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FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation


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U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Office of the Executive

San Andreas, 700-002
Last Updated: 26/06/2020

The FBI is one of the most lethal and efficient fighting forces in the United States of America.
Now in 2020, following the government demands to send the FBI headquarters to San Fierro, a contingent of specialist FBI agents have been sent to San Andreas to act in the state to eradicate and eliminate all criminal and hostile elements.

The new SA branch of the FBI operates according to its own divisional rules. One is expected to be professional, experienced, and above all, able to react in a controlled manner during hostile situations.
^[~[This branch is an elite force; fighting fire with fire.]~(maroon)]

^[Established: 3rd of May, 2011.]

^[''Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity'']

^[Base location: Los Santos, Rodeo]

^[Squad Balance: 250.000.000,- Approximately]

^[Membercount: 104]

^[Recruitment Status: ~[Open]~(lime)]

^[Level: 5]

FBI Promotional Video
FBI Discord
Main FBI Topic
Old Media Archive
Media Archive
Intelligence Information [Topic for some of our classified activities that GMs are authorised to view]

FBI Videos Bookmarks:








The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the leading law enforcement agency in San Andreas.

Our duties and responsibilities include;

  • Counter-Terrorism

  • Counter-intelligence,

  • Investigating corruption,

  • Investigating organised crime,

  • Investigating white-collar crimes,

  • Investigating homicide

  • Major counts of theft/ property damage.


~[I) Discipline]~(maroon)

  • All Federal Agents must respect the chain of command. This is an expectation applied to every aspect of the organisation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. You are allowed to discuss or oppose decisions, but this is only allowed in private. Open dissent will not be tolerated.

  • Respect the rules.

  • All information in the FBI forums must be respected and kept private. You shall not discuss the information within these forums with non-FBI members.
    -=(red) Failure to follow orders from Executive members will not be tolerated. There is a zero-tolerance policy within the FBI. Failure to abide by this result will result in your expulsion from the FBI.=-

~[II) Representation]~(maroon)

  • Partaking in criminal activities are forbidden. You shall not associate yourself with criminal organisations as the FBI represents the purest strain of the law.

  • You are expected to be active and respond to calls from the Office of the Executive (HQ). If you are unable to attend when your participation is required, you must report it to an Executive member.

  • -=(red) Failure to be active/represent the squad appropriately may result in removal without warning.=-

~[III) Discretion]~(maroon)

  • Avoid flaming or spamming the main-chat, even if you have been provoked. You represent the FBI.

  • When partaking in a live FBI Operation remain discreet, you should not have your cover exposed by the target or members of the public. If the following does occur, retreat immediately.

FBI General Rules

  1. The Director and Vice Director can change the rules with the general consensus of the HQ.

  2. Follow the F1 rules in all circumstances.

  3. You are authorised to kill suspects when the life of you or the agents around you is at risk.

  4. Do not abuse the specialist FBI vehicles.

  5. Follow the commands of the FBI HQ.

  6. We are an Elite squad discipline is required when spawned.

  7. Avoid lethal force where possible during hostile situations.

  8. Avoid allowing unauthorised personnel within the FBI Headquarters.

  9. Respect the Codex.

Probation Rules

  • Wear probation tags at all times when spawned as FBI.

  • Put your tags on before you spawn.

  • Any rule breaking during probation will result in a kick.

  • Leaving the FBI during your probation will result in being blacklisted.

Useful Bindings

  • bind LocalChat #456473 [FBI-RP] (type /sur) = no arrest - STOP the car and come out with your hands up!

  • bind LocalChat #456473 [FBI-RP] (type /sur) = no arrest - Surrender now and we can negotiate!

  • bind LocalChat #456473 [FBI-RP] (type /sur) = no arrest - PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW!

  • bind LocalChat #456473 [FBI-RP] THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING!



  • An applicant should be an experienced and well-rounded individual.

  • In most circumstances we value FBI applicants with a history in law enforcement, such as those who hold a ProCop diploma.

  • An applicant must have a strong understanding of the English language.

  • An applicant must play an active role within the law enforcement community.

