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FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation


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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

Your application has been proceeded to the next stage, where you take entry test in order to join us. You passed the tests and that mean's
You are accepted.

On behalf of FBI HQ.

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Personal Information
Account Name:amroun
Primary Language:Arabic
Other Languages you speak:Englich

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA:2 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:2 years
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:no
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:N/A
Why do you wish to join the FBI:Because I want to live a new experience and develop my skills
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals:N/A

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying:to act like real life and you have to play as character
Define deathmatching:DM is killing someone for no reason or revange
State three server rules (F1): .1- everyplayer is allowed to have only one account.
2-do not deathmatch or revenge kill.
3-parkarrest is not allowed.

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Personal Information
Name: Argha Putra
Account Name: emank
Nationality: Indonesian
Age: 21
Primary Language: Bahasa
Other Languages you speak: English, Javanese and Sundanese.

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: I don't really remember when i started playing. I guess it was back at 2011...
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: Well SAES is the first server i played so yeah...
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: Yes.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: SAFP(Internal Problems), NNB(I was inactive and when i got back, it died), MI-6(It died because of inactivity when the members was working so hard to put effort on it), SAPA(Instructor role wasn't a thing for me so i left to join an agency, hence MI-6), TST(I got kicked because i broke a few rules), UE(Left because i knew that criminal life wasn't me), MMC(Because MMC and UE are allies, i went to help UE with their activity), and GRID(Kinda forgot because i don't really know why i was in GRID xD).
Why do you wish to join the FBI: The main reason for this application is that because i always wanted to role-play as an FBI agent. FBI are one of the notorious and known agency for their special work for investigating fraud and thing's that matters towards America's national security and it's interests. On the SAES context, i've seen plenty of FBI Agents roaming around SA and i think it would be cool to hang-around and make rp's together as a decent FBI agent.
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: Yes i have been banned before. I can't find the link of the appeal because it was a long time ago and i think the archive has been deleted.

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Role-playing in my opinion has many meanings, depending on the context of the role-play. In game terms, role-play is usually defined as a game where the player play's a role of what the game his playing. Because his playing on someone else's identity, he has to know the characteristics and also the role which the character has given to according to the context of the game.
Define deathmatching: Death-match in my opinion(based on SAES rules) is where a player kill's another player for a stupid reason(for fun).
State three server rules (F1): Do not death-match, Do not mark-arrest(for cops), and Do not be rude on main-chat.

Thanks for reading my application!
Regards, Fallen.

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


We have decided not to proceed with your application due to lack of general knowledge, poorly written application and the punishments you recently received in game. You are denied. You may re-apply again in 2 weeks, if still interested.


Your application has been proceeded to the next stage, where you are obliged to prove yourself worthy enough to join us. In the meantime, hang with us, get yourself known a bit more, and expect final answer in upcoming days. You are set on pending.


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Personal Information
Account Name:sandro
Primary Language:Arabic,
Other Languages you speak:English,Frensh

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA:Since 2011
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:Since 2011
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:ICE
Why do you wish to join the FBI:I have been recently changed side from crim to cop. So I have been spectating alot of squads during this time. So I saw that you had something that the other squad didn't have. And I liked how you teamworked. I have hanged around with you guys and I think that you are very kind and funny.
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals:Never banned

General Knowledge:iam Rayen , im 17 years old , as most of you i love to play games but i hate it, because i should put it end and work on my works i've graduate from highschool i didn't get enough point for the unversity i wish. so im not going anywhere until next year, i will try my luck again hopefully it would be better , it deppends on me sure, whatever. Before it i internship in hospital as a nurse. I've learned a lot about it, i earned my first money from that it was 2 months long so , the payment wasn't that good tho, afterall im working as waiter in Cafe&Restaurant for 10hours Daily i don't have time for anything from now so i wanted to apply now. After 1 month i'll start playing back.
Define roleplaying: You play just as you live your life. You acting and playing like you would in real life.
Define deathmatching: Depends on the situation. If it was on purpose then I would take a screenshot and report him/she. But if it wasn't, I wouldn't care that much.
State three server rules (F1):
Do not be rude on main-chat
-Don't deathmatch
-Do not marker arrest/park arrest

