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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. @ethan said in House Removals: Account name: ethan Icon name: 2 Blueberry apartments Done
  2. Greetings, Dr. Mixpeko. The SAM HQ team would like to gladly notify you that your application, determination and skill-set satisfies the requirements needed in order to be one of us. Kindly contact a High Ranking Member ingame for the next step. We wish you good luck. ^[] Regards, Johnny English SAM Chief of Medicine
  3. Happy birthday and fuck you Adistar Give ThC role back retard
  4. Small Interior #8 added to 11 El Corona. Carspawn of 11 El Corona adjusted according to the picture provided
  5. @Col123 said in Cold's Application: Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words)
  6. @vvs said in Inactive LS: The Owner of the house came online right now. Then the request isn't valid anymore. Request denied
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