  • An applicant must be a reputable citizen with no previous history of misconduct.




Director of the FBI: @Daryl
Deputy Director of the FBI: @Steven
Executive Staff of the FBI: @IG8820
Executive Staff of the FBI: @DanielRey
Executive Staff of the FBI: @JojoDb
Executive Staff of the FBI: @IZZE
Executive Staff of the FBI: @TripleX

For the protection of the rank and file agents who are sworn agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, we will not disclose their names.

Last Updated: 07/11/2020

Application format:

If you wish to be considered as a prospective agent, approach a member of the Executive in game. Their names can be found on this topic, an interview will then be arranged.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

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Y'all did good with the redesigned topic. It finally looks like it's an actual squad instead of just some child fooling around with text. You put work and dedication into the format and it shows, hopefully this boosts FBI activity and professionalism, good work.

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@IsLeMou223 said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Account Name:Verdinho.

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 702-000

Dear Applicant:
We would like to thank you for applying. We are sorry to tell you that your application is ~[Denied]~(red). Reasons are that you applied to many different organization within a short time which makes your loyalty doubtable, also we believe that you lack the minimum required amount of knowledge and skills in addition to all of the mentioned reasons we would like to add that your application is way below the required quality to be seriously reviewed.
If you are still interested feel free to reapply after 4 weeks meanwhile we recommend you to show your self and patrol with our agents.

Yours Sincerely,
FBI Director,
Gerrick Universe,
Office of Human Resources Division.

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@Carl-1070 said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

alt text
Name: Med ali
Account Name: Carl
Nationality: tunis
Age: 17
Primary Language: arabe
**Other Languages you speak:**English-French

How long have you been playing MTA: 7 Months
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 5 Months
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: N/A
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL
:ICE i left because i have some problem with HQ
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I whant join in FBI because i fun and i whant play with members FBI like Garcia Zommra
Why should we accept you: Iam good cop and i play all the time cop and i have good repution in SAES
**Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:**i dont have anny bans

Are you a former FBI member:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc):

What is roleplaying: Roleplay RP mean that you need to act like a real character in real life and make some actions
What is deathmatching: Deathmatch mean to not kill any player or destroy his car without reasons and that's against rules
State three server rules (F1):Yes
**Are you allowed to deathmatch:**Is not allowed u can have raport [Admin jail]

**What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: **/10 7.5/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10:/10 8.5/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: /10 8/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: /10 7/10
What are your strengths:
What are your weaknesses:

Scenario One:
You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery with the following equipment available and team.
A Police Maverick
A Patrol Vehicle
Combat Shotgun
M4 Assault Rifle
Sniper Rifle
EXPLAIN BELOW: For me i take vehicles police Maverick and whene i in BR i should take M4 Assault Rifle for arrest
Scenario Two:
You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You have the following teams under control to assault the base:
Assault Team Armed with assault rifles and combat shotguns
Backup Team - Armed with assault rifles and combat shotguns
Approach team (Recon) -Armed with sniper rifles
The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base there are a further three armed criminals.

Your mission is to secure the outside of the base, how would you do so?
Scenario Three:
An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department building.
Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery. As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous.
You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous these is easy because they dont know how shoot for these i will shoot the first the two armed they scare and run for these i will help the grand women


U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 702-000

Dear @Carl-1070, we are sorry to announce but your application is rejected. Very weak application and a bad reputation in general, feel free to re-apply again in 3 months.

-FBI Top Brass.

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Name: Rosalina
Account Name: MrDeathBoy
Nationality: Tunisian
Age: i am 15 Years old
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English,french

How long have you been playing MTA: I started playing MTA for 1 year and a few months ago
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: I instantly started playing on SAES:RPG, same period
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:
My 1st organization was F.B.I, to be honest i choosed it randomly only to know more about saes. I left it because i had some friends in another gang and they recommanded me to join them.
My 2nd organization was Z, some friends recommanded me to join them. I left Z to try the cop side.
My 3rd organization was SAPA, i joined it to try to get the ProCop diploma, I left it because there were many requirements for PC.
My 4th organization was Z (again), i joined them back since it was so hard to get the ProCop diploma. i got kicked from it for many mistakes that i made ingame.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: i really like FBI members attitude, i see you guys back so i'll be here to help you
Why should we accept you: You should accept me because i'm good, loyal, friendly player, i don't get any adminjail
Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: N/A