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


Hello! You have been taken under heavy investigation by very highly trained detectives from FBI. And they have come to the conclusion that you have applied for FBI, while you were still taking part in ICE, which is now obviously your previous squad. After that, ICE HQ asked you about your application sent to FBI topic 6 hours ago, and you did not admit that you sent it, which means you were denying that statement, which is really stupid. After all that, this makes you a liar and unloyal player.
We have decided not to proceed with your application, that means you are denied. You may re-apply in 1 week, if still interested. For the future, I advise you to completly leave current organization, hold on for a day or two, then try hanging with members and then apply for the organization you want.

More evidence to be seen here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14085/ice-application-drop-accepted/5


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Personal Information
Name: Romiro
Account Name: Minou04
Nationality: Algerien
Age: 17 Years old
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English,French

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: Since 2 Years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: Since 2 Years
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: Nope
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:
~[ICE:]~(blue,blue)Left bcz it's in Active squad
Why do you wish to join the FBI: In fact i find that FBI is the best squad in my eyes and there members are well-skilled players so i would like to be one of them.
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: N/A

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Roles are role-playing dialogues and role-play. In general, role-play in realistic scenarios in a video game or simply representation because you are a character with a specific job to do. This is my best part on sever. Time is tight. For people like me, they have nothing, on the other hand, I try to do my best to play roles in every situation, but at the same time, I enjoy as much as possible while doing so. together. Notice, you have a lot of fun writing things and playing them at the same time, or you have fun playing / writing .... For me, in most cases and roles, more fun to write them down, because I can change and write things, I couldn't say that while Role-playing (such as writing a little more about some participants, their story, what they said and how they sounded like saying it, etc.). Sue, I'm here, writing this, trying to put it in such content in my application, that people will really read it ... they read it with passion, while laughing or cursing at the same time, because I made fun of things, which should be left as is, but ! We are designed to develop new things, better, better, better than better, and at this point, you may realize that what you are reading has started as something meaningful, but you have now become a platform, so I will stop here.
Define deathmatching: Killing/Damaging Players or Damaging Their Vehicles without a Valid Reason.
State three server rules (F1): Don't Deathmathing,Don't Multiple account,Don't Park arrest, and spawn kill

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


Hello. You have applied for ICE in 13rd September. In your application, you have stated that you are 15 years old, okay fine. And you become ICE HQ same day, which doesn't really surprise me, anyway, let's move along. On 21st September, you apply for ETF where you are 17 years old already. I'm wondering how can you become 2 years older in 8 days. Ofcourse, you have been denied by ETF HQs, so you decide to apply for another organization same day you got denied, that shows how loyal you are. On 11st October, you apply for a squad, where you are 15 years old again. I have no clue how did you become 2 years younger. On 31st October, you apply for ETF again, where you are again 17 years old. With all that information mentioned above, proves how loyal and mature you are, also how bad liar you really are. With that being said, we have decided to not proceed with your application, therefore you are denied. Please, don't bother re-applying.


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Personal Information
Name: ZoRo
Account Name: ZoRo124
Nationality: Tunisian
Age: 18
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English / French

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 1 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 1Years
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:

  • ICE: ICE got a bad reputation and i stayed in it for 5 Months.

  • TST: I stayed in TST for 3 weeks and left because of their inactivity.

  • ETF: will inform you with the reasan in game.

Why do you wish to join the FBI: I want to join FBI because i belive it's the best squad around. In my opinion too that being surrounded by expert memebers like FBI will help me a lot in my career to learn more and go deeper in the server.
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: N/A

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Police RP means to me acting like a real officer in game like real life.
Define deathmatching: Dm means to kill someone for no reason. Or for revenge.
State three server rules (F1):

  • Don't do Marker arrest.

