, NOT LESS THAN 30 WORDS not to mention worst explanation ever about what SAM is Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn: Paramedic can revive player with pressing c at top of body. I think you need to google what Rule means Section C : Aptitudes: 2. Why exactly are you applying today?:I was medic for 2 3 days,and I like the medic job,so thats why I am applying to here, today. I mean, you can keep playing as medic if that's your reasoning 4. Why should we accept you to our team?:You should accept me because I am experienced person,I am almost that server for 1 year and I can raise this group more Ill do my best for this group. I was medic for 2 3 days and "I am experienced person" don't really match up All in all a horrible application in which looks like something you came up with in 5 minutes. I'll check this application again in 24 hours and if I don't see significant improvement up to the standards of the group then you will get denied
  4. user is not inactive anymore Request denied
  5. Property belongs to SAES Clan Member, Therefore, request denied
  6. Failure to claim property within 48 hours, hence it has been put on public sale.
  7. @Daniels89 said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION A 1- Name: Daniels 2- Ingame name: Daniels89 Congratulations, your application to join FOX was ~[accepted]~(green) and as you passed the in-game testing phase as well I have nothing more to say, welcome to FOX. Regards, FOX HQ Team
  8. Happy birthday ! Have a great one ^^
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