Are you a former FBI member: Yes
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: it was a very long time ago, I don't remember really
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: i wanted to join a gang
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: probie
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): https://imgur.com/a/rWc6KfI

What is roleplaying: Roleplaying is to act like real life but ingame
What is deathmatching: Deathmatching is killing someone without any reason
State three server rules (F1): Talk english on mainchat.
Do not avoid arrest
Do not abuse bugs
Are you allowed to deathmatch: No

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your strengths: Driving Helicopters, bikes
What are your weaknesses: aiming with deagle, landing shamals

Scenario One:
You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery with the following equipment available and team.
A Police Maverick
A Patrol Vehicle
Combat Shotgun
M4 Assault Rifle
Sniper Rifle
EXPLAIN BELOW: Well, i will just snipe the criminals who are in the store robbery until i get them all.
Scenario Two:
You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You have the following teams under control to assault the base:
Assault Team Armed with assault rifles and combat shotguns
Backup Team - Armed with assault rifles and combat shotguns
Approach team (Recon) -Armed with sniper rifles
The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base there are a further three armed criminals.
Your mission is to secure the outside of the base, how would you do so?
EXPLAIN BELOW: Securing the outside of any base is easy for me, i'll just pay attention on garages, doors and the roads
Scenario Three:
An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department building.
Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery. As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous.
You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
EXPLAIN BELOW: The first thing to do is to block the roads incase if they have more criminals outside, secondly i'll try to sort the situation without any fire, otherwise we'll have to open fire to save the woman

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@MrDeathBoy said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Name: Rosalina
Account Name: MrDeathBoy
Nationality: Tunisian
Age: i am 15 Years old

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 702-000

Dear Applicant:
We would like to thank you for applying. Your application is poor but we decided to give you a chance due to showing interest and loyalty ingame but this would be the last chance, you have 24 hours to fix your application before being seriously reviewed by our side. I would highly recommend you to fix the scenario part especially.

Yours Sincerely,
FBI Director,
Gerrick Universe,
Office of Human Resources Division.

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alt text
Name: Lilskies
Account Name: mahdi444
Nationality: I am Tunisian.
Age: I am 16 years old.
Primary Language: Arabic.
Other Languages you speak: I do speak English, and a bit Frensh.

How long have you been playing MTA:
I started playing MTA in 2014.
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: I've been playing on SAES:RPG for 2 years.
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No, Because Don't have enough time to get Pc.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:
RKMC= Closed.
The Oddboyz= Closed.
ICE= i leave cuz it's inactive and only i'm posting
TST= I left cuz, it's in active and i left for i can join FBI.
FBI= Bored from cop side i want to try crim
WA= I'm kicked so because i have problem with mumbers.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Because This squad is very teamworking.
Why should we accept you: I am kinda skilled, so i think i can help you and make FBI reach level 5 !
Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: I got banned because the admins thought i was abusing my PING, because i can go through the jail's cell door without waiting it to open.

Are you a former FBI member: Yes.
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: I have 2 month ago
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: Bored from cop side i want to try crim.
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: Lvl 1.
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): https://imgur.com/a/4MqX5EB

What is roleplaying: Roleplay is to act your job like in real life and using anims like (talk, me etc...)
What is deathmatching: When you kill someone or destroy vehicles without any proper reason.
State three server rules (F1): Don't Deathmatch / Don't avoid arrest / English only in mainchat and no spamming or fighting
Are you allowed to deathmatch: No.

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your strengths: I am good at driving and shooting.
What are your weaknesses: Role-play and i sometimes lag

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 702-000

Dear @MrDeathBoy
We would like to thank you for applying. We are sorry to tell you that your application is ~[Denied]~(red). The main reason is that we still think that your loyalty is doubtable.
If you are still interested feel free to reapply after 1 week meanwhile we recommend you to show yourself and patrol with our agents.

