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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. This is definitely not an automated post TXN ID: 9TS22018HB856411Y Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: Where you want it placed: @Brophy could you kindly confirm?
  2. @Assassin said in Brian's back?: when ThC? Back off
  3. @SidVicious said in SidVicious's Application: Patrol # 1 Participants: @SidVicious Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 4:45 to 7:44 (3 hours) ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/NJHeHxw https://imgur.com/Ts04uwi https://imgur.com/RPN20ir https://imgur.com/mMIrQas https://imgur.com/0z29YuN https://imgur.com/XywOC6p https://imgur.com/QWfDuUn Copy the imgur link of the page with an /a/ to post the whole album in 1 link.
  4. Sorted, thank you very much have a very safe day
  5. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19455/inactive-ls
  6. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19453/inactive-ls
  7. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19453/inactive-ls
  8. MTA's limit is 100, MTA's Physics go haywire above 60, Guy with 70 FPS would be faster than guy with 50 60 is the cap, thus
  9. @Cappo said in Police Evidence Transport: @JohnnyEnglish said in Police Evidence Transport: Thank you for your insight, @Cappo I do plan to not start the mission unless there is x number of cops present. I also want to make the Van drive-able by an Official Squad / PC member only so foolish trainees don't disturb everyone else. and @Ramby I do plan to give the vehicle loooooooots of extra health, tenfold at minimum, it's speed will be crippled (Maybe not going over 100-120) and it will be heavy as heck to plow through any weak criminal roadblocks or attacks i still think that making the van completely undestroyable is the best idea, but alright Opinion changed, mutual failure can only be brought forth by having it destructible, plus an indestructible vehicle can be abused anyhow
  10. Thank you for your insight, @Cappo I do plan to not start the mission unless there is x number of cops present. I also want to make the Van drive-able by an Official Squad / PC member only so foolish trainees don't disturb everyone else. and @Ramby I do plan to give the vehicle loooooooots of extra health, tenfold at minimum, it's speed will be crippled (Maybe not going over 100-120) and it will be heavy as heck to plow through any weak criminal roadblocks or attacks
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