  • Talk only english in mainchat.

  • Don't abuse bugs.

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Personal Information
Name: Officer.Chris
Account Name: chris95nova
Nationality: Algerien
Age: 25
Primary Language:
Other Languages you speak: Frensh,English.

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 10 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 10 years
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: Nope.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:
SAFP:I Left I Will Explaine Reason In Game For Any HQ.
ICE: I Left Because its Inactive Squad.
FBI(2011):i got kicked because i got banned
FBI(2019): i left,i will explaine reason in game for an HQ+.
CripZ: I Left i Will Explaine Reason in Game For A HQ.
CDC: I left Because they talk Portuguese Only And I Can't Talk It And For The Inactivity Too.
OC:i was good there but i left it because i want to join to C.
C : I Left Because I Want To Return Cop Side.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Because FBI is a elite squad by my opinion and i would like to help them about their activity in SAES we can catch those criminals on outside togheter and FBI has a great reputation in SAES its one of elite squads and the greatest one i've ever seen
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: -
General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Roleplay means behave like in real life for example you have to act like an Real Officer while Roleplaying with someone and keep your attitude realistic and you should be serious during the RP that is important
Define deathmatching: DM or Death Match it means Killing players without any specific reason, DMers always gets adminjails or even a ban. if someone DM me i will take ScreenShot and use /Report
State three server rules (F1):

  • Don't Abuse Bug.

  • Dont't Deathmacthing

  • Don't MultiAccounts,Don't Park/Spawn Kill/Arrest

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^[alt text]

Personal Information
Name: Raef
Account Name: raefmlaih
Nationality: Tunisia
Age: 13
Primary Language: Arabic.
Other Languages you speak: French and English

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 4 years ago
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 4 years ago
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: SAFP and ICE: I left ICE because some members didn't respect me because i was in my first rank. Also, I left SAFP for some problems in.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: First of all, i wanna talk about the members, after my hang i saw many members respecting me and help me, i liked the patrol with them, also I think the FBI can let me improve my self, etc...
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: https://saesrpg.uk/post/145377

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Rp is acting like in real life like a cop stopping a criminal etc...
Define deathmatching: DM is killing or shooting players or cars without any reason.
State three server rules (F1): Do not DM players/ do not revenge DM/ don't kill players. in marks (marker kill)

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


Right, so, we have reviewed your history a bit, and being in a squad for more than 3-4 months is a proof that you can be loyal. And when you have been part of your second squad aka TST, you left them after 3 weeks becase of squad's inactivity. That's where we question ourself if you will make same thing in FBI, incase FBI gets inactive in the future. And regarding ETF leaving, our FBI HQs have been notified about that incident. Furthermore, application could be written better than it is at the moment, but since it's a new year, new chances ... we have decided to proceed with your application to the next stage, where you are obliged to hang with us in order to increase your chance joining us. Anyway, hop in our activities, and expect to be tested by FBI HQ+ soon. Consider yourself set on pending.


Huge organization's history behind you. We are unsure about your loyalty. But being in SAPA is always a plus. Even though, negative feedback received from our members, we're willing to give you a chance to prove yourself worthy. We are proceeding with your application. Before we give you a final answer in a week or two, you will be taken into consideration again just to be sure about you. You are set on under review, which means that you have to double your effort joining us. You will be most likely to hang around us for a week, perhaps 2 weeks. So we can be sure about your loyalty.


I'll just punch myself 2 times in the eyes so I don't have to go through your history, because it's a disaster. ''New year, new me'' they said, therefore we will proceed with your application. Do what you are obliged to do while you are under review. And expect final answer in few days.


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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

@chris01 @Raf0

Ok guys, we have received hundreds of feedbacks onyou two. I don't know how to explain you that, but you both are denied. Re-apply in a week, if still interested.