Dear @Lilskies,
We would like to thank you for applying. We are sorry to tell you that your application is ~[Denied]~(red). The main reason is that we still think that your loyalty is doubtable.
If you are still interested feel free to reapply after 1 week meanwhile we recommend you to show yourself and patrol with our agents.

Yours Sincerely,
FBI Director,
Gerrick Universe,
Office of Human Resources Division.

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Name: Ryan
Account Name: Heisenberg3
Nationality: British
Primary Language: English, Scottish
Other Languages you speak: Russian, Korean


How long have you been playing MTA: 6 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 2 years (total, on an off)
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: I don't
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: SAFP (very long time ago, I left but I don't remember why)
Why do you wish to join the FBI: The FBI is very professional and I feel FBI has a team I'd be proud to be a part of.
Why should we accept you: I'm a good player, and a good cop. I'm loyal and trustworthy. =
Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: I don't know to be honest, it's been such a long time that I played


Are you a former FBI member: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc):


What is roleplaying: Playing the part of a real life role
What is deathmatching: Killing someone without reason (like killing someone just randomly)
State three server rules (F1): No deathmatching, No cheating, English in main chat
Are you allowed to deathmatch: No


What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10 (i'm a native English speaker)
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your strengths: Flying planes and Communication. Strategic responce.
What are your weaknesses: Boat Driving. :-(

Thanks for reading.

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@Scotryan said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Name: Ryan
Account Name: Heisenberg3

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 702-000

We would like to thank you for applying. You are ~[Accepted]~(lime). Find a tester ingame for your tests. Good luck

Yours Sincerely,
FBI Director,
Gerrick Universe,
Office of Human Resources Division.

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Name: Andrs
Account Name: Arkanto12
Nationality: American
Age: 14
Primary Language: English
Other Languages you speak: Spanish & Portugues


How long have you been playing MTA: 3 Years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 2 Months but inactive and now back.
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: I don't have it. I think it's not really necessary since I know basics and I am an experienced MTA player and I have been connected to some other CnR servers which makes me an experienced player.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: N/A
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I would like to represent FBI with my kindness and leading skills. I have some new friends from FBI and I want to learn everything from them. I am not a troublemaker so I guess I will easily adapt to the group and it's members.
Why should we accept you: I am a very kind and experienced player. I respect everyone's opinion and I am helpful. I love to patrol with FBI members and I can be a part of the FBI without any doubts.
Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: N/A


Are you a former FBI member: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): N/A


What is roleplaying: Roleplaying is something that you must do stuff like you are in real life. You must act on purpose of your job or occupation. In order to do roleplaying, you need one more player. You can simply use animations in order to make it better.
What is deathmatching: Deathmatching is an action which can be provided by 2 or more people. You can either use your weapons and kill them or just kill them via ramming etc.
Tell us three server rules (F1):

Impersonating someone or a group is forbidden.

Cheats and trainers aren't allowed.

DeathMatching is not allowed.

Are you allowed to deathmatch: No.


What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your strengths: Active, Good driver.
What are your weaknesses: Lag, fps , insults

Thanks, for Reading my application!
With, sincerely. Andrs

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@Funstein said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Name: Andrs
Account Name: Arkanto12
Nationality: American

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 702-000

We would like to thank you for applying. You are ~[under review]~(orange) please be patient meanwhile we highly recommend you to show yourself more to our agents. We would also recommend you to join FBI discord [https://discordapp.com/invite/GJB9MrNl].

Yours Sincerely,
FBI Director,
Gerrick Universe,
Office of Human Resources Division.

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@Qweezy said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

@Funstein said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Name: Andrs
Account Name: Arkanto12
Nationality: American

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 702-000

We would like to thank you for applying. You are ~[under review]~(orange) please be patient meanwhile we highly recommend you to show yourself more to our agents. We would also recommend you to join FBI discord [https://discordapp.com/invite/GJB9MrNl].

Yours Sincerely,
FBI Director,
Gerrick Universe,
Office of Human Resources Division.

