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  1. @ramos can you explain what kind of knowledge I miss?
  2. Name:Andrei. Account Name:Lordgork. Nationality:romanian. Age:17. Primary Language:Romanian Other Languages you speak:English,Romanian,Italian. STAGE 2 How long have you been playing MTA: since 12years. How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 4 years. Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: no, ijust unblocked the jb guardian trainer. Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: no one previous G/S/C. Why do you wish to join the FBI: because one of your member invites me to join. Why should we accept you:because, i am a good cop. Previous bans or admin jails: no Previous bans or admin jails STAGE 3 Are you a former FBI member: No If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: N/A If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: N/A If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: N/A If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): N/A Are you a SAPA or PC member: N/A STAGE 4 What is roleplaying:Roleplay is play a game like real life. What is deathmatching:Deathmatching is whean many player shots oponends is a ffa. State three server rules (F1) : Dont Avoid Arrest Dont Dm Dont MultiAccounting Are you allowed to deathmatch: No STAGE 5 What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10 What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 8.6/10 What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10 What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10 What are your strengths: Shooting and cooperating. What are your weaknesses:Sometimes i dirft to hard with the car . STAGE 6 Scenario One: You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery. EXPLAIN HERE: i gonna to hide in some place nearst to store and i sniping it. Scenario Two: You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles). The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base? EXPLAIN HERE: Easy i will divede the team in 2 parts, first team with m4 go on front and kill every enemy in outside second time go inside an kil rest enemy. Scenario Three: An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery. As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous. You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation? EXPLAIN HERE: I divide the team in 2 parts, first team will block every exit second team will fire, at same time, the enemy head.
  3. Ingame name:Lordgork Username:* Lordgork Country of Residence ; Italy Nationality:Romania Spoken Language:english 8/10 romanian 10/10 italian 10/10 Age:17 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: July 2019 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: OM; was a my personal gang but i delete it Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words:Hello my name is Tudor i have 17 and i living in italy i am from romanian, i want in italy at 8 (age),my parents is separated...i am a funny guy and i want entraint me . I want to join because i play whit thc right now , and i have friend in thc, i have funing whit this gang and help you. Now i play at MTA because i like every GTA but Gta san andreas i my preferred an mta is a version online of it .. and i have fun play gta whit some people. So i want to join to play with you with gang and construct a friendship... hours to conclude I would just like to say thank you for listening to me and I hope we see each other soon
  4. Can you send me the format? or a link where can I see it?
  5. Site Username; Lordgork Game Username;Lordgork I am from Romania I live in italy Spoken Languages; English,Italian,Romanian Date of birthday; 16.12.2002 Date when i have played for fist timein saes server; 2019 Miscellaneous questions; I want to join in The Company because i love this gang and i have friend into this gang
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