Perhaps, image below will help you understand what i'm trying to say.

alt text


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Personal Information
Name: Netro
Account Name: XxNetroxX
Nationality: Israel
Age: 18 years old
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 1 years ago
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 9 month ago
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: nope
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:
SAFP: i left SAFP Because i join Pirus to help my friend Soulfly
Pirus:I left to back SAFP
BBMC: I left to join squad
RKMC: after 2 weeks gang closed
ICE:personal problem with HQ
QRF:the leader left the squad
FBI: personal problem they was no active
CripZ: left to back Cop life
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Because i want to learn more new skills and get an nice reputatino
from this squad
if you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: nope

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Role play is acting the real life like cops following his job and arresting crims also
there is a anims can be used like /wash /talk also there is a chat /me , also cop always on a duty, and crims on purist and raid sr's etc...
Define deathmatching: deathmatch is meaning a killing someone or bother a personwith out any reason and
thats called a dming there is many kinds of deathmatching like park kill insulting in chat without any reason.
State three server rules (F1): Do not marker kill or marker arrest. / Do not avoid arrest. / Do not camp the hospital as any class.

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Personal Information

Account Name:jerome11
Primary Language:Turkish
Other Languages you speak:English

In-Game Information

How long have you been playing MTA:Since 2017
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:For 7 months.
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:
Rebels MC:I left from there because the rules was not suit to me.

Why do you wish to join the FBI:I wish to join FBI because there are experienced and respectable players. I got a chance to patrol with FBI and I was impressed about that.I am active player and I am talented,so working with these players will be good thing to me,I belong here
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals:N/A

General Knowledge

Define roleplaying:Roleplay is an imaginary situation where players play character and roles and interact with each other.
Define deathmatching:Deathmaching is,damaging a player or to his car without reason.
State three server rules (F1):
-Dont abuse bugs,If you find a bug report that from saesrpg.uk.
-Dont DM with each other.
-Speak English in mainchat.

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@Netro said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Personal Information
Name: Netro
Account Name: XxNetroxX
Nationality: Israel
Age: 18 years old
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

Dear Applicant,

We have decided to deny your application to the Bureau.

Having 8 organisations in a period of 9 months is, frankly, absurd.

If you wish to re-apply we will only consider an application on or after January 15th. I suspect however you cannot go 2 days without a new organisation.



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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

Dear Rick, we have decided to set you on ~[Pending]~(orange)
Find a SAC/HQ member online to test you
UPD: tested and invited

FBI Special Agent in Charge, IZZE

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Personal Information
Name: Officer.Chris
Account Name: chris95nova
Nationality: Algerien
Age: 25
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: Frensh,English.

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 11 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 11 years
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: Nope.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:
SAFP:I Left I Will Explaine Reason In Game For Any HQ.
ICE: I Left Because its Inactive Squad.
FBI(2011):i got kicked because i got banned
FBI(2019): i left,i will explaine reason in game for an HQ+.
CripZ: I Left i Will Explaine Reason in Game For A HQ.
CDC: I left Because they talk Portuguese Only And I Can't Talk It And For The Inactivity Too.
OC:i was good there but i left it because i want to join to C.
C : I Left Because I Want To Return Cop Side.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: like i mentioned , i have played in this server long enough to take another step forward by applying to become a membre of FBI, also i have some friends are very excited in this squad so i decided to apply here.
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: -
General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: RP or Role Play it means act like in real life and with using anims and following the RolePlay Story.
Define deathmatching: Killing someone at random for no reason. For example, it is forbidden to kill a person who does not have a star as a policeman
State three server rules (F1):

  • Don't DM.

  • Dont Abuse Bugs.

  • Speak English Always in Mainchat.