10-4, Thanks

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Name: Combine
Account Name: 'sapience'
Nationality: Spanish
Age: 24
Primary Language: Spanish
Other Languages you speak: English, German, some portuguese.


How long have you been playing MTA: Since 2009/2010
How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: Since 2010/2011
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: I had my PC about 4 or 5 years ago, when I was an ALT member - I lost the diploma as of joining HS/criminal side.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: B~B(2011), TST(2013), ALT(2013), HS(2014?), AA(2014-2018). I left B~B on 2011 because I wanted to turn to cop side, I got my PC on TST so I left to ALT and then jumped into HS when it got active, until it died, after that I joined AA, which I got kicked for rulebreaking/deathmatching.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: It's my opportunity to find a place to consider as a family and prove my loyalty as well, FBI suits perfectly with my expectation of a perfect police squad.
Why should we accept you: I have the time experience, and will, to serve to the squad as best as I can. I have a good attitude nowadays and maybe accepting me means I can contribute in many ways to FBI, and I got much to show/prove with my effort starting by this application.
Previous bans or admin jails: Back in the past for being a cunt, but that was loooong ago (around 2010/2011), my recent ban was for the same stuff though... Massive deathmatch and abusing ZIP panel which led to the kick, there isn't anything else, I know the stuff I did was cuntish and I haven't fell in the same mistakes anymore, although some people can't even see this.


Are you a former FBI member: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: -
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: -
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: -
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): -


What is roleplaying: Acting/performing a role as if it was on real life.
What is deathmatching: Killing someone without an specific reason.
State three server rules (F1): No avoiding arrest, no camping at hospitals & no 'park-killing'
Are you allowed to deathmatch: No.


What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 6/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your strengths: If it's game wise, I'd say roleplaying, which is one of the things I enjoy the most about the game, although I'm good too at hiting with the nighstick criminal asses.
What are your weaknesses: I'm not really good at shooting, honestly, neither at tasing, I need more practice and most of the time I always fail to taze the criminal due to his lag or any other reason.

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@Funstein said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:


Name: Andrs
Account Name: Arkanto12
Nationality: American

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 790-000

We would like to thank you for applying. You are ~[Accepted]~(lime). Welcome to Federal Bureau of Investigation. Good luck.

Yours Sincerely,
FBI Tester,
Devin "JohnT" Thorne,
Office of Human Resources Division.

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@Combine said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Name: Combine
Account Name: 'sapience'
Nationality: Spanish
Age: 24

U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 702-000

We would like to thank you for applying. We are delighted to inform you that you are ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Decent application and good presentation to the bureau from your side therefor due to the mentioned reasons we decided to accept your application. Find any tester ingame for your final tests. Good luck

Yours Sincerely,
FBI Director,
Gerrick Universe,
Office of Human Resources Division.

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Name: gladio
Account Name: gladio
Nationality: Tunisia
Primary Language: arabe
Other Languages you speak: anglais-french

How long have you been playing MTA: 2018
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 50 houres
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: no .I do not know how to become procop
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:no
Why do you wish to join the FBI:i really like FBI members attitude, i see you guys back so i'll be here to help you
Why should we accept you:I am a respectable person and i am I am a very kind and experienced player
Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:no i dont have anything

Are you a former FBI member: no
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc):

What is roleplaying: is something that you must do stuff like you are in real life
What is deathmatching: Killing someone without reason
State three server rules (F1): No deathmatching/Don't avoid arrest/ English in main chat
Are you allowed to deathmatch: no

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10 /10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 9 /10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 7 /10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 6 /10
What are your strengths: driving and shooting
What are your weaknesses: sometimes lag

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Name: Aurora
Account Name: jamesmpf
Nationality: Italian
Age: 22
Primary Language: English
Other Languages you speak: Italian

