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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Go to your MTA directory - > mods/deathmatch/resources and delete the RPGLottery folder Then reconnect to server Also kindly refer to our discord: https://discord.gg/NDTsnHE 's #help-and-support channel for faster response :D
  2. FOX Crew: JohnnyEnglish, Enemy, Beast, GanJa Date and time of the patrol: 03/30/2020, ~16:50+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. FOX Crew: JohnnyEnglish, Matthews, Beast Date and time of the patrol: 03/29/2020, ~23:45+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. FOX Crew: JohnnyEnglish, Ganja, Matthews Date and time of the patrol: 03/29/2020, ~22:49+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. FOX Crew: JohnnyEnglish, Ganja, Beast ETF Crew: Starsky, Hutch, Gopaladin Date and time of the patrol: 03/29/2020, ~22:00+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. FOX Crew: JohnnyEnglish, Ganja, Matthews, Beast Date and time of the patrol: 03/29/2020, ~21:30+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Head to your mta directory - > mods/deathmatch/resources Delete all resources there and reconnect to the server.
  8. @GanJa said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION A 1- Name: Mehdi 2- Ingame name: GanJa 3- Age: 18 4- Sex: Male Greetings, @GanJa, you had already ~[passed]~(lime,green) the application stage and were due tests. Now, as you have successfully passed your tests, I have nothing more to say other than welcome to the squad. Regards, Johnny English, FOX HQ
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