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^[alt text]

  • Personal Information
    Name: Raf
    Account Name: raefmlaih
    Nationality: Tunisia
    Age: 14
    Primary Language: Arabic
    Other Languages you speak: French and English

  • In-Game Information
    How long have you been playing MTA: 4 years
    How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 4 years
    Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No
    Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: SAFP and ICE.
    ICE: many members didn't respect me and they didn't like me in their squad.
    SAFP: some problems with members.
    Why do you wish to join the FBI: Seriously, this weeks and also in the past, I saw many FBI members joining the game, I saw many activities, etc... The members are helpful and respectful, I spend funny time with them in their activities and patrol.
    If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: https://saesrpg.uk/post/145377

  • General Knowledge
    Define roleplaying: Roleplay is acting in-game like in the real-life. Example: stopping crim for breaking the top speed.
    Define deathmatching: DM is killing or shooting players or cars without any reason.
    State three server rules (F1):
    -Don't DM
    -Speak English in Main chat
    -Don't marker kill/arrest

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

@chris01 @Raf0

Impressive loyalty by applying once again. Chris next time wait for your period to end before re-applying, since you were told to wait exactly 1 week. Both of you have gone through many discussions, we have received positive and negative feedbacks on you to, but mostly positive. Therefore, we have decided to proceed with both of you applications to the next stage. Consider yourself set on pending. In the meantime, hop in our patrols, watch out on your behaviour, and everything else. And yeah, do not be annoying when it comes to hanging. Ask once, we will not tolerate party invites and PMs 24/7. Expect to be tested soon.


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Personal Information
Account Name:emulun12
Primary Language:Turkish
Other Languages you speak:English

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: I dont remember i guess 2 or 3 years(1805 hours) but i was inactive a long time
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 3 years
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: I was in Outfit a long time.There is no reason because i was inactive and i want to start new life at FBI.I was in FBI once upon a time but i got kick for some reasons i can tell any HQ if you want
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I always want to be part of FBI and i was long time ago but i did mistakes i trusted wrong members but i still believe i am fit for FBI because im loyal and funny i can make good relationships with members i can teach somethings to them and i can learn somethings from them and when i was a FBI member i did good things for FBI.I believe in myself i wont make mistakes

If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: No

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Acting like a real life
Define deathmatching: Killing someone for no reason
State three server rules (F1):Dont camp the hospitals,Dont avoid arrest,talk english in main chat

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Personal Information
Name: Cataclysm
Account Name: Cataclysm
Nationality: tunisien
Age: 17 years old
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English,Frensh

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 4 months
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 2 months
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left : N/A
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Because i love it role and it reputation also its one of the oldest and most respected squads on the server
Why should we accept you: Because i can offer my respect, my trust, my skills, my courage and my honesty. And, i try to help anyone.
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: N/A

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: RolePlay or RP means that you have to act like in real life by following their acts and rules.
Define deathmatching: Death matching is whos kills someone with no reason
State three server rules (F1): Do not multi-account,do not deathmatch,do not abuse.

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Personal Information
Name: Netro
Account Name: XxNetroxX
Nationality: Israel
Age: 18 years old
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 1 years ago
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 9 month ago
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: nope
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:
SAFP: i left SAFP Because i join Pirus to help my friend Soulfly
Pirus:I left to back SAFP
BBMC: I left to join squad
RKMC: after 2 weeks gang closed
ICE:personal problem with HQ
QRF:the leader left the squad
FBI: personal problem they was no active
CripZ: left to back Cop life
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Because i want to learn more new skills and get an nice reputatino
from this squad
if you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: nope

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Role play is acting the real life like cops following his job and arresting crims also
there is a anims can be used like /wash /talk also there is a chat /me , also cop always on a duty, and crims on purist and raid sr's etc...
Define deathmatching: deathmatch is meaning a killing someone or bother a personwith out any reason and
thats called a dming there is many kinds of deathmatching like park kill insulting in chat without any reason.
State three server rules (F1): Do not marker kill or marker arrest. / Do not avoid arrest. / Do not camp the hospital as any class.

I am was FBI Member ,,, link : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6991/fbi-federal-records-and-media-archive/131?_=1579092872416&page=7

Thanks for reading
Officer Netro

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