How long have you been playing MTA: 4 years, probably more
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 2 years roughly
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: I will in 1 week. It got removed due to a ban but I have 1 week left of probation until I can take the test again.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:
FBI; Left in the early days of it, don't recall why
TST; Went inactive on the server
SAFP; Behavior issues, got kicked
FOX; Left for SAFP
SAPA; I left as a Sergeant to go to FOX (when SAPA was a squad)
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Seems like something fun to do, lot of friends are here and figured I could help them out a bit.
Why should we accept you: I have the role-play knowledge, the activity and the know-how.
Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:
Ban; Multiaccounting when I first started out on SAES
Ban2; Behavior issues - argued with staff
Adminjail; Ramming cars - which is arguable based on the situation

Are you a former FBI member: Yes
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: 2016-ish, no clue but was back when the base was by the LS Courthouse and then the LS bank
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: Wanted a new experience
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: Full agent, probably higher.
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): N/A

What is roleplaying: Act of behaving like a real-life role in a different circumstance. Such as on a game.
What is deathmatching: Act of killing someone for no reason
State three server rules (F1): Don't death-match, don't harass others, and don't multiaccount
Are you allowed to deathmatch: Nope

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10
What are your strengths: Role-play, driving and team-work
What are your weaknesses: Flying and behavior issues

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 702-000

Dear @xX-GlaDio-Xx
First of all we would like to thank you for applying. I would personally commend your attitude and behaviour. I am so sorry to tell you that despite of what's mentioned you were Denied. The reasons are the lack of basic knowledge and skills. Still this isn't the end of the road if you are still interested please feel free to reapply only after a week. During this period we would recommend you to patrol with our agents.

Dear @Aurora,
First of all we would like to thank you for applying. I will shortly conclude it all by saying that we believe in second chances and that people could change in addition to that you are experienced enough. Therefor we are delighted to tell you are ~[Accepted]~(lime). Find any tester ingame for your tests and good luck.

Yeah and @MrDeathBoy please don't apply next time before being 100% sure and not before a month from now

Yours Sincerely,
FBI Director,
Gerrick Universe,
Office of Human Resources Division.

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~[STAGE 1]~(#2b76a8)
Name: Med ali
Account Name: Cal
Nationality: Tunis
Age: 17
Primary Language: Aabic
Other Languages you speak: English-fench

~[STAGE 2]~(#2b76a8,#2b76a8,#2b76a8)
How long have you been playing MTA: 5 month
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 4 month
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: N/A nigative
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: N/a
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I whant join in FBI because FBI is very squad active and i hope to play with theme
Why should we accept you: I very player active and i play all the time Cop i dont like crim and there many player they know me
Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: I dont have anny Bans or admin jail thank god

~[STAGE 3]~(#2b76a8)
Are you a former FBI member:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: NO
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: NO
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): NO

~[STAGE 4]~(#2b76a8)
What is roleplaying: Roleplaying is s when you try to expose everyday reality like the real life
What is deathmatching: DM dont kill player with reason or with reason
State three server rules (F1):
Are you allowed to deathmatch: You not allowed you can have admin jail
No deathmatching
Dont Cheats
Dont camp

~[STAGE 5]~(#2b76a8)
What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: /10 7
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: /10 8.7
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: /10 8 arrest : 9
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: /10 8
What are your strengths: Draving shoot-parachut-arrest crim
What are your weaknesses: Drop ping

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Name: Daniel
Account Name: sadaopapa
Nationality: I am Hungarian.
Age: I am 25 years old.
Primary Language: Hungarian
Other Languages you speak: I do speak English and Deutsch.

How long have you been playing MTA: I started playing MTA in 2012
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: I've been playing on SAES:RPG for 7 years.
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I always wanted to join FBI.
Why should we accept you: Because me and my partner are both hard working cops and we would like to reach the max level in the team.
Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: Long time ago criminals.
Are you a former FBI member: No.
What is roleplaying: Roleplay is to act your job like in real life and using anims like (talk, me etc...) Roleplay is to act your job like in real life and using anims like /me so excited to join to fbi
What is deathmatching: When you kill someone or destroy vehicles without any proper reason.
State three server rules (F1): Don't Deathmatch / Don't avoid arrest / English only in mainchat and no spamming or fighting
Are you allowed to deathmatch: No.

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10
What are your strengths: I am good at driving and shooting.
What are your weaknesses: Lag, Bug

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