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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by JohnnyEnglish

  1. FOX crew: ~[Johnny, Sam,Hassoni,Howlze,GanJa,Kleptix,Beast,007]~(navy,black) Date and time of the patrol: 04-18-2020, 00:05+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. @Moley said in FOX - FOX Operations X: 1- Name: My name is Shen 2- Ingame name: My in-game name could change sometimes but it will always be Moley I'm afraid that we have already given you quite a few chances before. Please do not bother re-applying again. Regards, FOX HQ
  3. @Henry said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION A 1- Name: Javier 2- Ingame name: SAES>Henry 3- Age: 22 @Shadro said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION A 1- Name: My real first name is "Aziz." 2- Ingame name: My nickname is "Shadro." 3- Age: I am 18 years old. @POCCKYE said in FOX - FOX Operations X: 1- Name: Marko 2- Ingame name: MarkoRS=D 3- Age: 18 Congratulations, gentlemen on successfully clearing the entrance tests! I am most overjoyed to announce that you all are officially a part of FOX Operations X now, congratulations once again! Regards, Johnny English, FOX HQ
  4. @Terry said in Election Results - April 2020!: Coalition of New Development - 11 seats out of 12 (including Prez spot) @JohnnyEnglish @Howlze Gz 4 months of inactivity
  5. @Matthews said in House Removals: seattle31 @Matthews said in House Removals: Account name: seattle31 Icon name: 14 China Town Business done
  6. Markercamping now with HS :no_entry_sign:
  7. @Marwyn said in Change taser to shoot once at a time: @Shadro not after cops buy energy drinks and get the same speed. Wrong, energy drink is diluted, your speed drug is way more effective Another thing about cops being outnumbered by criminals , tasers are not very effective and rarely used where criminals are crowded such as SRs cops just run around hitting with the bat and in BRs and JBs they just kill .. Bullshit. Cops use taser all the time. A lot of us even use it in interiors, you just haven't noticed enough
  8. Its P a n t h e r s Gl lmao
  9. Greetings, Dr. Ram The SAM HQ team would like to gladly notify you that you have been accepted to join our team. Your application, determination and skill-set satisfies the requirements required in order to be one of us. Without further ado, I welcome you in! We hope to see much more of you as a member of the group, don't let us down! ^[] Regards, Johnny English SAM Chief of Medicine
  10. @Henry said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION A 1- Name: Javier 2- Ingame name: SAES>Henry 3- Age: 22 Greetings, Monsieur Javier. Intriguing application you have there, after reviewing it we would like to set your status as ~[Pending]~(yellow,olive). You have passed the application stage, meet us in-game for your tests. @Shadro said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION A 1- Name: My real first name is "Aziz." 2- Ingame name: My nickname is "Shadro." 3- Age: I am 18 years old. Yet another brilliant application, I personally am aware of your potential. Your application is accepted and you have been put to ~[pending]~(yellow,olive) as well. Contact us in-game for your entrance tests. @POCCKYE said in FOX - FOX Operations X: 1- Name: Marko 2- Ingame name: MarkoRS=D 3- Age: 18 Greetings, Decent application you have over there, mister. FOX HQ has reviewed it and you are now ~[Under review]~(yellow,orange). We would like to see a bit more of you in-game. Good luck to all of you. Regards, Johnny English FOX HQ
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