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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. Incorrect Account name specified, user is jiom not jom User is still active. Request denied.
  2. Small interior #7 added to 11 Vaginal Discharge close Thanks for donating!
  3. Hello, just a nice reminder that groups can only be official on SAES if they bring something new to the server, otherwise groups with roles which coincide with default criminal activities like this one won't be allowed to become official.
  4. Since property hasn't been claimed in 48 hours after posting, it has now been put on public sale.
  5. Hello, you need to specify further about the rewards you want Which cars? Do you want and where? On Which property do you want your interior 12?
  6. Invalid screenshot, post a new one below this
  7. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21561/inactive-ls
  8. @Gladius said in Police Evidence Transport: Will stay For other long time to be added ? or finished ? give us some stats about how it's goin I guess he'll update you people with it, what I know is that the script still has to be submitted for reviewing? And after Devs have reviewed/approved it, it will be added
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