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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. @Petrow said in Show us yourself V3: alt text alt text alt text cant see ur images
  2. @LopeZz said in - Azure Devils - Official Topic: @Garcia1999 said in - Azure Devils - Official Topic: daryl once said : we will not approve a group which is essentially just a gang in group form. so its gonna be a waste of time for you mate, anyways wish you best of luck we're not like a gang we're the Azure Devils and the azure devils are not gang they just a groupe with a good team work and thanks <3 Won't work out, bud. It's essentially has the features of a gang and that's why it won't be allowed to be official. I suggest you to save the work.
  3. I wish you the best Rasta Thanks for always being a constant support to me!! Hope to see you back someday, bro
  4. @Daryl said in Group Management - Announcement(s) this announcement is only relevant to people currently looking into creating an official group on the server. We have had 20+ discussions and conversations with multiple different unofficial groups, who are not fulfilling what Group Management expect of new groups on the server. We cannot, cannot stress this enough - we will not approve a group which is essentially just a gang in group form. This counts for squads also. We will not undermine the Gang Management area of the server by allowing gang leaders to make squads as groups or transform existing groups into squads, and we will not allow squad leaders to make gangs in group form. Criticism has been levied against this decision, stating we are limiting certain groups from being as active as possible by not allowing everyone and their mother attend bank robs. Yes, we are. That is our intention. Any group could be the most active if we slapped armour on you and sent you on your way, but that is not and never was the intention of the majority of groups on the server. New groups must be unique in some way and not a gang or squad in group format, nor should they rely primarily on gang or squad activities. Please stop coming to us with your 'unique' idea which is just a bunch of lunatics going to SR's in the name of the flying spaghetti monster - it will not slice.
  5. @Petrow said in [SUGGESTION]Economy reset: @JohnnyEnglish Trust me I have more money than you could imagine, if you think I am doing this because I am ''poor'' you are wrong :D ::: :::
  6. Just cause you had your account's wealth totally reset doesn't mean that it should happen for everyone :P
  7. @Kubreit said in TOWER IN LS NEAR BANK: @SAES-Community-Staff Property has been sold ingame can be locked. :pray: Good god, tagging is worse and you even tagged the wrong guys, SAHAs resolve housing not staffs. Please refrain from tagging the group, tag me personally or just write "Property sold" and we'll check it eventually
  8. @hariya101 said in Inactive BC aawdsadsadasda: @acez said in Inactive BC aawdsadsadasda: Acc Name: hariya101 Address: Nanoboobs Motel Room 9 Last Seen: Jan 30th, 2020 Screenshot: Please read https://saesrpg.uk/topic/374/requesting-inactive-properties and 2/2 already this week so request denied
  9. I have no idea what cursed thing you are trying to awaken here anyways account name is killer1920 not killer so stop showing "killer"s last seen Invalid data provided, request denied
  10. @Tut-Greco said in Fast Foods: @JohnnyEnglish said in Fast Foods: Quite a simple n neat Script, I'll pick it up after my exams if the community and Devs agree with it I also like the drive thru concept!! Number 9 Although this will make entering the food shops obsolete, increased price if bought from outside perhaps?? @Stan can add a timer after ordering or have an imaginary queue at the drive-in, could even add traffic at the parking lot to simulate a real queue, but only collide with and be seen by anyone entering that area/colshape Timer thing is cool but not a fan of the queue thing, perhaps the timer will itself generate a queue of other players, freeze the player's car in place so its unrammable so people cant just ram him ahead and cheat the queue
  11. @Rubik said in I am Steven, not Steven: @JohnnyEnglish Wait it not was Steban? No, it was Masala, this is Stemen
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